gtPathways (Guaranteed Transfer)

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1900 courses listed


  1. These lists can be sorted by their different columns.  Just click the column title to initiate the sort.
  2. If you would like to know the date a course was approved, please contact the CDHE.
  3. All state community colleges (CCCS), along with Aims Community College and Colorado Mountain College, share common general education core course numbers, prefixes and title. Wherever “CCCS” appears next to a course on the lists of approved gtPathways courses, the designated course (e.g., CCCS BIO 111) is approved for all community colleges that offer the course.
  4. Effective Summer 2022, all Colorado Community College System (CCCS) course numbers are 4-digits. Please refer to "Notes" for the original 3-digit course number.

CategoryInstCourse PrefixCourse IDTitleCreditsEffective DateEnd DateNotes
GT-HI1CCCSHIS 201520th Century World History3.0008/01/2007 Original course number HIS 247. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SS1MSUDECO/HON 1040/1041A Citizen's Guide to Economics3.0001/09/200411/17/2019Cross-listed courses. Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2019.
GT-HI1WCUHIST254A History of Africa3.0001/01/2014 Course title changed. Re-approved 03/18/2019.
GT-SS3CCCSPSY 2552Abnormal Psychology3.0008/01/2007 Original course number PSY 249. Re-approved 05/24/2018.
GT-CO2FLCCOMP 250Academic Inquiry and Writing3.0008/01/2016 Credit hours changed from 4 to 3. Re-approved 02/28/2017.
GT-CO2FLCCOMP250Academic Inquiry and Writing4.0008/01/200308/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-CO1CSUCO 130Academic Writing3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-CO2WCUCOM202Academic Writing and Inquiry3.0003/01/201708/01/2023Course is being replaced by ENG 103, effective Fall 2023. Approved 03/01/2017
GT-SC1UCBASTR 1030Accelerated Introductory Astronomy 14.0001/01/2010  
GT-SC2UCBASTR 1040Accelerated Introductory Astronomy 24.0001/01/2010  
GT-CO2FLCCOMP253Action Research4.0008/01/200708/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-CO2FLCCOMP 253Action Research3.0008/01/2016 Credit hours changed from 4 to 3. Re-approved 02/28/2017.
GT-CO3UNCENG323Advanced Argument3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021.
GT-CO3FLCENGL363Advanced Composition4.0001/01/201408/01/2016Course title changed.
GT-CO2UCBWRTG 1250Advanced First-Year Writing and Rhetoric3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 12/28/2018.
GT-CO3UCBHONR3220Advanced Honors Writing3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-CO3UCBHONR 3220Advanced Honors Writing Workshop3.0006/08/201612/28/2018Course not taught regularly enough to meet GT Pathways guidelines. Course title changed.
GT-CO3UCCSENGL3010Advanced Rhetoric and Writing3.0008/01/2024 Effective Fall 2024.
GT-CO3FLCCOMP 352Advanced Technical Communication4.0008/01/201108/01/2016 
GT-HI1UCDETST 2155African American History3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 05/21/2019.
GT-HI1CCCSHIS2110African American History3.0001/01/2014 Original course number HIS 250. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-HI1CSUHIST/ETST250African American History3.0008/01/2007  
GT-HI1UNCAFS 201African American History I3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-HI1UNCAFS 202African American History II3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-SS3UCBETHN 2242African American Social and Political Thought3.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-HI1UNCHIST 110African Civilization3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH2FLCENGL 174African-American Literature3.0001/09/2004 Course withdrawn 08/01/2016. Re-activated 08/21/2019. Credits changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS1CSUAREC 202Agricultural and Resource Economics3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS1CCCSAGE 1102Agriculture Economics3.0008/01/2010 Original course number AGE 102. Re-approved 08/27/18.
GT-MA1CTUMATH106Algebra for Business3.0001/01/201412/21/2016CTU is no longer participating in GT Pathways, effective 12/21/16.
GT-MA1FLCMATH 113Algebra for Calculus4.0008/01/2011 Re-approved 02/28/2017
GT-MA1CMUMATH119AAlgebra for Calculus4.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023. Students MUST complete BOTH MATH 119A & MATH 119B to fulfill GT-MA1.
GT-MA1FLCMATH112Algebra for Calculus3.0008/26/2019  
GT-MA1UCDMATH1070Algebra for Social Sciences and Business3.0008/01/200608/01/2015Course title changed.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS 1000American Civilization3.0008/01/200608/01/2015 
GT-HI1CCCSHIS 2125American Environmental History3.0008/01/2011 Original course number HIS 207. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SS1ASUGOVT 291American Government3.0008/01/201308/01/2014Course number changed (POLS 291).
GT-SS1CMUPOLS 101American Government3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 10/09/2020.
GT-SS1CSUPPOLS 101American Government3.0001/10/2003 Course title changed. Effective Fall 2024. Course prefix changed. Re-approved 08/06/2020.
GT-SS1ASUPOLS291American Government3.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 12/20/2021.Course number changed.
GT-SS1CCCSPSC 1011American Government3.0001/09/2004 Course pre-fix changed from POS to PSC. Effective Summer 2023. Original course number POS 111. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SS1CSUPOLS 101American Government and Politics3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: POCC 101.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 2866American History and Film3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course closed.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS/HON1220/1221American History since 18653.0008/01/2003 Cross-listed courses. Re-approved 06/25/2019.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 1025American History Since 18653.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-HI1ASUHIST 203American History since 18653.0001/10/2003 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/20/2021.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS/HON1210/1211American History to 18653.0008/01/2003 Cross-listed courses. Re-approved 06/25/2019.
GT-HI1ASUHIST 202American History to 18653.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 12/20/2021.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 1015American History to 18653.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS 3590American Immigration History3.0008/01/201008/01/2015 
GT-HI1CCCSHIS 2115American Indian History3.0001/01/2010 Original course number HIS 208. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-AH2UCBETHN/RLST 2703/2800American Indian Religious Traditions3.0006/08/2016 Original course number: RLST 2700,
GT-AH2UCBRLST2700American Indian Religious Traditions3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course number changed to ETHN 2703/RLST 2800.
GT-AH2CCCSLIT 2012American Literature After Civil War3.0001/13/2011 Original course number LIT 212. Re-approved 01/02/2019. Course title changed.
GT-AH2CCCSLIT 2011American Literature to Civil War3.0001/13/2011 Original course number LIT 211. Re-approved on 01/02/2019. Course title changed.
GT-SS1MSUDPSC 1010American National Government3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 06/25/2019.
GT-SS1UCDPSCI 1101American Political System3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 05/21/2019.
