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GE Council


Last updated 10/29/2024



Title (Discipline)

Business Phone


Artis, WayneCCCS (PPSC)Professor & Assistant to VPIS (History)
Bates, LynetteCCCS (TSC)Vice President of Academic
Bennett, KelseyWCUAssociate Vice President for Academic Affairs (English)
Bowers, BradCCCS (PCC)Faculty (History)
Bowling, TonyTCRDirector of Facilities & Financial Aid
Bridge, MorganCMUAssistant Vice President for Academic
Caprioglio, HelenCSU-PAssociate Provost (Biology)
Couch, CharlieUNCUniversity
Cox, Elizabeth (Liz)CSMAssistant Director of Transfer Relations 
Davis, MeghanCCCS (CNCC)Dean of Instruction, Career & Technical Education (Animal Science)
Davis, RachelleCCCS (NJC)Health, Science & Math Department
Emick, KellyCCCS (LCC)Faculty (History)
Groff, TheresaCCCS (ACC)
Gulliksen, MichaelCCCS (FRCC)Sr. Director of
Herasingh, ChelseaCCCS (OC)Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs (Psychology)
Holzberlein, SaraEGTCDean of Hospitality, Services and Multimedia
Jobe, DanenCCCSDirector of Academic Programs and Curriculum (English)
Langston, PaulCCCS (CCA)Faculty (Social Sciences)
Lindstrom, PeteCCCS (CCD)Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs (English)
Matchett, NancyUNCAssociate Provost and Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Studies (Philosophy)
McCormick, PeterFLCAssociate Provost (Environment & Sustainability)
Myers, BethCU DenverAssociate Vice Chancellor for Academic Planning and Institutional
Olivo, ChristianeCCCS (MCC)Dean of General Education & Health 
Olson, KatherineCSU-GProgram Director for GE and Interdisciplinary Studies 
Peters, JessicaCCCS (RRCC)Director, Advising, Transfer and Special Programs
Regjo, KathrynCMCVice President of Academic Affairs (Business)
Reichel, ScottAimsAcademic Dean of Arts and
Saenz, NickASUAssistant Vice President for Academic Affairs (History)
Schafer, ShaunMSU DenverAssociate Vice President for Curriculum, Academic Effectiveness and Policy Development (Journalism)
Stanley, MichelleCSUInterim Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs (Music)
Tally, PatrickCU BoulderAssistant Dean for Academic and Curricular Affairs (History)
Taylor, SusanUCCSVice Provost & Associate Vice Chancellor for Undergraduate Education & Academic Planning (English)
Vidockler, AndrewPTCAssistant Director
2025 Meetings

Meets the second Monday of every month from 1:00-4:00 pm with noted exceptions. Schedule posted 11/19/2024.

All meetings are scheduled to meet remotely, via Zoom.





January 13AgendaNotesZoom Link
February 10AgendaNotesZoom Link
March 10AgendaNotesZoom Link
April 14AgendaNotesZoom Link
May 12AgendaNotesZoom Link
June 9Agenda NotesZoom Link
July 14AgendaNotesZoom Link
August 18*AgendaNotesZoom Link
September 15*AgendaNotesZoom Link
October 13AgendaNotesZoom Link
November 10AgendaNotesZoom Link
December 8AgendaNotesZoom Link

*August and September meetings are scheduled for the third Monday of the month.

2024 Meetings

Meets the second Monday of every month from 1:00-4:00 pm with noted exceptions. Schedule posted 12/21/2023.

All meetings are scheduled to meet remotely, via Zoom.





January 8AgendaNotes

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 897 8166 9084

Password: 269246

February 12AgendaNotes

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 1712 6940

Password: 724085

March 11AgendaNotes

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 4402 0402

Password: 764341

April 8AgendaNotes

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 822 7048 8915

Password: 162023

May 13AgendaNotes

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 865 7046 6745

Password: 955379

June 10AgendaNotes

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 850 5136 7513

Password: 138995

July 8AgendaNotes

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 851 3642 6485

Password: 363317

August 12AgendaNotes

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 832 6462 3264

Password: 130255

September 9AgendaNotes

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 879 9712 6434

Password: 293619

October 14

October 21

GE Council Retreat: 9:30 am - 4:00 pm



Hybrid Meeting

1600 Broadway, Suite 2200, Denver

Training Room

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 876 9617 4201

Password: 813769

November 11

November 18


Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 814 9420 4296
Passcode: 855301

December 9AgendaNotes

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 854 9917 9189
Passcode: 278422

2023 Meetings

Meets the second Monday of every month from 1:00-4:00 pm with noted exceptions. Schedule posted 11/10/2022.

