The 2025-26 FAFSA and CASFA are now open! Complete your application today!



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Improving Teacher Quality

Improving Teacher Quality grants are authorized by the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA; formerly known as NCLB), Title II, Part A and are administered through the Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE). The purpose of the grants is to increase P-12 student academic growth and achievement by improving educator effectiveness and the equitable distribution of effective educators throughout the state.  The official request for proposals can be found 



RISE (Relevant Information to Strengthen Education) is an instructional improvement system that will provide immediate information about students, educators and schools to improve instruction and support student success from preschool to career. There are four strategic objectives under the RISE program: Capture, Link, Provide and Perform. Each strategic objective is accomplished through a series of projects known as Capture, Link, Provide and Perform.

For more information on this project in Colorado, visit the Colorado Department of Education website and

Complete College America

Complete College America is a national nonprofit with a mission to work with states to significantly increase the number of Americans with quality career certificates or college degrees and to close attainment gaps for traditionally underrepresented populations.

Credit When It's Due (Reverse Transfer)

Reverse Transfer refers to the partnerships of community colleges/universities that significantly scale-up approaches to awarding associate degrees to the many students who transfer from community colleges to universities before receiving the associates degree when students demonstrate the learning required for the degree. These initiatives are currently in 12 states.

For more information on this project in Colorado, visit

College Access Challenge Grant

The goal of the CACG team is to address Colorado’s higher education ethnic achievement gap. Colorado is one of the most educated states in the U.S., however, it also has the highest gap in academic attainment between majority/minority populations and one of the lowest college matriculation rates, particularly for minority students.

For more information on this project, visit Department of Education

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