GT-SS1UCBPSCI1101American Political System3.0008/01/200306/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-AH4UNCASL 201American Sign Language III3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH4UNCASL 202American Sign Language IV3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH4CCCSASL 2221American Sign Language IV3.0008/24/2020 Original course number ASL 221. Effective Fall 2020
GT-AH4CCCSASL2222American Sign Language V3.0008/24/2020 Original course number ASL 222. Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS1CCCSPSC 1025American State and Local Government3.0001/01/2010 Course pre-fix changed from POS to PSC. Effective Summer 2023. Original course number POS 125. Re-approved 05/23/18.
GT-MA1UCBMATH1300Analytic Geometry and Calculus I3.0008/01/200306/08/2016Course title & credit changed.
GT-MA1CSUMATH 126Analytic Trigonometry1.0008/01/2007 Any combination of three 1-credit courses satisfies GT-MA1. Those wanting pre-req for MATH 160 should take MATH 118, 124 & 126.Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-AH1UNCENG231Analyzing Video Games3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-SC1UNCSES 220Anatomical Kinesiology4.0008/01/2012 Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-SC1CCCSBIO 2101Anatomy & Physiology I, with Lab4.0008/01/2005 Original course number BIO 201. Re-approved 03/08/2018.
GT-SC1CSUGBIO202Anatomy & Physiology II with lab4.0005/10/2017 Course number changed from 205 to 202. Re-approved 01/07/2020.
GT-SC1CCCSBIO 2102Anatomy & Physiology II, with Lab4.0008/01/2005 Original course number BIO 202. Re-approved 03/08/2018.
GT-AH3FLCPHIL 274Ancient & Medieval Philosophy4.0008/01/201308/01/2016 
GT-AH1FLCTHEA240Ancient and Classical Theatre4.0001/01/200708/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCTHEA 240Ancient and Classical Theatre3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1UNCART 181Ancient Art History3.0001/01/2007 Course title changed. Re-approved on 12/17/2018.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS/ANT1005/1650Ancient Civilizations3.0008/26/2019  
GT-AH3FLCPHIL270Ancient Greek Philosophy3.0008/26/2019  
GT-AH2WCUENG 255 Ancient World Literature3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 10/24/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSANT2125Anthropology of Religion3.0006/04/2015 Original course number ANT 225. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-MA1CMUMATH131Applied Calculus4.00  Effective Fall 2023.
GT-MA1CSUPMATH 221Applied Calculus: An Intuitive Approach4.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 03/02/2017
GT-AH3CSUPHIL 100Appreciation of Philosophy3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Original course number: Plcc 100.
GT-AH2CSULARA 250Arabic Language, Literature, Culture in Translation3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS3CCCSANT 1004Archaeology Laboratory1.0012/02/2011 Original course number ANT 103.
GT-SS3CCCSANT 1208Archaeology of World Rock Art3.0008/01/2010 Original course number ANT 108.
GT-AH1CCCSCOM2400Argumentation & Debate3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-AH1ASUAR101Art & Creativity3.0006/28/2017  
GT-AH1UCCSAH150Art and Ideas: Michelangelo to Basquiat3.0001/01/200808/20/2010Course number changed to 1500.
GT-AH1UCCSAH150Art and Ideas: Michelangelo to Basquiat3.0001/01/200808/20/2010Course number changed to 1500.
GT-AH1UCCSAH 1500Art and Ideas: Michelangelo to Basquiat3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Original course number: 150.
GT-AH1MSUDARTH/HON 1500Art and Visual Literacy3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 12/21/2018. Cross-listed course, effective Fall 2020.
GT-AH1ASUAR 103Art Appreciation3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 08/14/2019.
GT-AH1UNCART 190Art Appreciation3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1CCCSART 1110Art Appreciation3.0001/09/2004 Original course number ART 110. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH1CMUARTE 115Art Appreciation3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/18/2020.
GT-AH1CCCSART 1113Art History - 1900 to Present3.0008/01/2006 Original course number ART 207. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH1CCCSART 1111Art History Ancient to Medieval3.0008/01/2003 Original course number ART 111. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH1WCUART223Art History I3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-AH1FLCART262Art History I: Ancient World to the Middle Ages4.0008/01/200608/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCART 262Art History I: The Ancient World to the Middle Ages3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCART 263Art History II: Renaissance to the Modern World4.0001/09/200408/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCART 263Art History II: Renaissance to the Modern World3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1UNCART 185Art History III3.0008/01/201108/01/2012Course title changed.
GT-AH1CCCSART 1112Art History Renaissance to 19003.0008/01/2003 Original course number ART 112. Re-approved 03/06/2019. Course title changed.
GT-AH1CMUARTE 118Art History: Prehistory to Renaissance 3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 12/18/2020. Course title changed.
GT-AH1CMUARTE 119Art History: Renaissance to Present3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 12/18/2020. Course title changed.
GT-AH1FLCART 162Art in the Humanities3.0008/01/200302/01/2007 
GT-SS3MSUDSOC/GWS/HIS/MDL/PSC1300/1300/1260/1300Asia in Global Perspective3.0008/14/2023 PSC 1300. Effective Fall 2023
GT-AH2UCDETST2357Asian American & Pacific Islander Cultures3.0008/22/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-HI1CSUETST252Asian American History3.0008/01/2018 Effective Fall 2018.
GT-HI1CSUHIST/ETST252Asian American History3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: ETCC/HY 252.
GT-AH1UCBARTH2409Asian Art3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-HI1UNCHIST 112Asian Civilization I: From Prehistory to 15003.0001/01/2010 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-HI1UNCHIST 113Asian Civilization II: From 1500 to the Present3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 02/08/2018. Title changed from "Asian Civilizations: From 1500 to the Present".
GT-HI1CSUHIST 120Asian Civilizations I3.0008/01/2007  
GT-HI1CSUHIST 121Asian Civilizations II3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: HIST 212.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST113Asian History: China3.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 1130.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST114Asian History: Japan3.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 1140.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST111Asian History: Southeast Asia3.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 1110.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST112Asian History: The Indian Subcontinent3.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 1120.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST 1130Asian History: China3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 113.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST 1140Asian History: Japan3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 114.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST 1110Asian History: Southeast Asia3.0001/01/2010 Original course number: 111.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST 1120Asian History: The Indian Subcontinent3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 112.
GT-AH1UNCASIA/MUS248Asian Musical Culture3.0008/17/2020 Cross-listed with MUS 248. Effective Fall 2020.
