GT-AH1 (Arts and Expression)

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166 courses listed


  1. These lists can be sorted by their different columns.  Just click the column title to initiate the sort.
  2. If you would like to know the date a course was approved, please contact the CDHE.
  3. All state community colleges (CCCS), along with Aims Community College and Colorado Mountain College, share common general education core course numbers, prefixes and title. Wherever “CCCS” appears next to a course on the lists of approved gtPathways courses, the designated course (e.g., CCCS BIO 111) is approved for all community colleges that offer the course.
  4. Effective Summer 2022, all Colorado Community College System (CCCS) course numbers are 4-digits. Please refer to "Notes" for the original 3-digit course number.

CategoryInstCourse PrefixCourse IDTitleCreditsEffective DateEnd DateNotes
GT-AH1ASUAR101Art & Creativity3.0006/28/2017  
GT-AH1ASUAR 103Art Appreciation3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 08/14/2019.
GT-AH1ASUMUS 100Introduction to Music Literature3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 08/14/2019.
GT-AH1ASUTHTR 180Introduction to Theatre3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 08/14/2019.
GT-AH1CCCSART 1110Art Appreciation3.0001/09/2004 Original course number ART 110. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH1CCCSART 1111Art History Ancient to Medieval3.0008/01/2003 Original course number ART 111. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH1CCCSART 1112Art History Renaissance to 19003.0008/01/2003 Original course number ART 112. Re-approved 03/06/2019. Course title changed.
GT-AH1CCCSART 1113Art History - 1900 to Present3.0008/01/2006 Original course number ART 207. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH1CCCSCOM1300Communication and Popular Culture3.0005/28/2019 Original course number COM 130.
GT-AH1CCCSCOM2400Argumentation & Debate3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-AH1CCCSDAN1025Dance Appreciation 3.0012/20/2018 Original course number DAN 150.
GT-AH1CCCSDAN 1050History of Dance I3.0008/01/2009 Original course number DAN 125. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-AH1CCCSENG2021Creative Writing I3.0011/30/2018 Original course number ENG 221.
GT-AH1CCCSMUS 1020Music Appreciation3.0008/01/2003 Original course number MUS 120. Re-approved 05/10/2019.
GT-AH1CCCSMUS 1021Music History: Medieval through Classical Period3.0008/01/2011 Original course number MUS 121. Re-approved 05/10/2019. Course title changed.
GT-AH1CCCSMUS 1022Music History: Early Romantic Period to the Present3.0008/01/2011 Original course number MUS 122. Re-approved 05/10/2019. Course title changed.
GT-AH1CCCSMUS 1023Survey of World Music3.0008/01/2009 Original course number MUS 123. Re-approved 05/10/2019.
GT-AH1CCCSMUS 1025History of Jazz3.0001/01/2010 Original course number MUS 125. Re-approved 05/10/2019.
GT-AH1CCCSMUS121Music History I3.0001/13/201106/30/2011Course title changed.
GT-AH1CCCSMUS121Introduction to Music History I3.0008/01/200301/12/2011Course title changed.
GT-AH1CCCSMUS122Introduction to Music History II3.0008/01/200301/12/2011Course title changed.
GT-AH1CCCSMUS122Music History II3.0001/13/201106/30/2011Course title changed.
GT-AH1CCCSTHE 1005Theatre Appreciation3.0001/13/2011 Original course number THE 105. Course title changed. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH1CCCSTHE1008Theatre Script Analysis3.0008/01/2013 Original course number THE 108. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH1CCCSTHE105Introduction to Theater Arts3.0008/01/200301/12/2011Course title changed.
GT-AH1CCCSTHE 2011Development of Theatre: Greek to Renaissance3.0008/01/2003 Original course number THE 211. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH1CCCSTHE 2012Development of Theatre: Restoration to Modern3.0008/01/2003 Original course number THE 212. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH1CCCSTHE2015Playwriting3.0008/01/2013 Original course number THE 215. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH1CMUARTE 101Two-Dimensional Design3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/18/2020.
