Colorado Higher Education Competitive Research Authority

Mission & Governance Subcommittee
May 5, 2010

Colorado Higher Education Strategic Planning
May 5, 2010, 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Colorado Department of Higher Education
1560 Broadway, Suite 1600
Denver, CO 80202

Draft Agenda - View Agenda in PDF

  1. Recap of last meeting and April 28 Steering Group meeting
  2. Senate Bill 3 (copy attached):

    What does it mean for CCHE's role and authority?
    Does SB03 give CCHE the role this subcommittee envisioned?
    (discussion document to be provided)

  3. Joint meeting with Sustainability Committee - goals and expected outcomes

  4. Next Steps

    Do we have the right higher education system - number of institutions, by tier, role and mission?  How do we answer this question?  What further information does the subcommittee need?

Background Materials




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