GT-AH1UNCMUS/ASIA248Asian Musical Culture3.0006/04/2015 Cross listed with ASIA 248. Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH3MSUDRLG1040Asian Religions3.0008/17/2020 Course prefix and title changed, effective Fall 2023. New course, effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3UNCASL210ASL and Deaf Culture I 3.0008/01/2023 Course title changed, effective Fall 2024. Effective Fall 2023.
GT-SS3UNCASL212ASL and Deaf Culture II 3.0008/01/2023 Course title changed, effective Fall 2024. Effective Fall 2023.
GT-SC2CCCSAST1150Astrobiology3.0008/01/2014 Original course number AST 150. Re-approved 12/20/2019.
GT-SC2CSUPPHYS110Astronomy3.0007/31/2017 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SC2CCCSAST1140Astronomy Ancient Cultures3.0001/01/2015 Original course number AST 155. Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1CSUPPHYS 110LAstronomy Lab1.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SC1CSUAA101Astronomy Laboratory3.0008/01/2007 Course number & title changed. Re-approved 06/21/2018. Requires previous or concurrent registration in AA 100.
GT-SC2ASUPHYS110Astronomy: Stars & Galaxies3.0008/19/2019  
GT-SC1CSULIFE 102Attributes of Living Systems4.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 06/21/2018.
GT-SC1CMUBIOL 105/105LAttributes of Living Systems and Laboratory4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/28/2017.
GT-AH2MSUDENG2820Aviation in Film and Literature3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021.
GT-SC1UCDBIOL 1560Basic Biology: Cells to Organisms4.0008/01/2003 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1UCDBIOL 1550Basic Biology: Diversity of Life4.0008/01/2003 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC2CSUBZ 104Basic Concepts of Plant Life3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 01/03/2019.
GT-SC1CSUBZ 105Basic Concepts of Plant Life Laboratory1.0008/01/2007 Course title, number, & credits changed. Re-approved 06/21/2018. Requires previous or concurrent registration in BZ 104. Original course prefix: BZCC.
GT-AH3UNCPHIL221Basic Logic3.0001/01/2015 Course number changed to 221 from 140. Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-AH1UNCMUS155Beats and Grooves in Hispanic and Latinx Music3.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-SC1CCCSANT1005Biological Anthropology, with Lab4.0005/26/2015 Original course number ANT 111. Re-approved 08/27/2018. Previously this course was in the SS3 content area with the title Physical Anthropology.
GT-SC2UCDPSYC 2220Biological Basis of Behavior3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1UNCBIO 101Biological Perspectives3.0001/09/200408/01/2014Course withdrawn.
GT-SC1WCUBIOL 150Biological Principles (with lab)4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-SC2UCBPSYC 2012Biological Psychology3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC1UCDBIOL1400Biology for All3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-SC1UCDBIOL1401Biology for All Lab1.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-SC2UCCSBIOL100Biology in Modern World3.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1000.
GT-SC2UCCSBIOL 1000Biology in the Modern World3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 100. Re-approved 03/30/2017.
GT-SC1CCCSBIO1004Biology: A Human Approach4.0001/01/2015 Original course number BIO 104. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-SC1UNCBIO111Biology: Organisms to Ecosystems4.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3UCBETHN2242Black Social & Political Thought3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-AH1FLCMU102Blues/Jazz/Rock4.0008/01/200508/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCMU 102Blues/Jazz/Rock3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3CSUETST 256Border Crossings: People/Politics/Cultures3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC2CSUPBIOL201Botany 3.0007/31/2017 Credit hours changed from 2 to 3. Re-approved 08/06/2020.
GT-SC1CSUPBIOL 201LBotany Lab1.0008/01/2010 Credit hours changed from 2 to 1. Re-approved 08/06/2020.
GT-SC1CCCSBIO 2121Botany with Laboratory5.0008/01/2009 Original course number BIO 221. Re-approved 04/18/2019.
GT-AH2UCBCLAS 1140Bread and Circuses: Society and Culture in the Roman World3.0008/01/2007  
GT-AH2UNCENG 214   British Literature II3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-AH2CCCSLIT 2022British Literature Since 17703.0001/13/2011 Original course number LIT 222. Course title changed. Re-approved 10/03/2018.
GT-AH2FLCENGL232British Literature Since 18003.0002/05/2016 Re-approved 07/29/2019.
GT-AH2CCCSLIT 2021British Literature to 17703.0001/13/2011 Original course number LIT 221. Course title changed. Re-approved 10/03/2018.
GT-AH2FLCENGL231British Literature to 18003.0002/05/2016 Re-approved 07/29/2019.
GT-AH2CSUE 277British Literature--After 18003.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Course title change. Original course number: ECC 277.
GT-AH2CSUE 276British Literature--Medieval Period to 18003.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Course title change. Original course number: ECC 276.
GT-CO2UNCBA205Business Communications3.0008/01/2013 Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-AH3CCCSPHI2005Business Ethics3.0006/04/2015 Original course number PHI 205. Re-approved 04/18/2019.
GT-SS3FLCBA203Business in Global Society3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-MA1FLCBA 253Business Statistics4.0008/01/200708/01/2016 
GT-CO3CSUBUS 300Business Writing and Communication3.0008/01/2011 Re-approved 01/03/2019.
GT-MA1UCBMATH 1300Calculus 15.0006/08/2016 Course title & credit changed.
GT-MA1UCBAPPM 1350Calculus 1 for Engineers4.0006/08/2016 Course title & credit changed.
GT-MA1UCBAPPM1350Calculus 1 for Engineers3.0006/08/201606/08/2016Course title & credit changed.
GT-MA1CSUPMATH 126Calculus and Analytic Geometry I5.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 03/02/2017
GT-MA1CSUMATH 155Calculus for Biological Scientists I4.0008/01/2003 Original course number: Mcc 155. Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-MA1CSUMATH 255Calculus for Biological Scientists II4.0008/01/200707/19/2017Withdrawn effective Fall 2017. Original title: Calculus for Biologist 2.
GT-MA1CSUMATH 160Calculus for Physical Scientists I4.0008/01/2003 Original course number: Mcc 160. Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-MA1CSUMATH 161Calculus for Physical Scientists II4.0008/01/2007 Original course number: M 161. Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-MA1CSMMATH 111Calculus for Scientists & Engineers I4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 03/23/2017
GT-MA1CSMMATH 112Calculus for Scientists & Engineers II4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 03/23/2017
GT-MA1CSMMATH 213Calculus for Scientists & Engineers III4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 03/23/2017
GT-MA1UCDMATH 1080Calculus for Social Sciences and Business3.0008/01/2015 Course title changed.