GT-AH1CMUARTE 102Three-Dimensional Design3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/18/2020.
GT-AH1CMUARTE103Digital Art and Design3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-AH1CMUARTE 115Art Appreciation3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/18/2020.
GT-AH1CMUARTE 118Art History: Prehistory to Renaissance 3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 12/18/2020. Course title changed.
GT-AH1CMUARTE 119Art History: Renaissance to Present3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 12/18/2020. Course title changed.
GT-AH1CMUDANC 115Dance Appreciation3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-AH1CMUFINE 101The Living Arts3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-AH1CMUMUSA 220Music Appreciation3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-AH1CMUMUSA222History of Country Music3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-AH1CMUMUSA 266History of Popular Music3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-AH1CMUMUSA267Jazz History & Literature3.0012/18/2018  
GT-AH1CMUTHEA 141Theatre Appreciation3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-AH1CMUTHEA 145Introduction to Dramatic Literature3.0008/01/2003 Course title updated. Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-AH1CSUART 100Introduction to the Visual Arts3.0008/01/2003 Original course number: Arcc 100.
GT-AH1CSUD 110Understanding Dance3.0006/07/2007  
GT-AH1CSUIDEA210Introduction to Design Thinking3.0006/19/2018  
GT-AH1CSUINTD110Visual Expression of Interior Environments3.0006/19/2018  
GT-AH1CSUMU 100Music Appreciation3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: MUCC 100.
GT-AH1CSUMU 111Music Theory Fundamentals3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: MUCC 111.
GT-AH1CSUMU 131Introduction to Music History and Literature3.0008/01/2007  
GT-AH1CSUSPCM 100Communication and Popular Culture3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 01/03/2019.
GT-AH1CSUTH 141Introduction to Theatre3.0008/01/2008  
GT-AH1CSUPARH 211Global Art I3.0008/01/2003 Changed course pre-fix and course title 12/09/2020. Effective Fall 2021. Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-AH1CSUPARH212Global Art II3.0008/01/2003 Course title and pre-fix changed. Effective Fall 2021. Re-approved 12/09/2020.
GT-AH1CSUPART 100Visual Dynamics3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-AH1CSUPENG114Introduction to Creative Writing3.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-AH1CSUPMUS 118Music Appreciation3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 05/05/2022.
GT-AH1CSUPSPN 130Intro to Spanish-Speaking Cultures3.0008/01/200508/01/2024Course is not regularly offered at least every two years. Effective Fall 2024. Changed course title 12/09/2020. Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-AH1CTUHUMN201Introduction to the Fine Arts3.0001/01/201412/21/2016CTU is no longer participating in GT Pathways, effective 12/21/16.
GT-AH1FLCART 162Art in the Humanities3.0008/01/200302/01/2007 
GT-AH1FLCART225Introduction to Visual Culture3.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-AH1FLCART228Introduction to Visual Culture3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-AH1FLCART 262Art History I: The Ancient World to the Middle Ages3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCART262Art History I: Ancient World to the Middle Ages4.0008/01/200608/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCART 263Art History II: Renaissance to the Modern World3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCART 263Art History II: Renaissance to the Modern World4.0001/09/200408/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCENGL 217Media Literacy4.0001/01/200708/01/2016 
GT-AH1FLCHON210Landscapes of Learning3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-AH1FLCMU 101The Musical Experience3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCMU101The Musical Experience4.0008/01/200308/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCMU102Blues/Jazz/Rock4.0008/01/200508/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCMU 102Blues/Jazz/Rock3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCMU 120Fundamentals of Music3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCMU120Fundamentals of Music4.0008/01/200608/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCTHEA 101Introduction to Theatre3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCTHEA 126Introduction to Dance3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCTHEA126Introduction to the Dance4.0008/01/200608/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCTHEA240Ancient and Classical Theatre4.0001/01/200708/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCTHEA 240Ancient and Classical Theatre3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1MSUDARTH/HON 1500Art and Visual Literacy3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 12/21/2018. Cross-listed course, effective Fall 2020.
