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Campus Implementation

Implementing Practices on your Campus

To reach 66 percent educational attainment by 2025, we must erase the racial disparities in who gets to college and who earns a credential.

Institutions are working hard to close these gaps, recruiting more faculty of color, making tuition as affordable as possible and supporting students along their educational journey. But here’s the truth: No strategic plan for equity will succeed unless every student feels valued and welcome the minute they step onto campus. As faculty and administrators, it’s our job to foster inclusive, validating learning environments for all.

Leadership Resources

Working with higher education diversity experts, we have created a Campus Readiness Scorecard that assesses your institution’s stage in fostering inclusive learning environments. This survey should be taken as an executive team, bringing together presidents, diversity and equity officers, data and research officers and provosts and deans. If you’re interested in taking the survey, please contact Shelley Banker, TIE coordinator and director of the Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative.

Rolling out faculty professional development on your campus

To roll out these inclusive teaching strategies on your campus, our research uncovered several best practices:

  • Create cohorts: From our interviews with successful campuses, we found the most effective way to deliver training is a model that consists of small-medium sized groups of faculty members who go through the training together.
  • Embed reflection into the process: As part of the professional development, faculty suggested implementing a participatory action research model, which asks faculty members to be active participants in the training and conduct mini “research” projects on their teaching practices.
  • Be data driven: Professional development programs should collect institutional data disaggregated by race, class and gender.
  • Set the vision: When rolling out professional development, explain and show the purpose, mission and expectations of the training program.
  • Encourage ongoing self-inquiry: Faculty must understand their own personal identities, their students and their institution culture for effective training.

Sign Up

For questions, feedback, or to request more information about the Equity Toolkit, sign up below.