GT-MA1MSUDMTH1320Calculus for the Management and Social Sciences3.0002/23/2017  
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 2410Calculus I5.0008/01/2003 Original course number MAT 201. Re-approved 11/15/2017.
GT-MA1UCDMATH 1401Calculus I4.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-MA1FLCMATH 221Calculus I4.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 02/28/2017
GT-MA1CMUMATH 151Calculus I5.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 03/03/2017.
GT-MA1UNCMATH 131Calculus I4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-MA1WCUMATH 151Calculus I4.0008/01/2010 Re-approved 03/01/2019.
GT-MA1MSUDMTH 1410Calculus I4.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 02/23/2017
GT-MA1UNCMATH 171Calculus I for Life Sciences4.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-MA1UCBMATH1310Calculus I with Biological Applications3.0008/01/200506/08/2016Course title & credit changed.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 2420Calculus II5.0008/01/2003 Original course number MAT 202. Re-approved 11/15/2017.
GT-MA1FLCMATH222Calculus II4.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 02/28/2017
GT-MA1UNCMATH 132Calculus II4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-MA1UCDMATH 2411Calculus II4.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 2430Calculus III4.0008/01/2006 Original course number MAT 203. Re-approved 06/14/2017. Previously was 4 credits.
GT-MA1UCDMATH 2421Calculus III4.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 2431Calculus III with Engineering Applications5.0008/01/2007 Original course number MAT 204. Re-approved 06/14/2017.
GT-MA1CSUMATH 141Calculus in Management Sciences3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: M 141. Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-MA1UCBMATH 1310Calculus, Systems, and Modeling5.0006/08/2016 Course title & credit changed.
GT-AH2CCCSLIT 2068Celtic Literature3.0008/01/2009 Original course number LIT 268. Re-approved 05/24/2018.
GT-SC2MSUDCHE 1010Chemistry and Society3.0008/01/2006 Previously withdrawn from GT Pathways in 2013. Re-approved 07/14/2020.
GT-SC2CMUCHEM 100Chemistry and Society3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC2CSUPCHEM101Chemistry and Society3.0007/31/2017 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1CSUPCHEM 101LChemistry and Society Lab1.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC2UNCENST 235Chemistry and the Environment3.0008/01/200808/01/2024Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 12/20/2019.
GT-SC2UNCCHEM 101Chemistry for Citizens3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/20/2019.
GT-SC1UNCCHEM 102Chemistry for Citizens Laboratory1.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-SC2FLCCHEM 123Chemistry for Consumers3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SC1UCDCHEM 1474Chemistry for Everyday4.0001/01/2017 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC2ASUCHEM104Chemistry in Context3.0001/03/2024 Effective Spring 2024.
GT-SC2CSUCHEM 103Chemistry in Context3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 07/01/2021.
GT-SC1CSUCHEM104Chemistry in Context Laboratory1.0008/01/2007 Course title, number, & credits changed. Re-approved 06/21/2018. Requires previous or concurrent registration in CHEM 103.Original course prefix: CCC.
GT-SC1CCCSCHE 1005Chemistry in Context, with Lab5.0008/01/2005 Original course number CHE 105. Re-approved 06/07/2017.
GT-SC2UCCSCHEM 1101Chemistry in the Modern World3.0008/20/2010 Previous course number: 1000.
GT-SC2UCCSCHEM1000Chemistry in the Modern World3.0008/20/201008/01/2014Course number changed to 1101.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM1100Chemistry in the Modern World Laboratory 1.0001/01/201008/01/2014Course number changed to 1102; original course number: 110.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM 1102Chemistry in the Modern World Laboratory 1.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Previous course number: 1100.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM110Chemistry in the Modern World Laboratory1.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 1100.
GT-HI1CSUETST 253Chicana/o History and Culture3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS3CSUPCS/SW 230Chicanos: Social & Psychological Study3.0008/01/2012 Re-approved 05/02/2022.
GT-SS3CCCSPSY 2441Child Development3.0008/01/2006 Original course number PSY 238. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-AH2FLCED227Children's Literature3.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-AH2CCCSLIT2055Children's Literature3.0005/26/2020 Original course number LIT 255.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS 1250China and East Asia3.0008/01/2015 Course title changed. Re-approved 06/25/2019.
GT-AH4UCDCHIN 1000China and the Chinese3.0008/01/2005 Changing from GT-AH1 to GT-AH4. Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS1250China, Japan, Korea Since 18003.0008/01/200508/01/2015Course title changed.
GT-AH2CSULCHI 250Chinese Language, Literature, Culture in Translation3.0008/01/2008  
GT-AH3FLCPHIL/RS 244Chinese Philosophy4.0008/01/201308/01/2016 
GT-HI1UCBHIST 2746Christianity in American History3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course closed.
GT-SS3UCBINVS 1523Civic Engagement: Democracy as a Tool for Social Change3.0008/01/2009  
GT-HI1CCCSHIS 2140Civil War Era in American History3.0008/01/2014 Original course number HIS 203. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-AH2FLCENGL 221Classical Literature4.0001/09/200408/01/2016 
GT-AH3CSUPPHIL 201Classics in Ethics3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 10/10/2018.
GT-SS3CSUAM 250Clothing, Adornment and Human Behavior3.0008/01/2007  
GT-CO2UCBWRTG1160CMCI First Year Writing and Rhetoric 3.0012/28/2018 Approved 12/28/2018.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 1340College Algebra4.0001/10/2003 Original course number MAT 121. Re-approved 01/23/2018.
GT-MA1CSUPMATH 121College Algebra4.0008/01/200308/01/2020Course no longer offered at institution. Effective Fall 2020. Re-approved 03/02/2017
GT-MA1FLCMATH 110College Algebra4.0008/01/200308/01/2016 
GT-MA1ASUMATH 106College Algebra3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 06/30/2017.
GT-MA1CMUMATH 113College Algebra4.0008/01/2003 Credit hours changed from 3 to 4. Re-approved 03/03/2017.
GT-MA1WCUMATH 140College Algebra3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 03/01/2019.
GT-MA1UCCSMATH104College Algebra3.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 1040.
GT-MA1UNCMATH 124College Algebra4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-MA1UCCSMATH 1040College Algebra3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 104.
GT-MA1UCDMATH 1110College Algebra4.0001/01/2017 Re-approved 12/21/2018. Course credits changed.
GT-MA1CSUPMATH120College Algebra3.0008/26/2019 Course title change, effective Fall 2022.
GT-MA1UCDMATH 1110College Algebra3.0008/01/200601/01/2017Course credits changed.