GT-AH1MSUDENG2500Introduction to Creative Writing3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021.
GT-AH1MSUDGWS/ANT2400Women's Folklore and Folklife3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-AH1MSUDLAS 2850Introduction to Film3.0008/01/200601/01/2015 
GT-AH1MSUDMUS1040Music, Race, and Power3.0008/14/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-AH1MSUDMUS1050History of Rock and Roll3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-AH1MSUDMUS/HON 1000Introduction to Music3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 11/27/2019. Updated 01/28/2021 to include new cross-list: MUS/HON 1000. Effective Fall 2020.
GT-AH1MSUDTHE 2210Introduction to Theatre3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-AH1MSUDTHE2295Comedy In-Print and On-Stage3.0008/22/2022 Effective Fall 2022.
GT-AH1MSUDTHE3213Staging Cultures3.0008/01/2013 Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-AH1MSUDTHE3214Introduction to Black Theatre I3.0008/01/201311/17/2019Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2019.
GT-AH1UCBARTH 1300History of World Art 13.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-AH1UCBARTH1300World Art 13.0008/01/200506/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-AH1UCBARTH1400World Art 23.0008/01/200506/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-AH1UCBARTH 1400History of World Art 23.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-AH1UCBARTH2409Asian Art3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-AH1UCBARTH 2409Introduction to Asian Art3.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-AH1UCBDNCE 1027Introduction to Dance and Culture3.0006/08/2016 Original course number: 1029.
GT-AH1UCBDNCE1029Introduction to Dance and Culture3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course number changed to 1027.
GT-AH1UCBLIBB 1600Gender and Film3.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH1UCBTHTR 1009Introduction to Theatre3.0008/01/2003  
GT-AH1UCBTHTR1011Development of Theatre 1: Forms of Classical Theatre and Drama3.0008/01/200506/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-AH1UCBTHTR 1011Development of Theatre 1: Global Theatre Origins3.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-AH1UCCSAH100Languages of Art3.0008/20/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 1000.
GT-AH1UCCSAH 1000Languages of Art3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Original course number: 100.
GT-AH1UCCSAH150Art and Ideas: Michelangelo to Basquiat3.0001/01/200808/20/2010Course number changed to 1500.
GT-AH1UCCSAH150Art and Ideas: Michelangelo to Basquiat3.0001/01/200808/20/2010Course number changed to 1500.
GT-AH1UCCSAH 1500Art and Ideas: Michelangelo to Basquiat3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Original course number: 150.
GT-AH1UCCSAH280Survey: Ancient Art3.0008/20/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 2800.
GT-AH1UCCSAH 2800Survey: Ancient Art3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Original course number: 280.
GT-AH1UCCSAH281Survey: Medieval Art3.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 2810.
GT-AH1UCCSAH 2810Survey: Medieval Art3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 281.
GT-AH1UCCSAH282Survey: Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo Art3.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 2820.
GT-AH1UCCSAH 2820Survey: Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo Art3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Original course number: 282.
GT-AH1UCCSAH286Survey: Modern Art I3.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 2860.
GT-AH1UCCSAH 2860Survey: Modern Art I3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Original course number: 286.
GT-AH1UCCSAH289Survey: Nineteenth Century Art3.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 2890.
GT-AH1UCCSAH 2890Survey: Nineteenth Century Art3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Original course number: 289.
GT-AH1UCCSFILM100Introduction to Film Studies3.0008/01/200508/20/2010Course number changed to 1000.
GT-AH1UCCSFILM 1000Introduction to Film Studies3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 100.
GT-AH1UCCSMUS205History of Jazz3.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 2050.
GT-AH1UCCSMUS 2050History of Jazz3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Original course number: 205.
