Colorado Higher Education Competitive Research Authority

Mission & Governance Subcommittee
May 19, 2010

Colorado Higher Education Strategic Planning
May 19, 2010, 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Colorado Department of Higher Education
1560 Broadway, Suite 1600
Denver, CO 80202

Draft Agenda - View Agenda in PDF

  1. Introductions

  2. Subcommittee Updates
                Mission & Governance: Jim Lyons
                Sustainability: Dick Monfort

  3. Purpose of the Joint Meeting: Jim Lyons

  4. Presentations and Discussion with Dennis Jones, NCHEMS and Dave Longanecker, WICHE:

    1. How does Colorado use finance policy to advance state goals?

    2. What does SB3 do and not do with regard to finance policy and CCHE? i.e., what more is needed?

    3. How should higher education General Fund dollars, tuition authority and financial aid be allocated?

      The question does not pertain to fund allocation models or formulas but the structure of the allocation authority, i.e., the spectrum runs from weak/no central allocation (legislature makes decision with institutions directly lobbying legislators, etc.) to CCHE making a recommendation to the Legislature on allocation of all state general fund, state financial aid and tuition setting authority

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