GT-MA1CSUGMTH122College Algebra3.0002/05/2016 Re-approved 02/27/2017
GT-MA1UCDMATH 1070College Algebra for Business3.0008/01/2015 Re-approved 12/21/2018. Course title changed.
GT-MA1MSUDMTH 1110College Algebra for Calculus4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 02/23/2017. Course title changed, effective Fall 2018.
GT-MA1MSUDMTH1111College Algebra for Calculus w/Laboratory4.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-MA1CSUMATH 117College Algebra in Context I1.0008/01/2007 Any combination of three 1-credit courses satisfies GT-MA1. Those wanting pre-req for MATH 160 should take MATH 118, 124 & 126.Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-MA1CSUMATH 118College Algebra in Context II1.0008/01/2007 Any combination of three 1-credit courses satisfies GT-MA1. Those wanting pre-req for MATH 160 should take MATH 118, 124 & 126.Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-MA1MSUDMTH1109College Algebra Stretch, Part II4.0002/23/2017  
GT-MA1MSUDMTH1112College Algebra Through Modeling4.0008/01/2013 Re-approved 02/23/2017
GT-MA1MSUDMTH1115College Algebra through Modeling w/Laboratory4.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-MA1CMUMATH113RCollege Algebra with Review5.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023.
GT-MA1CSUPMATH119College Algebra with SAI4.0010/05/201808/01/2020Course no longer offered at institution. Effective Fall 2020.
GT-SC2CSUPBIOL181College Biology I3.0007/31/2017 Course title changed. Re-approved 08/06/2020.
GT-SC1CSUPBIOL 181LCollege Biology I Lab1.0008/01/2008 Course title changed. Re-approved 08/06/2020.
GT-SC2CSUPBIOL182College Biology II 3.0007/31/2017 Course title changed. Re-approved 08/06/2020.
GT-SC1CSUPBIOL 182LCollege Biology II Lab1.0008/01/2010 Course title changed. Re-approved 08/06/2020.
GT-CO2CSUCO 150College Composition3.0008/01/2003 Original course number was Cocc 150. Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-CO1UNCENG 122College Composition3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-MA1FLCMATH 105College Mathematics3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 02/28/2017
GT-SC1ASUPHYS 221/222College Physics (and Laboratory)5.0008/01/200308/01/2006Course number changed to PHYS 225.
GT-SC2UCDPHYS 2010College Physics I4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1MSUDPHY 2010/2030College Physics I/College Physics I Laboratory4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 01/14/2019.
GT-SC2UCDPHYS 2020College Physics II4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1MSUDPHY 2020/2040College Physics II/College Physics II Laboratory4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 01/14/2019.
GT-SC1UCDPHYS 2030College Physics Laboratory I1.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1UCDPHYS 2040College Physics Laboratory II1.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1ASUPHYS 225College Physics with Laboratory5.0008/01/2006 Original course number: PHYS 221/222. Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 1420College Trigonometry3.0008/01/2005 Original course number MAT 122. Re-approved 01/23/2018.
GT-MA1UCDMATH 1120College Trigonometry3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-MA1MSUDMTH 1120College Trigonometry4.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 02/23/2017
GT-HI1FLCHIST270Colonial Latin America4.0001/01/200708/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1FLCHIST 270Colonial Latin America3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1CCCSHIS 2135Colorado History3.0001/01/2010 Original course number HIS 225. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS 1110Colorado History I3.0001/10/200308/01/2015 
GT-AH1MSUDTHE2295Comedy In-Print and On-Stage3.0008/22/2022 Effective Fall 2022.
GT-AH1CCCSCOM1300Communication and Popular Culture3.0005/28/2019 Original course number COM 130.
GT-AH1CSUSPCM 100Communication and Popular Culture3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 01/03/2019.
GT-SS3UCBCOMM2400Communication and Society3.0008/01/200306/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-CO1ASUENG 101Communication Arts I3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/30/2017.
GT-CO2ASUENG 102Communication Arts II3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/30/2017.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC 2220Communities in a Global Environment3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 222.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC222Communities in a Global Environment3.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 2220.
GT-SS3MSUDSWK1600Community Engagement and Civic Responsibility3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3UCBPRLC 1820Community Issues in Leadership3.0008/01/2009  
GT-SS1CCCSPSC 2025Comparative Government3.0008/01/2006 Course pre-fix changed from POS to PSC. Effective Summer 2023. Original course number POS 225. Re-approved 05/23/18.
GT-SS1CSUPOLS 241Comparative Government and Politics3.0008/01/2007 Original course: POCC 241 Comparative Politics.
GT-SS1CMUPOLS 261Comparative Politics3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 10/09/2020.
GT-SS1MSUDPSC 1020Comparative Politics3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 06/25/2019. Course title changed, effective Fall 2020.
GT-AH3CCCSPHI 1014Comparative Religions3.0008/01/2006 Original course number PHI 114. Re-approved 05/23/18.
GT-CO1MSUDENG 1010Composing Arguments3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 03/29/2017
GT-CO1CTUENGL101Composition and Critical Thinking3.0008/01/201412/21/2016CTU is no longer participating in GT Pathways, effective 12/21/16.
GT-CO1CSUGENG101Composition I3.0002/05/2016 Re-approved 02/27/2017
GT-CO2CSUGENG102Composition II3.0002/05/2016 Re-approved 02/27/2017
GT-CO3CCCSENG 2001Composition III: Writing for Public Discourse3.0008/01/2010 Original course number ENG 201. Re-approved 06/07/2017.
GT-CO2FLCHIST 250Composition in History4.0008/01/200708/01/2016 
GT-CO2CTUENGL103Composition: Writing and Research3.0001/01/201412/21/2016CTU is no longer participating in GT Pathways, effective 12/21/16.
GT-AH3UNCCS209Computer and Data Ethics3.0008/01/2024 Effective Fall 2024.
GT-SS2MSUDGEG 1920Concepts and Connections in Geography3.0001/01/200711/17/2019Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2019.
GT-SC2CMUPHYS 100Concepts of Physics3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC1CCCSPHY 1105Conceptual Physics with Lab4.0008/01/2005 Original course number PHY 105. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH2UNCHON 182Confluence of Cultures3.0001/10/2003 Course prefix change, effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-SC2FLCBIO 125Conservation Biology3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SC2WCUCHEM 100Contemporary Chemistry3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-AH2UNCMAS 110Contemporary Chicano Literature3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 05/28/2019.
GT-SS1UNCFR 116Contemporary France3.0001/10/200308/26/2019Re-approved 01/28/2019. Course will no longer be offered as a GT Pathways course effective 08/26/2019.