GT-AH1UCDARTS 1450Popular & Visual Culture: Ways of Seeing3.0008/01/201206/22/2022Course is no longer offered, effective Summer 2022.
GT-AH1UCDENGL2156Introduction to Creative Writing3.0001/21/2020  
GT-AH1UCDFA 2600History of Art I (Survey)3.0008/01/200508/01/2006 
GT-AH1UCDFA 2610History of Art II (Survey)3.0001/01/200608/01/2006 
GT-AH1UCDFINE 1001Introduction to Art3.0008/01/2006  
GT-AH1UCDPMUS 1001Music Appreciation3.0008/01/2003  
GT-AH1UCDTHTR 1001Introduction to Theatre & Arts in the Community3.0008/01/201206/22/2022Course is no longer offered. Effective Summer 2022. Course title changed.
GT-AH1UCDTHTR1001Introduction to Theatre3.0008/01/200308/01/2012Course title changed.
GT-AH1UNCART 181Ancient Art History3.0001/01/2007 Course title changed. Re-approved on 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1UNCART 182Medieval to Rococo Art History3.0008/01/2005 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1UNCART 185Art History III3.0008/01/201108/01/2012Course title changed.
GT-AH1UNCART185Neoclassic to Modern Art History3.0008/01/2012 Re-approved on 12/17/2018. Course title changed.
GT-AH1UNCART 190Art Appreciation3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1UNCART290Visual Thinking & Visual Images3.0008/01/201308/01/2024Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1UNCASIA/MUS248Asian Musical Culture3.0008/17/2020 Cross-listed with MUS 248. Effective Fall 2020.
GT-AH1UNCDNCE130Dance and Culture3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023.
GT-AH1UNCENG200Introduction to Creative Writing3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-AH1UNCENG230Introduction to Comics and Graphic Novels3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-AH1UNCENG231Analyzing Video Games3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-AH1UNCFILM 120Introduction to Film3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-AH1UNCMIND281Modernity in Asia3.0008/17/202008/01/2024Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2024. Effective Fall 2020.
GT-AH1UNCMIND 297Creativity in the Arts3.0001/01/200712/10/2018Course closed.
GT-AH1UNCMT 296Musical Theatre History3.0001/01/2008 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1UNCMUS 140Exploration of Music through American Identities 3.0008/01/2005 Course title changed, effective Fall 2022. Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1UNCMUS 143Music Styles and Context3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1UNCMUS144Exploring Music in Film3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023.
GT-AH1UNCMUS145Music for Cartoons: Disney to Anime3.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-AH1UNCMUS 150History of Rock and Roll3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1UNCMUS155Beats and Grooves in Hispanic and Latinx Music3.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-AH1UNCMUS 204Music Fundamentals and Experiences3.0008/01/200708/22/2022Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2022. Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1UNCMUS 243History of Music I3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1UNCMUS 247Music as Cultural Identity 3.0001/01/2007 Course title changed, effective Fall 2022. Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1UNCMUS 296Jazz Music: History and Appreciation3.0001/01/2009 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1UNCMUS/ASIA248Asian Musical Culture3.0006/04/2015 Cross listed with ASIA 248. Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1UNCPVA220Creative Thinking and Strategies3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023.
GT-AH1UNCTHEA 130Introduction to the Theatre3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1UNCTHEA 159The Art of Acting for All Majors3.00  Effective Fall 2022
GT-AH1UNCTHEA 225Theatre in Film3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1UNCTHEA 296History of Theatre I3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1UNCTHEA 297History of Theatre II3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1WCUART 105Introduction to Art3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 05/08/2018.
GT-AH1WCUART223Art History I3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-AH1WCUCOM121Introduction to Theatre3.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 05/08/2018.
GT-AH1WCUENG161Introduction to Creative Writing3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-AH1WCUMUS 100Fundamentals of Music3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 05/08/2018.
GT-AH1WCUMUS 140Introduction to Music3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 05/08/2018.