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Research Topics


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Concurrent Enrollment

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Job Skills Report

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Looking for more research and information related to higher education? These may be of interest..... Learn More

Performance Contracts & Funding

Current initiatives are in progress regarding Performance Contract Compliance, Funding and Metrics...
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Educator Preparation

Several initiatives are under way regarding Educator Preparation...
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Educator Preparation Project
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Data Sharing

3 men
Research integrates datasets from institutions, state departments and national sources. Learn More

Data Collection

Data collected and shared make all research possible... Learn More

Research Agenda


Request for Proposals

Improving Teacher Quality Grants 2012-2013
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), Title II, Part A
CFDA Number: 84.367

Improving Teacher Quality grants are authorized by the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA; formerly known as NCLB), Title II, Part A law and are administered through the Colorado Department of Higher Education (DHE). The purpose of the grants is to increase P-12 student academic growth and achievement by improving educator effectiveness and the equitable distribution of effective educators throughout the state. These funds may be used to address professional development for in-service teachers, coursework for highly qualified paraprofessionals who are working toward teacher licensure or the need for more effective principals and assistant principals who are well-prepared for the schools and communities in which they will work. In exchange for receiving funds, partners will be held accountable to the public for improvements in P-12 student academic growth and achievement.



Current Research Projects

Development of four enrollment projection models (a 10-year forecast) 
Contracted with Noel-Levitz, Inc. to develop four enrollment projection models (a 10-year forecast) for each CDHE institution (all public four-year and two-year public institutions in Colorado as tabulated in Appendix A of this agreement) for: college-bound high school seniors; new transfer students; new adult undergraduate students; and new graduate students (for those schools that enroll graduate students). Each model will include separate projections for specific race/ethnic groups. Individual school models will be aggregated into a statewide model, a model by sector, and a model by region. Noel- Levitz will provide spreadsheet workbooks for each model developed and will do an on-site presentation to CDHE staff on the implications of the modes. A written executive summary will also be provided. Results will be shared publicly and in-depth with Colorado public institutions.




Statewide College Participation Models 
Contracted with Noel-Levitz, Inc. to develop five statewide college participation models on the propensity of high school sophomores (or seniors pending quality of CDHE data) to: attend college; attend a 2-year in-state public institution; attend a regional four-year public institution; attend a statewide 4-year public institution; or attend an in-state private or out-of-state public or private institution. Results will be shared publicly and in-depth with Colorado public institutions.


Report Coming Soon


Colorado Admissions Standards Policy Impact Study 
Contracted with Augenblick, Palaich, and Associates (APA) to analyze research questions related to Colorado’s Admissions Standards Policy, which is currently under review. Questions to be analyzed Research questions may include: 1) How have admission rates varied by institution and school year? 2) How are admission rates related to the institutional diversity? 3) Are changes in admission rates or the characteristics of admitted students correlated with changes in post-secondary success? 4) How are factors considered in admission related to post-secondary success?
Results will be shared publicly.




Colorado Admissions Standards Policy Impact Study 
Contracted with Colorado Mesa University to analyze research questions related to Colorado's Admissions Standards Policy. The final report will include analysis regarding realigning the admission index and examining the remedial cut scores. Results will be shared publicly.


Report Coming Soon


Comprehensive Remedial Analysis  
Contracted with Augenblick, Palaich, and Associates (APA) to analyze research questions related to review of the Remedial Policy. Research questions may include: 1) Over time, how do ACT scores correlate with undergraduate GPA and degree attainment? 2) Do scores correlate with length of time taken to obtain an undergraduate degree? 3) Should broader measures be included as part of state remediation or admission policy? 4) Does rigor of the high school curriculum correlate with degree attainment?
Results will be shared publicly.


Report Coming Soon


Retention and Transfer Study 
Contracted with the National Center for Higher Education Management Statistics (NCHEMS) to address the following primary three research questions: 1) What influence do students' background characteristics - including but not limited to academic, institutional, financial, and demographic variables - have on their retention and transfer within the postsecondary system? 2) How do student retention and migration patterns differ by the following subgroups: full-time students, part-time students, adult learners, incoming transfer students by county, and by sector? 3) How does college participation, in addition to retention and transfer, function as a dependent variable to the other independent variables in the study and what are its strongest predictors?
Results will be shared publicly.


Report Coming Soon


Educator Preparation Study 
Contracted jointly with the Education Innovation Institute at the University of Northern Colorado and the Schools of Education at University of Colorado Boulder and University of Colorado Denver. The research analysis will address the following research questions: 1) What process do IHEs user to identify "completers" for initial teacher licensure and endorsements in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education and/or Special Education Generalist? 2) What are the demographic characteristics of Colorado teachers who received their preparation at Colorado IHEs? How do these demographics vary by IHE? 3) How do teacher placement rates in Colorado schools and school districts compare across IHEs? 4) How do school districts of teachers with initial licensure versus additional endorsements compare? 5) What is the rate of transfer to a new school/district from December 2010 to December 2011? Retention?
Results will be shared publicly.


Report 1: Linking Teachers to Preparation Programs

Report 2: Providing Context for Outcomes-Based Teacher Preparation Program Evaluation


Workforce Needs as they Relate to Higher Education in Colorado 
Contracted with the independent researcher Gary Horvath. The research analysis will include a review of Colorado's broad economic goals, review of workforce projections (disaggregated by key industries and clusters), and identification of current and potential workforce demand gaps.
Results will be shared publicly.


Report Coming Soon



Task Forces, Summits and Planning

November 2011

     Educational Success Task Force

December 2009 - November 2010

     Higher Education Strategic Planning

June 2007

      Colorado Higher Education Summit

April 2007

      Capital Task Force

May 2005 - January 2006

      Colorado Minority Success Task Force

December 2003 - April 2004

      CCCS Task Force to Strengthen and Improve the Community College System

November 2001 - January 2003

      Blue Ribbon Panel

Higher Education 2000, Past, Present, and Future

      House Bill 99-1289, Report 1, January 2000
      House Bill 99-1289, Report 2, January 2000




Request for Proposals: Stimulating Reentry of Adult Ready Population into Higher Education and Increasing the Enrollment and Educational Outcomes of Hispanic Students in Higher Education (January 2009)


Colorado Compared to Other States and the Nation (NCHEMS)


Impact of Public Higher Education on the State of Colorado (December 2007)
Colorado Higher Education Finance Study, NCHEMS (May 2007)
Adjunct Professor Benefits Study (January 2007)


What the ACT Reveals About College Readiness in Reading (2005 Data)


Steady Progress, Higher Education Governance : 99-1289 Report (January 2000)
Colorado Higher Education 2000 : 99-1289 Report (January 2000)


Ready & Able, College Level Expectations (June 1997)