GT-SS1UNCGER 116Contemporary German3.0008/01/200708/26/2019Re-approved 01/28/2019. Course will no longer be offered as a GT Pathways course effective 08/26/2019.
GT-AH2CSUE 238  Contemporary Global Fiction3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Course title change. Original course: ECC 238 Twentieth-Century Literature.
GT-SS3FLCNAIS 280Contemporary Issues of Native Nations3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 07/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3FLCNAIS280Contemporary Issues of Native Nations4.0001/01/200708/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3CSUSOC 205Contemporary Race-Ethnic Relations3.0008/01/2006 Original course number: SCC 205.
GT-SS3CCCSSOC 2015Contemporary Social Problems3.0008/01/2006 Original course number SOC 215. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS1CSUSOWK 110Contemporary Social Welfare3.0008/01/200701/21/2020Course no longer part of GT Pathways, effective Spring 2020.Original course: SWCC 110 Contemporary Social Welfare Policy.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS 2010Contemporary World History3.0008/01/200608/01/2015 
GT-HI1UCDHIST1400Controversies in History3.0008/01/2013 Re-approved 05/21/2019.
GT-SC1UCDCHEM1474Core Chemistry: Chemistry for the Consumer4.0001/01/200701/01/2017Course title changed.
GT-CO1UCDENGL 1020Core Composition I3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-CO2UCDENGL 2030Core Composition II3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-CO3CSUJTC301Corporate and Professional Communication3.0001/01/2015 Re-approved 01/03/2019.
GT-SC2CCCSAST1160Cosmology3.0008/01/2014 Original course number AST 160. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-AH1UNCPVA220Creative Thinking and Strategies3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023.
GT-AH1CCCSENG2021Creative Writing I3.0011/30/2018 Original course number ENG 221.
GT-AH1UNCMIND 297Creativity in the Arts3.0001/01/200712/10/2018Course closed.
GT-SS3UCDCRJU1000Criminology and Criminal Justice: An Overview3.0001/01/2014 Re-approved 12/20/2019. Course title changed.
GT-AH3CSUGHUM101Critical Reasoning3.0006/04/2015 Re-approved 11/27/2018.
GT-AH3CSUPPHIL 204Critical Reasoning3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 10/10/2018.
GT-CO3FLCENGL363Critical Theory3.0008/01/2016 Course title changed. Re-approved 02/28/2017.
GT-AH3UCCSPHIL112Critical Thinking3.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1120.
GT-AH3CMUPHIL 105Critical Thinking3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 12/18/2020.
GT-AH3UCCSPHIL 1120Critical Thinking3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Original course number: 112.
GT-SS3MSUDANT 2330Cross-Cultural Communication3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SC2UCCSCHEM 1121CSI: Forensic Chemistry3.0008/01/2014 Previous course number: 1300.
GT-SC2UCCSCHEM1300CSI: Forensic Chemistry 13.0008/20/201008/01/2014Course number changed to 1121
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM1310CSI: Forensic Chemistry I Laboratory1.0008/20/201008/01/2014Course number (& title) changed to 1122.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM 1122CSI: Forensic Chemistry Laboratory1.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Course title changed. Previous course number: 1310.
GT-SS3CCCSANT 1001Cultural Anthropology3.0008/01/2003 Original course number ANT 101. Re-approved 04/18/2019.
GT-SS3CSUPANTH100Cultural Anthropology3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 05/02/2022. Course prefix changed from ANTHR to ANTH. Effective Fall 2020.
GT-SS3CMUANTH 201Cultural Anthropology3.0001/09/200408/01/2013Course closed.
GT-SS3ASUANTH201Cultural Anthropology3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-SS3CCCSANT 1002Cultural Anthropology Laboratory1.0012/02/2011 Original course number ANT 102.
GT-AH2UCBSPAN 1000Cultural Differences through Hispanic Literature3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS3FLCANTH 217Cultural Images of Women and Men3.0008/01/200602/01/2010 
GT-AH3CSUCS150Culture and Coding3.0001/21/2020  
GT-SS3UCDANTH 2102Culture and the Human Experience3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-SS3CSUANTH 200Cultures and the Global System3.0008/01/2003 Original course number: Apcc 200.
GT-SS1CCCSPSC 1050Current Political Issues3.0008/01/2012 Course pre-fix changed from POS to PSC. Effective Summer 2023. Original course number POS 215. Re-approved 05/23/18.
GT-SS1CSUPOLS 131Current World Problems3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: POCC 131.
GT-AH1UNCDNCE130Dance and Culture3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023.
GT-AH1CCCSDAN1025Dance Appreciation 3.0012/20/2018 Original course number DAN 150.
GT-AH1CMUDANC 115Dance Appreciation3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-AH3CSUPPHIL 205Deductive Logic3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 10/10/2018.
GT-HI1UNCAFS 101Development of Black Identity3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-AH1UCBTHTR1011Development of Theatre 1: Forms of Classical Theatre and Drama3.0008/01/200506/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-AH1UCBTHTR 1011Development of Theatre 1: Global Theatre Origins3.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-AH1CCCSTHE 2011Development of Theatre: Greek to Renaissance3.0008/01/2003 Original course number THE 211. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH1CCCSTHE 2012Development of Theatre: Restoration to Modern3.0008/01/2003 Original course number THE 212. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-SS3MSUDPSY1800Developmental Educational Psychology3.0008/19/2019  
GT-SS3UCBSOCY 1004Deviance in U.S. Society3.0001/10/2003  
GT-SS3MSUDSOC2500Deviant Behavior in Society3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 2560Differential Equations3.0008/01/2006 Original course number MAT 265. Re-approved 06/14/2017.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 2561Differential Equations with Engineering Applications4.0008/01/2007 Original course number MAT 261. Re-approved 08/21/18.
GT-AH1CMUARTE103Digital Art and Design3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-SS3MSUDENG2513Disability Rhetorics3.0008/22/2022 Effective Fall 2022.
GT-SS3UCBCOMM 2400Discourse, Culture and Identities3.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 2520Discrete Mathematics4.0008/01/2007 Original course number MAT 215. Re-approved 06/14/2017.
GT-SS3CCCSETH2015Discrimination and Diversity3.0005/26/2020 Original course number ETH 215.
GT-SC1CMUBIOL108/108LDiversity of Organisms/Diversity of Organisms Lab4.0006/28/2017 BIOL 108 is worth 3 credits; BIOL 108L is worth 1 credit. Formerly BIOL201.