All meetings are currently scheduled to meet remotely, via Zoom.

January 9AgendaNotes

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 886 3386 3150

Password: 581318

February 13AgendaNotes

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 822 5837 0475

Password: 893294

March 13AgendaNotes

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 839 6750 6896

Password: 206107

April 10AgendaNotes

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 896 7229 0391

Password: 349641

May 8AgendaNotes

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 824 3318 8879

Password: 531867

June 12AgendaNotes

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 890 4363 4180

Password: 827146

July 10 CANCELED   
August 14AgendaNotes

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 865 5534 3788

Password: 985019

September 11AgendaNotes

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 891 4723 8398

Password: 792203

October 9AgendaNotes

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 823 3881 0510

Password: 180889

November 13AgendaNotes

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 837 597 0415

Password: 533411

December 11AgendaNotes

Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 840 3782 3466

Password: 814682

2022 Meetings

Meets the second Monday of every month from 1:00-4:00 pm with noted exceptions. Schedule posted 12/07/2021.

January 10AgendaNotes
February 14*AgendaNotes
March 14*AgendaNotes
April 11AgendaNotes
May 9AgendaNotes
June 13AgendaNotes
July 11 CANCELED  

August 8 

August 15 CANCELED

September 12AgendaNotes
October 10 CANCELED  
November 14* November 7AgendaNotes
December 12AgendaNotes

* = meeting will be held on the second Monday, as scheduled. All meetings are currently scheduled to meet remotely, via Zoom. If the Department returns to convening in-person, these meetings may move to the first Monday of the month. 

