Colorado Higher Education Competitive Research Authority

Sustainability Subcommittee (Joint Meeting with Mission Subcommittee)
July 7, 2010

Colorado Higher Education Strategic Planning
July 7, 2010, 10:00am - 12pm
1560 Broadway, 16th Floor
Denver, CO

Draft Agenda - View Agenda in PDF

  1. Welcome and agenda overview

  2. CSU-Global Campus - Financial Overview
    1. Dr. Becky Takeda-Tinker Ph.D., President, CSU-Global Campus

  3. Review existing HESP Recommendations (Accessibility and Pipeline)
    1. Sustainability recommendations in light of existing HESP recommendations

  4. Financing Higher Education in Colorado – Discussion (Cavanaugh, Carlson, Jacobs)
    1. What we do now,
    2. Is it working?
    3. Recommendations at existing revenues
    4. Recommendations with new revenues
      1. 4- Year Pell Factors

  5. Overview of 2008 Higher Education Public Opinion Poll
    1. Input from the Community Colleges

  6. Next meeting and next steps


Background Materials




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