Feb 1, 2010 |
No Materials Posted |
Feb 10, 2010 |
Student FTE patterns from FY 1991-92 through FY 2008-09. The first page contains the FTE data itself and the remaining pages present the data in chart form. |
Colorado’s relative position for Resident Undergraduate Tuition and Fees - Note that the data is organized by Flagship, Comprehensive Colleges/Universities and Community Colleges. |
Fiscal Note for HB 04-1011 - The 2004 bill would authorize a governing board to choose to withdraw employees from the State Personnel System. Employees would then elect to remain under the existing retirement system or become employees in an alternate system. No fiscal impact was specified but because employees costs and savings were determined to be minimal for the first years after adoption. |
A DHE memo briefly outlining why Colorado did not opt for the Oregon approach for distributing state financial aid. |
Governing Board per FTE Funding FY 2008-09 - A one-page chart outlining state support per student FTE by Colorado Governing Board. DHE staff is assembling the data that will further “equalize” revenue sources by governing board. |
Summary of FY09-10 State Support, Federal ARRA Support, and Tuition Revenue by Governing Board - A one-page chart showing state and federal support and tuition revenue by governing board. |
A white paper on access and affordability the JBC requested in response to discussion on tuition flexibility during the 2009 legislative session. |
Feb 22, 2010 |
FTE Student Enrollment Report, FY2010 |
Revenues by source to pay education related expenses |
Revenue Estimates for FY 2010, 2011, 2012 |
Mar 22, 2010 |
Summary of Colorado State and Local Revenue, FY 2003-04 |
Summary of Colorado State and Local Revenue, FY 2005-06 |
Regional Economic Impact, 2009, Mesa State College |
Briefing Issue: Closing; FY2010-11 Joint Budget Committee Staff Budget Briefing, DHE |
Briefing Issue: Privatizing; FY2010-11 Joint Budget Committee Staff Budget Briefing, DHE |
Focus Colorado: Economic And Revenue Forecast; Colorado Legislative Council Staff Economics Section - March 19, 2010 |
March 2010 Revenue Forecast, Office of State Planning and Budgeting |
Tuition Increase Necessary to Backfil State Funding based on Total Revenues |
Mar 29, 2010 |
Budget aid or recovery killer: Debate over tax hike heats up; The Arizona Republic, Mary Jo Pitzl 3/14/10; |
U. of California Panel Offers a Timid Response to Budget Crisis; Josh Keller, 3/23/10; |
Dedicated Funding for Higher Education: Alternatives for Tough
Economic Times; Alene Russell, Dec 2008 |
State Support for Higher Education in Fiscal Year 2008-09, by State, Per $1,000 in Personal Income; Jan 2010 |
House Bill 10-1157; Second Regular Session;
Sixty-seventh General Assembly; State of Colorado |
House Bill 10-1157, LOCAL CONDITIONAL FISCAL IMPACT; 1/29/10 |
Video Lottery Terminals and Structural Budget Issues in Maryland; Department of Legislative Services
Office of Policy Analysis
Annapolis, Maryland, 10/23/2008 |
Overview of Dedicated Funding Streams; 1/17/2007 |
Statewide 4 Mill Levy, by Count; CDPT 2008 Annual Report |
Assessed Valuation, Revenue And Average Levies(1) by County |
State Actions for Improving Higher Education Productivity; Julie Davis Bell, NCSL Education Program, March 29, 2010
2008 Percent Property Tax Revenues by Taxing Classification |
2008 Property Tax Revenues by Taxing Classification |
Certification of Levies and Revenues, Eagle County, Jan 2009 |
Certification of Levies and Revenues, Pitkin County, Jan 2009 |
Certification of Levies and Revenues, Weld County, Jan 2009 |
April 12, 2010 |
The Impact of Public Higher Education on the State of Colorado; The Adams Group, Inc.; Dec 2007 |
2010 State Business Tax Climate Index: An Executive Summary; Kail M. Padgitt; Sep 2009 |
Memo: How Colorado Compares In State and Local Taxes; Ron Kirk, Economics Section, CLCS; Jul 2009 |
Frequently Asked Questions, DECIDE (HCR 1002 / SCR 002); Great Futures Colorado; |
Article: Group wants to free education from limits of TABOR; The Denver Post; Mar, 25, 2010 |
Article: Governor Proposes Rise in Income Tax for Illinois; The New York Times; Mar, 10, 2010 |
Article: Granholm: Sales tax on services needed to bolster education; The Detroit News; Mar, 29, 2010 |
State Tax Chart 2006, Tables 1-4; Department of Revenue, Legislative Council Staff |
Memo: State Sales Tax Revenue; Jim Jacobs; April 12, 2010 |
4 Mills Scenario; Property Tax of 4 Mills on Residential and Commercial Property; April 12, 2010 |