2021 Meetings
January 11 -- Remote ONLYAgendaNotes
February 8 -- Remote ONLYAgendaNotes
March 8 -- Remote ONLYAgendaAgendaNotes
May 10 -- Remote ONLYAgendaNotes
June 7 (first Monday) June 14 -- Remote ONLYAgendaNotes
July 12 -- Remote ONLYAgendaNotes
August 9 -- Remote ONLYAgendaNotes
September 13 -- Remote ONLYAgendaNotes
October 11 -- Remote ONLYAgendaNotes
November 8 -- Remote ONLYAgendaNotes
December 13 -- Remote ONLYAgendaNotes
2020 Meetings
January 13AgendaNotes
February 10AgendaNotes
March 9AgendaNotes
April 13 (Zoom Link)
May 11AgendaNotes
June 8AgendaNotes
July 13AgendaNotes
August 10AgendaNotes
September 14AgendaNotes
October 5 (first Monday)AgendaNotes
November 9AgendaNotes
December 7 (first Monday) CANCELED  
2019 Meetings
Meets the second Monday with noted exceptions. Schedule posted 11/6/2018.
January 14AgendaNotes
February 11AgendaNotes
March 11AgendaNotes
April 15AgendaNotes
May 13AgendaNotes
June 10 CANCELED  
August 12AgendaNotes
September 9AgendaNotes
October 7 (first Monday)AgendaNotes
November 4 (first Monday)AgendaNotes
December 9 CANCELED  
2018 Meetings
Meets the second Monday of every month except May, 1-4 p.m. @ CDHE, Emily Griffith conference room. Schedule posted 10/25/2017.
January 8AgendaNotes
February 12AgendaNotes
March 12AgendaNotes
April 9 - Held concurrently with April Academic Council meetingAgendaNotes
May 7AgendaNotes
June 11AgendaNotes
August 13AgendaNotes
September 10AgendaNotes
October 8AgendaNotes
November 5 CANCELED  
December 10AgendaNotes
2017 Meetings
Schedule last updated 09/23/16
January 9 CANCELLEDAgendaNotes
February 13AgendaNotes
March 13AgendaNotes
April 10—GE Council Retreat, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., 770 Pennsylvania StreetAgendaNotes
May 8AgendaNotes
June 12AgendaNotes
July 10 CANCELEDAgendaNotes
August 7AgendaNotes
September 11 CANCELEDAgendaNotes
October 9AgendaNotes
November 13AgendaNotes
December 11 -- Webinar/Call-in OnlyAgendaNotes
2016 Meetings
Schedule last updated 8/27/15
January 11 CANCELLEDAgendaNotes
February 8AgendaNotes
March 7AgendaNotes
April 11AgendaNotes
May 9AgendaNotes
June 13AgendaNotes
July 11AgendaNotes
August 8 CANCELLEDAgendaNotes
September 12AgendaNotes
October 10AgendaNotes
November 7AgendaNotes
December 12AgendaNotes
2015 Meetings
Schedule last updated 8/10/15
January 12AgendaMinutes
February 9AgendaMinutes
March 9AgendaMinutes
April 13AgendaMinutes
May 11AgendaMinutes
June 8AgendaMinutes
July 13AgendaMinutes
August 10AgendaMinutes
September 30, Wednesday
October 12AgendaMinutes
November 9 CancelledAgendaMinutes
December 7AgendaMinutes
2014 Meetings
Schedule last updated 11/8/13
January 13AgendaMinutes
February 10AgendaMinutes
March 10AgendaMinutes
April 7 Cancelled - GE Council to attend SAI Summit (4/17) and Faculty-to-Faculty Conference (4/18)AgendaMinutes
May 12AgendaMinutes
June 9 CancelledAgendaMinutes
July 7 CancelledAgendaMinutes
August 11 CancelledAgendaMinutes
September 8AgendaMinutes
October 13AgendaMinutes
November 10AgendaMinutes
December 8AgendaMinutes
2013 Meetings
Schedule last updated 11/19/2012
January 7, 2013 CancelledAgendaMinutes
February 11, 2013AgendaMinutes
March 11, 2013AgendaMinutes
April 8, 2013AgendaMinutes
May 13, 2013AgendaMinutes
June 10, 2013 Cancelled - GE Council to attend P20 Partnerships SummitAgendaMinutes
July 8, 2013 CancelledAgendaMinutes
August 12, 2013AgendaMinutes
September 9, 2013AgendaMinutes
October 7, 2013AgendaMinutes
November 11, 2013AgendaMinutes
December 9, 2013AgendaMinutes
2012 Meetings
Schedule last updated 6/18/2012
January 9, 2012AgendaMinutes
February 13, 2012AgendaMinutes
March 12, 2012AgendaMinutes
April 9, 2012AgendaMinutes
May 7, 2012AgendaMinutes
June 11, 2012AgendaMinutes
July 9, 2012AgendaMinutes
August 13, 2012 CancelledAgendaMinutes
September 10, 2012AgendaMinutes
October 8, 2012AgendaMinutes
November 12, 2012AgendaMinutes
December 10, 2012AgendaMinutes
2011 Meetings
January 10, 2011AgendaMinutes
February 7, 2011AgendaMinutes
March 7, 2011AgendaMinutes
April 11, 2011AgendaMinutes
May 9, 2011AgendaMinutes
June 13, 2011AgendaMinutes
July 11, 2011AgendaMinutes
August 8 Cancelled--
September 12, 2011AgendaMinutes
October 10, 2011AgendaMinutes
November 7, 2011AgendaMinutes
December 12, 2011AgendaMinutes
2010 Meetings
Schedule last updated 5/3/10
January 11AgendaMinutes
February 8AgendaMinutes
March 8AgendaMinutes
April 12AgendaMinutes
May 10AgendaMinutes
June 7AgendaMinutes
July 12AgendaMinutes
August 9 Cancelled--
September 13AgendaMinutes
October 11AgendaMinutes
November 8AgendaMinutes
December 13AgendaMinutes
2009 Meetings
January 12AgendaMinutes
February 9AgendaMinutes
March 9AgendaMinutes
April 13AgendaMinutes
May 11AgendaMinutes
June 8AgendaMinutes
July 13AgendaMinutes
August 10AgendaMinutes
September 14AgendaMinutes
October 12AgendaMinutes
November 9AgendaMinutes
December 7AgendaMinutes
2008 Meetings
January - No Meeting--
February 11 - Canceled--
March 10AgendaMinutes
April 7 - Canceled--
May 12AgendaMinutes
June 9AgendaMinutes
July 7AgendaMinutes
August 11AgendaMinutes
September 8AgendaMinutes
October 13AgendaMinutes
November 10AgendaMinutes
December 8AgendaMinutes
2007 Meetings
March 12, 2007AgendaMinutes
April 9, 2007AgendaMinutes
May 7, 2007AgendaMinutes
June 11, 2007AgendaMinutes
August 20, 2007AgendaMinutes
September 10, 2007AgendaMinutes
October 8, 2007AgendaMinutes
November 12, 2007AgendaMinutes
December 10, 2007AgendaMinutes
2006 Meetings
January 9, 2006AgendaMinutes
February 13, 2006AgendaMinutes
March 13, 2006AgendaMinutes
April 10, 2006AgendaMinutes
May 8, 2006AgendaMinutes
June 12, 2006AgendaMinutes
August 7, 2006AgendaMinutes
September 11, 2006AgendaMinutes
December 11, 2006AgendaMinutes
2005 Meetings
August 8, 2005AgendaMinutes
September 12, 2005AgendaMinutes
October 17, 2005AgendaMinutes
November 14, 2005AgendaMinutes
December 12, 2005AgendaMinutes