GT-SS3MSUDSED 2200Diversity, Disability and Education3.0008/01/200607/11/2013 
GT-SC1ASUGSCI109Dynamic Earth4.0008/19/2019  
GT-SC1FLCGEOL 105Earth and the Environment4.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SC2FLCGEOL 106Earth and the Environment3.0008/01/201308/01/2016 
GT-SC2CSUPGEOL101Earth Science3.0007/31/2017 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SC1UNCESCI 265Earth Science Concepts for Elementary Teachers3.0001/01/200708/01/2019Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2019.
GT-SC1CSUPGEOL 101LEarth Science Lab1.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SC1CSUGGEO101CEarth Science with Laboratory4.0006/28/2017  
GT-SC2FLCGEOL 170Earth Shock3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SC1FLCGEOL 107Earth Systems Science4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SC2UNCESCI101Earth's Climate Systems4.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SC2MSUDBIO 1010Ecology for Non-Majors3.0008/01/200607/11/2013 
GT-SC1FLCBIO 250Ecology of the Southwest4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SS1ASUECON 201Economics & Today's Society3.0001/09/200407/06/2021Course is no longer offered, effective Summer 2021.
GT-SS1UCCSECON 1050Economics in Practice3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 105.
GT-SS1UCCSECON105Economics in Practice3.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 1050.
GT-SS1CCCSECO 1001Economics of Social Issues3.0008/01/2008 Original course number ECO 101. Re-approved 05/10/2019.
GT-SS1UCCSECON100Economics of Social Issues3.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 1000.
GT-SS1UCCSECON 1000Economics of Social Issues3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 100.
GT-SS1CSUECON 101Economics of Social Issues3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS3UCDEDFN 1000Education & Democracy: Segregation, Desegregation, and Resegregation3.0001/01/2013  
GT-SS3WCUEDUC202Education and Schooling in the U.S.3.0008/01/2022  
GT-SS3FLCED 222Education: Global Perspectives3.0001/01/2007 Course withdrawn 08/01/2013. Re-activated 08/27/2019.
GT-SS3MSUDEDS1001Educational (In)Equality in the 21st Century3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SC1CMUPHYS 132/132LElectromagnetism & Optics and Laboratory5.0001/02/2004 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC1MSUDEET 1001Electronics: An Introduction3.0008/01/200707/11/2013 
GT-SC2CMUPHYS 101Elementary Astronomy3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-MA1UNCMATH 127Elementary Functions4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-MA1UCCSMATH 1050Elementary Functions of Calculus4.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 105.
GT-MA1UCCSMATH105Elementary Functions of Calculus4.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1050.
GT-MA1UCCSMATH105Elementary Functions of Calculus4.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1050.
GT-MA1FLCMATH 201Elementary Statistics4.0008/01/200308/01/2016 
GT-MA1CMUMATH 205Elements of Mathematics II3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 03/03/2017.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST153Emergence of Modern America, 1865-19203.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1530.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST 1530Emergence of Modern America, 1865-19203.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 153.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 1012Empire, Revolution, and Global War: European History Since 16003.0006/08/2016 Course title & number changed; original course number: HIST 1020.
GT-AH2CSULB173Encountering the Global3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SC2UNCENST 225Energy and the Environment3.0008/01/200708/01/2024Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 12/20/2019.
GT-SC2UNCESCI225Energy and the Environment3.0008/01/2024 Effective Fall 2024.
GT-SC2WCUPHYS 125Energy and the Environment3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 12/06/2021.
GT-SC1CCCSPHY 1107Energy Science and Technology, with Lab4.0001/01/2010 Original course number PHY 107. Re-approved 04/05/2018.
GT-SC1CMUCHEM151/151LEngineering Chemistry and Laboratory4.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-CO1CCCSENG 1021English Composition I3.0008/01/2003 Original course number ENG 121. Re-approved 06/07/2017.
GT-CO1CMUENGL 111English Composition I3.0001/09/2003 Re-approved 03/03/2017
GT-CO2CCCSENG 1022English Composition II3.0008/01/2003 Original course number ENG 122. Re-approved 06/07/2017.
GT-CO2CMUENGL 112English Composition II3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 03/03/2017
GT-SS2UCDENVS 1342Environment, Society and Sustainability3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC2WCUBIOL 200Environmental and Public Health3.0008/01/200612/20/2021Course is no longer offered, effective Spring 2022.
GT-SC2WCUBIOL 130Environmental Biology3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-SC1WCUBIOL 135Environmental Biology Laboratory1.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-SC2FLCCHEM 125Environmental Chemistry3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SC2UCBCHEM 1011Environmental Chemistry I3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC2CSUGBIO121Environmental Conservation3.0007/28/2017  
GT-SC2CSUPBIOL121Environmental Conservation3.0007/31/2017 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SC2CSUNR 120AEnvironmental Conservation3.0008/01/2008  
GT-SC1CSUGBIO121LEnvironmental Conservation Lab1.0005/10/2017  
GT-SC1CSUPBIOL 121LEnvironmental Conservation Lab1.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SS1CCCSECO 2045Environmental Economics3.0008/01/2006 Original course number ECO 245. Re-approved 05/10/2019.
GT-AH3CCCSPHI 2018Environmental Ethics3.0001/01/2010 Original course number PHI 218. Re-approved 08/27/18.
GT-AH3FLCPHIL 252Environmental Ethics3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH3FLCPHIL252Environmental Ethics4.0001/01/201008/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SC1CCCSGEY 1135Environmental Geology, with Lab4.0012/02/2011 Original course number GEY 135. Re-approved 06/07/2017.
GT-HI1WCUHIST128Environmental History of North America3.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-SS3CSUSOCR/HORT171/171Environmental Issues in Agriculture3.0003/01/2007  
GT-AH2WCUENG 230Environmental Literature3.0008/01/2010 Re-approved 10/24/2018.
GT-SC1FLCPHYS 115Environmental Physical Science3.0001/09/200408/01/2016 
GT-SS1FLCPS 205Environmental Politics3.0008/01/200602/01/2009 
GT-SC2UCCSCHEM1111Environmental Science3.0008/01/2014 Original course number: CHEM 1510.
GT-SC2UCCSCHEM1510Environmental Science3.0008/20/201008/01/2014Course number changed to CHEM 1111.
GT-SC2CSUPCHEM125Environmental Science3.0007/31/2017 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1CSUPCHEM125LEnvironmental Science Lab1.0008/01/2014 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM151Environmental Science Laboratory1.0008/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 1530.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM 1112Environmental Science Laboratory1.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Previous course number: 1530.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM1530Environmental Science Laboratory1.0008/20/201008/01/2014Course number changed to 1112.