April 26, 2010 |
Statewide 4 Mill Levy by County |
FTA Survey of Services Taxation - Update; July 2008 |
Summary of Colorado State and Local Revenue, FY 2005-06; US Census Bureau |
Article: Keno for colleges plan debuts; EdNews Colorado; 4/22/10 |
Editorial: A bad gamble for higher ed; The Denver Post; 4/23/10 |
Memorandum: Broadening the Sales Tax to Services; CLCS; 4/23/10 |
Memorandum: Property Taxes, Mill Levies and Tuition and Fee Comparisons; Jim Jacobs; 4/26/10 |
Fall 2008 Published Tuition and Fee Rates for FY08-09; IPEDS |
Percentage Change in Undergraduate and Graduate Required Tuition and Fees: One and Four Year Changes; Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board; Jim Jacobs; April 2010 |
Resident Undergraduate Tuition and Required Fees, 2009-10; Washington State Higher Education Coordinating Board, Tuition and Fee Rates, 2009-10, March 2010 |
State Funded Financial Aid; CDHE; April 26, 2010 |
May 11, 2010 |
Article: Survive and Thrive in the Budget Cuts – a few ideas for kicks!; Jing Luan; 5/11/10 |
Article: Three-year bachelor's degree gains popularity; Larry Gordon, Los Angeles Times; 4/22/10 |
Article: Colleges Consider 3-Year Degrees To Save Undergrads Time, Money; Valerie Strauss, Washington Post; 5/23/09 |
Article: Proposal to tax more D.C. services meets with protests; Nikita Stewart and Tim Craig, Washington Post; 5/6/10 |
Article: Senate OKs sales tax increase; Jeannine Koranda, Wichita Eagle; 5/7/10 |
Possible State Support Reduction Offset by 4 Mill Increase by County; CDHE; 5/11/10 |
Severance Taxes and Federal Mineral Leases – a brief synopsis of Colorado’s activities; CDHE; 5/11/10 |
Memo: Power Equalization in School Finance; Jim Jacobs; 5/11/10 |
May 19, 2010 |
Financing in Sync - Policy Brief; WICHE; October 2003 |
SB10-003 CCHE Responsibility; May 2010 |
Using Finance Policy to Advance State Goals; Dennis Jones, NCHEMS & David Longanecker, WICHE; 5/14/10 |
May 24, 2010 |
Scenarios; 5/24/10 |
Total Severance Tax Revenue; www.dola.colorado.gov; 4/15/10 |
Federal Mineral Lease Revenue; www.dola.colorado.gov; 4/15/10 |
Mineral Property Tax Revenue; www.dola.colorado.gov; 4/15/10 |
Overview of Mineral Taxes in Colorado State Severance Tax and Federal Mineral Lease Revenue; House and Senate Finance Committees; Marc Carey and Jason Schrock, Colorado Legislative Council Staff; 2/25/09 |
Sales Tax on Services Breakout; 5/25/10 |
June 8, 2010 |
Executive Summary: Public College and University Procurement; AASCU (American Association of State Colleges and Universities), NAEP (National Association of Educational Procurement); |
Memorandum: Difference Between Income Tax and Property Tax to Raise $350 Million; James Jacobs; |
Memorandum: Revenue Differences Between 5% Income Tax Rate and 3% Sales Tax Rate and Current Rate; James Jacobs; |
Coping Strategies of Public Universities During the Economic Recession of 2009; Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities; November 2009 |
CSU System Cost Cutting and Cost Avoidance Efforts; |
CU System Cost Reductions, Savings and Efficiencies; |
For-Profit Institutions of Higher Education Business Model and Cost Savings; University of Phoenix |
State Sales Tax Rates and Food & Drug Exemptions; FEDERATION OF TAX ADMINISTRATORS; 2/2010 |
Base State Funding Scenarios; 6/8/10 |
June 21, 2010 |
Recommendations Status Sheet - Draft 6/21/10 |
Funding Scenarios; 6/21/10 |
July 7, 2010 |
Memo: Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce and Higher Education Community; Bob Drake and Lori Weigel; 4/15/2008 |
Review of 2008 public opinion poll on higher education; Bob Drake and Lori Weigel; March 2008; |
Memo: Pell Students as a Share of Total Students by Institution; Jim Jacobs; July 2010 |
Resident Pell Recipients FTE and Share of Undergraduate Resident FTE; |
Summary of Possible Revenue Streams to Fund Higher Education; 7/7/10 |
Draft recommendations from the Community College System;7/7/10 |
Sustainability draft recommendations (new format and updated); 7/7/10 |
Letter from CSU System on draft recommendations; 7/2/10 |
Ballot Measure Analysis #1; 7/7/10 |
Ballot Measure Analysis #2; 7/7/10 |
July 23, 2010 |
Recommendations - Draft 7/22/10 |
Mission & Governance Recommendations; Draft 7/22/10 |
Summary of Possible Revenue Streams to Fund Higher Education; 7/23/10 |
Higher Education Support per $1000 of Personal Income - Scenarios and National Comparison; 7/23/10 |