To file a complaint against a Colorado institution, select a school from the drop down list and fill out the form.
All schools (public, private, vocational, occupational) are available in the list. Your information will be filed with the
Colorado Department of Higher Education (CDHE). If your school is not listed or you are reporting a diploma mill, please go to Send Us a Comment Page.
Select Institution:
Required >
Complaint Form
Fields with * are required fields. Check form for completeness before submitting.
About the Filing Process.
To register a complaint pertaining to a postsecondary institution currently
operating in the state of Colorado, the student/complainant must complete and
submit this form. Once received by the CDHE,
department personnel will review the information provided in order to determine whether the complaint is within the parameters
of state policies and statutes, and
if further investigation and follow-up are necessary. If the student's complaint falls
within the jurisdiction of state policies and statutes, staff will pursue
the student's complaint. The student/complainant will be kept informed of the
progress regarding the complaint. All documentation concerning a student's
complaint will be securely maintained by the CDHE.
General Information
How would you categorize yourself in relation to this school? *
Required >
Last day you attended this school
Enrolled Program
Degree Level |
Have you filed a complaint at your institution * |
Required >
Date you filed a complaint/grievance at your institution |
Description *
Briefly describe the complaint filed at your institution or what your
reason was for not doing so (Limit 500 Characters)
Required >
Maximum of 500 characters allowed
Personal Information
Title ,
First Name *,
Middle Initial,
Last Name *
Required >
Required >
Street Address *
City *,
State *, Zip *
Required >
Required >
Required >
Required >
Primary Phone *
Secondary Phone
Required >
Email *
Alternate Email
Required >
Complaint/Appeal Details
Description *
Briefly describe the problem with the school. (Please be specific and include dates and names of persons with whom interaction occurred, the location of the contact, the identity of any witnesses and a summary of the complaint outlining your dissatisfaction.)
Required >
What specific resolution are you seeking? *
Required >
Authorization and Waiver
In order to investigate my complaint, I give consent to the Colorado Department of Higher Education to obtain any and all pertinent educational records from the institution named in this complaint in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (34 CFR 99.30(d), as amended.
Required >