Colorado Department of Higher Education
Division of Data and Research

-Due to the existing project queue, the data and research team is unable to review, fulfill, or execute additional inquiries until May 2019.
  Requests will be considered in the order received following the conclusion of the 2019 Legislative Session.

Request Date:   
Contact Information
First Name Last Name Title
Name of Organization/Division: Requested for:
Phone Number: Email:
Primary Researchers (Individuals that will be granted access to the data, if approved): DHE reserves the right to deny data access if computer security and encryption criteria are not met. Same as Person requesting data.
If new, please provide Full Name, Title, Phone, Email.
Designated Signatory Contact Information. Same as Person Requesting Data
The legal signatory on behalf of requesting organization.
First Name Last Name Title
Name of Organization/Division:
Phone Number: Email:
Inquiry Questions.
1.Which of the four CDHE Master Plan Goals does your inquiry most align with?   
Increase Credential Completion Erase Equity Gaps Improve Student Success Invest in Affordability and Innovation
2. Please briefly describe your data inquiry by sharing your research question, scope, and how it aligns with the CDHE Master Plan goals selected above:
3. Requested level of detail: Please select the type of dataset you would like to receive.   
Aggregated Student Unit Record (Data Sharing Agreement is required)

4.If Student Unit Record is selected above, please select your purpose exception for receiving individual data. Be sure to select the coordinating reasoning.
 Audit & Evaluation

 Written Consent  
Schools, local educational agencies, and/or community partners can incorporate written consent into the registration process. This ensures that when a parent signs a student up for services offered by a community partner, the partner obtains the consent needed student. Although obtaining consent is the recommended and often most effective way of sharing education records, it is not always the most practical method to use. Under FERPA, a parent or eligible student may provide consent to a third party, such as a community partner, as long as the consent is written, dated, signed and does each of the following.  
  • specifies the education records that may be disclosed;
  • states the purpose of the disclosure; and
  • identifies the partner or other parties to whom the disclosure may be made.
 Studies Exception
  The Studies exception allows for the disclosure without consent of PII from education records to organization conducting studies "for, or on behalf of." schools, school district, or postsecondary institutions. These studies can only be for the purpose of (please select one):

5.Which files contain fields you believe are required to complete your inquiry? Please note, not all requests are available and may not be approved.
   Degrees Awarded Educator Preparation Enrollment Financial Aid
   Student Course Enrollment Undergraduate Applicant Other Not Sure, please advise
6.Which years are you requesting (cohort, graduating class, age range)? Data availability may vary depending on the file(s) requested.
7. Will this be a recurring request? Please describe cycles, desired time of year, etc.
8. If approved, how will you, and any contacts above, review and work to complete the research?
    Please provide your comparisons, methodology, constraints, etc.
9.Do you plan to publish your results? CDHE requests the opportunity to review all research, reports, article, at least two weeks prior to desired public  release.
10.How do you plan to share your results with CDHE?
11.Timeline: Desired data to receive the data (MM/DD/YYYY):   
Expected date to complete research (MM/DD/YYYY):
12.Please list additional comments or questions: