Degrees and Certificates Offered

The degrees and certificates shown on this page are offered at the institution specified. For public institutions and selected accredited private institutions, programs were approved by the state of Colorado to be offered by the institution. Please note that this list is limited to institutions submitting enrollment and completion data to DHE through SURDS (Student Unit Record Data System).

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85 awards listed           Download:  
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Inst TypeInstitution NameProgram NameAward LevelAwardCIP CodeSequenceAward Level DetailCIP CategoryLast Modified
PublicAdams State UniversityNursingBachelorB.S.N.5138010021 - Bachelor's Degree HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMS.10/31/2013 9:56:36 AM
PublicArapahoe Community CollegeAdvanced Paramedic PracticeBachelorB.A.S.5109040021 - Bachelor's Degree HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMS.4/15/2020 10:01:01 AM
PublicArapahoe Community CollegeEmergency Service AdministrationBachelorB.A.S.4303020021 - Bachelor's Degree HOMELAND SECURITY, LAW ENFORCEMENT, FIREFIGHTING AND RELATED PROTECTIVE SERVICES.12/8/2017 7:56:10 AM
PublicColorado Mesa UniversityInformation and Communication TechnologyAssociateA.A.S.1109010211 - Associate of Applied Science COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES AND SUPPORT SERVICES.2/9/2022 10:23:45 AM
PublicColorado Mesa UniversityMechatronicsAssociateA.A.S.1504060011 - Associate of Applied Science ENGINEERING/ENGINEERING-RELATED TECHNOLOGIES/TECHNICIANS.5/28/2019 12:42:26 PM
PublicColorado Mesa UniversityOccupational TherapyDoctorateO.T.D.5123060053 - Doctoral - professional practive HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMS.11/20/2019 9:30:09 AM
PublicColorado Mesa UniversityVeterinary TechnologyAssociateA.A.S.0183010011 - Associate of Applied Science AGRICULTURAL/ANIMAL/PLANT/VETERINARY SCIENCE AND RELATED FIELDS.7/15/2021 8:52:41 AM
PublicColorado Mountain CollegeManagement and LeadershipBachelorB.A.S.5202130021 - Bachelor's Degree BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING, AND RELATED SUPPORT SERVICES.12/10/2013 8:05:45 AM
PublicColorado Mountain CollegeNursingBachelorB.S.N.5138010021 - Bachelor's Degree HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMS.12/26/2018 4:17:50 PM
PublicColorado Northwestern Community CollegeDental HygieneBachelorB.A.S.5106020021 - Bachelor's Degree HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMS.10/4/2022 9:52:36 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesApplied Mathematics and StatisticsBachelorB.S.2703040021 - Bachelor's Degree MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS.10/31/2013 11:20:47 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesBiochemistryBachelorB.S.2602020021 - Bachelor's Degree BIOLOGICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES.5/17/2019 11:25:19 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesBusiness Engineering and Management ScienceBachelorB.S.1499990021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.12/14/2020 9:01:38 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesCeramic EngineeringBachelorB.S.1406010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.12/23/2022 10:13:25 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesChemical & Biochemical EngineeringBachelorB.S.1405010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 11:13:23 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesChemical EngineeringBachelorB.S.1407010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 11:13:43 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesChemistryBachelorB.S.4005010021 - Bachelor's Degree PHYSICAL SCIENCES.10/31/2013 11:21:01 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesCivil EngineeringBachelorB.S.1408010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 11:14:25 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesComputer ScienceBachelorB.S.1107010021 - Bachelor's Degree COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES AND SUPPORT SERVICES.1/3/2020 8:25:40 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesConstruction EngineeringBachelorB.S.1433010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.5/27/2022 8:17:36 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesDesign EngineeringBachelorB.S.1401010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.12/23/2022 10:10:50 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesEconomicsBachelorB.S.4506010021 - Bachelor's Degree SOCIAL SCIENCES.10/31/2013 11:21:15 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesElectrical EngineeringBachelorB.S.1410010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 11:14:42 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesEngineering PhysicsBachelorB.S.1412010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 11:15:02 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesEnvironmental EngineeringBachelorB.S.1414010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 11:15:45 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesGeol Engineering/Hydrogeol/Explor Sci/Engineering GeolBachelorP.E.1439010221 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 11:18:38 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesGeological EngineeringBachelorB.S.1439010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 11:19:09 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesGeophysical EngineeringBachelorB.S.1439011621 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 11:19:38 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesGeophysical Engineering/GeophysicsBachelorP.E.1439010621 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 11:20:15 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesMathematics & Computer ScienceBachelorB.S.2701010021 - Bachelor's Degree MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS.10/31/2013 11:20:34 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesMechanical EngineeringBachelorB.S.1419010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 11:16:17 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesMetallurgical & Materials EngineeringBachelorB.S.1420010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 11:16:38 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesMining EngineeringBachelorB.S.1421010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 11:16:54 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesPetroleum EngineeringBachelorB.S.1425010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.5/26/2015 11:14:12 AM
PublicColorado School of MinesQuantitative Biosciences and Engineering BachelorB.S.1445010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.2/10/2021 4:23:24 AM
PublicColorado State University - PuebloAutomotive Industry ManagementBachelorB.A.S.1508030121 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING/ENGINEERING-RELATED TECHNOLOGIES/TECHNICIANS.8/19/2020 10:06:54 AM
PublicColorado State University - PuebloHealth Science AdministrationBachelorB.A.S.5199990121 - Bachelor's Degree HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMS.4/15/2020 9:07:15 AM
PublicColorado State University - PuebloLeadership and Organizational ManagementBachelorB.A.S.5202010021 - Bachelor's Degree BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING, AND RELATED SUPPORT SERVICES.2/25/2021 9:15:13 AM
PublicCommunity College of DenverDental HygieneBachelorB.A.S.5106020021 - Bachelor's Degree HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMS.2/12/2018 7:42:43 AM
PublicEmily Griffith Technical CollegeHospitalityCertificateC5209010001 - Certificate(less than one year) BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING, AND RELATED SUPPORT SERVICES.7/9/2018 8:11:58 AM
PublicEmily Griffith Technical CollegeMassage TherapyCertificateC5135010001 - Certificate(less than one year) HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMS.7/9/2018 8:11:18 AM
PublicEmily Griffith Technical CollegeVideo ProductionCertificateC5006020001 - Certificate(less than one year) VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS.7/9/2018 8:57:12 AM
PublicFort Lewis CollegeEngineeringBachelorB.S.1401010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 10:08:32 AM
PublicFront Range Community CollegeGeospatial ScienceBachelorB.A.S.4507020021 - Bachelor's Degree SOCIAL SCIENCES.3/2/2018 2:21:37 PM
PublicPikes Peak State CollegeAdvanced Paramedic PracticeBachelorB.A.S.5109040021 - Bachelor's Degree HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMS.4/15/2020 10:02:08 AM
PublicPikes Peak State CollegeEmergency Service AdministrationBachelorB.A.S.4303020021 - Bachelor's Degree HOMELAND SECURITY, LAW ENFORCEMENT, FIREFIGHTING AND RELATED PROTECTIVE SERVICES.12/8/2017 7:59:31 AM
PublicPueblo Community CollegeAdvanced Paramedic PracticeBachelorB.A.S.5109040021 - Bachelor's Degree HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMS.4/15/2020 10:02:47 AM
PublicPueblo Community CollegeDental HygieneBachelorB.A.S.5106020021 - Bachelor's Degree HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMS.2/12/2018 7:43:12 AM
PublicPueblo Community CollegeRadiologic TechnologyBachelorB.A.S.5109110021 - Bachelor's Degree HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMS.12/8/2017 7:55:41 AM
PublicPueblo Community CollegeRespiratory TherapyBachelorB.A.S.5109080021 - Bachelor's Degree HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMS.12/17/2018 8:43:24 AM
PublicPueblo Community CollegeSecure Software DevelopmentBachelorB.A.S.1110030021 - Bachelor's Degree COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES AND SUPPORT SERVICES.2/9/2022 11:53:35 AM
PublicRed Rocks Community CollegeWater QualityBachelorB.A.S.150506ZZ21 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING/ENGINEERING-RELATED TECHNOLOGIES/TECHNICIANS.1/19/2018 9:17:22 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado BoulderAerospace Engineering SciencesBachelorB.S.1402010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 10:29:24 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado BoulderApplied Computer ScienceBachelorB.S.1107010321 - Bachelor's Degree COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES AND SUPPORT SERVICES.9/19/2017 1:42:02 PM
PublicUniversity of Colorado BoulderApplied MathematicsBachelorB.S.2703010021 - Bachelor's Degree MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS.10/31/2013 10:35:40 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado BoulderArchitectural EngineeringBachelorB.S.1404010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 10:29:55 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado BoulderBiological EngineeringBachelorB.S.1445010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.2/5/2025 1:44:56 PM
PublicUniversity of Colorado BoulderBiomedical EngineeringBachelorB.S.1405010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.6/20/2019 10:31:15 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado BoulderBiomedical EngineeringMastersM.S.1405010031 - Master's Degree ENGINEERING.6/20/2019 10:33:43 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado BoulderBiomedical EngineeringDoctoratePh.D.1405010052 - Doctoral - research/scholarship ENGINEERING.6/20/2019 10:35:09 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado BoulderBusiness AdministrationBachelorB.S.5202010021 - Bachelor's Degree BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING, AND RELATED SUPPORT SERVICES.10/31/2013 10:38:26 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado BoulderChemical EngineeringBachelorB.S.1407010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 10:30:32 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado BoulderCivil EngineeringBachelorB.S.1408010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 10:32:15 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado BoulderComputer ScienceBachelorB.S.1107010021 - Bachelor's Degree COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES AND SUPPORT SERVICES.10/31/2013 10:32:41 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado BoulderCreative Technology and DesignBachelorB.S.1500000021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING/ENGINEERING-RELATED TECHNOLOGIES/TECHNICIANS.9/18/2020 11:54:52 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado BoulderElectrical & Computer EngineeringBachelorB.S.1447010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.9/18/2020 11:53:27 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado BoulderEngineering PhysicsBachelorB.S.1412010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 10:36:06 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado BoulderEnvironmental DesignBachelorB.Envd.0404010021 - Bachelor's Degree ARCHITECTURE AND RELATED SERVICES.10/31/2013 10:38:54 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado BoulderEnvironmental EngineeringBachelorB.S.1414010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 10:34:39 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado BoulderIntegrated Design EngineeringBachelorB.S.1401010221 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.4/27/2022 6:55:22 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado BoulderMechanical EngineeringBachelorB.S.1419010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 10:35:09 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado BoulderMusicBachelorB.Mus.5009030021 - Bachelor's Degree VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS.10/31/2013 10:36:39 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado BoulderMusic EducationBachelorB.Mus.Ed.1313120021 - Bachelor's Degree EDUCATION.10/31/2013 10:37:41 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado Colorado SpringsBusiness AdministrationBachelorB.S.5202010021 - Bachelor's Degree BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT, MARKETING, AND RELATED SUPPORT SERVICES.10/31/2013 10:14:53 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado Colorado SpringsComputer EngineeringBachelorB.S.1409010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 10:15:22 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado Colorado SpringsComputer ScienceBachelorB.I.1107010121 - Bachelor's Degree COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES AND SUPPORT SERVICES.10/31/2013 10:18:47 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado Colorado SpringsComputer ScienceBachelorB.S.1107010021 - Bachelor's Degree COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES AND SUPPORT SERVICES.9/30/2016 3:05:49 PM
PublicUniversity of Colorado Colorado SpringsComputer Science & SecurityBachelorB.I.1110030021 - Bachelor's Degree COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES AND SUPPORT SERVICES.10/31/2013 10:22:26 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado Colorado SpringsElectrical EngineeringBachelorB.I.1410010121 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 10:23:17 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado Colorado SpringsElectrical EngineeringBachelorB.S.1410010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 10:23:47 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado Colorado SpringsGame Design and DevelopmentBachelorB.I.1108040021 - Bachelor's Degree COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES AND SUPPORT SERVICES.10/31/2013 10:24:46 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado Colorado SpringsHealth Sciences/Allied Health/Health Sciences GeneralBachelorB.S.5100000021 - Bachelor's Degree HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMS.10/31/2013 10:25:45 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado Colorado SpringsMechanical EngineeringBachelorB.S.1419010021 - Bachelor's Degree ENGINEERING.10/31/2013 10:26:45 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado Colorado SpringsNursingBachelorB.S.N.5138010021 - Bachelor's Degree HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMS.10/31/2013 10:27:35 AM
PublicUniversity of Colorado DenverNursingBachelorB.S.N.5138010021 - Bachelor's Degree HEALTH PROFESSIONS AND RELATED PROGRAMS.10/31/2013 10:12:19 AM