The Division administers the Private Occupational School Act on behalf of the Governor appointed Private Occupational School Board, which meets monthly to approve new schools, school renewals, school programs and courses per the Act and Rules. To protect students against fraudulent and substandard educational practices, the board also reviews Division investigations and issues disciplinary actions against schools when appropriate.
This online tool is used by schools to manage everything required to maintain compliance with our Statute and Rules including required filings, agent applications, instructor updates, surety updates, program revisions, new program applications, change of location/name, change of ownership applications, and more. Click on DPOS Connect Resources on the menu to the left to find a link to the DPOS Connect login site, user guides, and school forms needed for upload. If you would like to request to be a new user for DPOS Connect, submit a DPOS school complaint, report an unauthorized institution, or request an exemption please go to
Division of Private Occupational Schools next Board meeting - August 27, 2024
House Bill 22-1049 regarding student records (effective 4/21/2022)
Board Directive Regarding Advanced Training within Programs 9/4/2020
Notice to Schools Regarding Method of Delivery Changes 9/4/2020
Ancillary/Supplementary Education Questionnaire
- Click here
- Email completed questionnaire to
During the COVID-19 pandemic the Division has worked through the Department to keep schools updated as it receives information.
- New DPOS Board Policy for temporary method of delivery changes due to a COVID-19 outbreak
- Effective 8/24/2021
- DPOS Guidance for Schools regarding classrooms, vaccinations, and social distancing
- Posted 5/3/2021
Governor Polis Pushes for Federal Funding for Small Businesses
Colorado Open Records Act
- The Colorado Department of Higher Education is committed to transparency and open government. Please review our revised Colorado Open Records Act Policy for information about fees associated with processing CORA requests.
Social Security Fraud Hotline
The National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) has developed a tremendous resource to assist students with loan issues. The website has information on how to work through a default, repayment issues, renegotiating loans, other payment options, etc.