GT-SS3CCCSSOC 2007Environmental Sociology3.0008/01/2010 Original course number SOC207. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SC1UCBGEOG 1001Environmental Systems 1 -- Climate and Vegetation4.0008/01/2005  
GT-SC1UCBGEOG 1011Environmental Systems 2 -- Landscapes and Water4.0008/01/2005  
GT-AH3CSUCS/PHIL201Ethical Computing Systems3.0001/21/2020 Cross-listed courses.
GT-AH3CCCSPHI 1012Ethics3.0008/01/2003 Original course number PHI 112. Re-approved 04/18/2019.
GT-AH3UCBPHIL 1100Ethics3.0001/10/2003  
GT-AH3UCCSPHIL102Ethics3.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1020.
GT-AH3CMUPHIL 120Ethics3.0001/01/2014 Re-approved 12/18/2020.
GT-AH3FLCPHIL142Ethics3.0008/17/2017 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-AH3CSUBUS220Ethics in Contemporary Organizations3.0006/04/2015 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-AH3MSUDPHI1060Ethics in Medicine and Science3.0008/22/2022 Effective Fall 2022.
GT-AH2UNCENG 236 Ethnic American Literature3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SS3CSUETST 205Ethnicity and the Media3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: ETCC 205.
GT-SS3FLCSOC 279Ethnicity, Gender & Class in the Southwest4.0008/01/200608/01/2016 
GT-CO2FLCSOC 210Ethnography and Writing3.0008/01/2016 Credit hours changed from 4 to 3. Re-approved 02/28/2017.
GT-CO2FLCSOC210Ethnography and Writing4.0008/01/200808/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS1045Europe, Renaissance to the Present3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SC1UCBPHYS 1140Experimental Physics 11.0008/01/2005  
GT-AH1UNCMUS 140Exploration of Music through American Identities 3.0008/01/2005 Course title changed, effective Fall 2022. Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-SS3UCBANTH 1110Exploring a Non-Western Culture: Japan3.00 06/08/2016Course closed.
GT-SC2UNCBIO 100Exploring Biology3.0008/01/2007 Note: BIO 105 is corequisite lab. Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SC1UNCBIO105Exploring Biology Laboratory1.0001/01/2014 Note: BIO 100 is corequisite lecture. Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SC2CSUGEOL 120Exploring Earth: Physical Geology3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 01/03/2019.
GT-AH1UNCMUS144Exploring Music in Film3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023.
GT-CO2UCBWRTG 1100Extended First-Year Writing and Rhetoric4.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 12/28/2018.
GT-AH2UCBGRMN 2503Fairy Tales of Germany3.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH2UCBRUSS 2231Fairy Tales of Russia3.0008/01/2009  
GT-SC1CMUENVS 103/103LField-Based Introduction to Environmental Science4.0008/01/200508/06/2020Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2020.
GT-SC1CMUGEOL 113/113LField-based Introduction to Physical Geology and Laboratory4.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-AH3UNCPHIL 110Figures in Western Philosophy3.0008/01/200306/23/2017 
GT-AH2UCBCHIN 2441Film and the Dynamics of Chinese Culture3.0008/01/2009  
GT-MA1CSUMATH 133Financial Mathematics3.0008/01/200708/01/2015 
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 1320Finite Mathematics4.0008/01/2005 Original course number MAT 123. Re-approved 06/14/2017.
GT-MA1ASUMATH 104Finite Mathematics3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/30/2017.
GT-MA1MSUDMTH 1310Finite Mathematics for the Management and Social Sciences4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 02/23/2017
GT-MA1MSUDMTH1311Finite Mathematics for the Management and Social Sciences w/Laboratory4.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-AH2UNCMIND 100First Year Preceptorial3.0001/01/200905/28/2019Course is no longer offered, effective Summer 2019.
GT-CO2UCBWRTG 1150First-Year Writing and Rhetoric3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 12/28/2018.
GT-CO1UCBWRTG 1150First-Year Writing and Rhetoric3.0008/01/200308/01/2009Course moved to GT-CO2 category.
GT-CO1UCBWRTG 1100First-Year Writing and Rhetoric - Extended Version4.0008/01/200508/01/2009Moved to GT-CO2 category.
GT-HI1CCCSHIS260Foreign Relations History3.0008/01/201001/12/2011Course title changed.
GT-SC1UCDCHEM1494Forensic Chemistry4.0001/10/2019  
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM131Forensic Chemistry I Laboratory1.0008/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 1310.
GT-SS3UNCUNIV101Foundations for Learning and Development3.0008/01/2024 Effective Fall 2024.
GT-SS1UCDSJUS 2000Foundations in Social Justice3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 05/21/2019. Course title changed.
GT-AH3UNCBA 150Foundations of Business Thought3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 05/28/2019.
GT-SC2CSULAND/LIFE220Foundations of Ecology3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 01/03/2019.
GT-SC2UCDPHYS 1100Foundations of Physics4.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-AH2UCBFREN 1700Francophone Literature in Translation3.0008/01/2006  
GT-AH2UCBFREN 1750French Colonialism: North Africa and the Middle East3.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-AH4UCDFREN2003French Language 33.0006/04/2015 Re-approved 12/20/2019.
GT-AH4CCCSFRE1011French Language I5.0008/01/2025 Effective Fall 2025.
GT-AH4CCCSFRE1012French Language II5.0008/01/2025 Effective Fall 2025.
GT-AH4CCCSFRE 2011French Language III3.0008/01/2006 Original course number FRE 211. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH4CCCSFRE 2012French Language IV3.0008/01/2006 Original course number FRE 212. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH2CSULFRE 250French Language, Literature, Culture in Translation3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC1CMUPHYS 131/131LFundamental Mechanics and Laboratory5.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC1UNCCHEM281Fundamentals of Biochemistry3.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 05/28/2019. CHEM 281L is co-req and students MUST take together. Course used to be GT-SC2. Course title changed.
GT-SC1UNCCHEM 281LFundamentals of Biochemistry Laboratory 1.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 05/28/2019. CHEM 281 is co-req and students MUST take together. Course title changed.
GT-SC2UNCBREW170Fundamentals of Brewing Science3.0008/26/2019  
GT-SC1UNCBREW170LFundamentals of Brewing Science Lab1.0008/26/2019  
GT-SC2CSUCHEM 107Fundamentals of Chemistry4.0008/01/2008 Credit hours changed from 3 to 4. Re-approved 07/01/2021.
GT-SC1FLCCHEM 150Fundamentals of Chemistry I: Atoms/Molecules4.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Course title changed.
GT-SC1FLCCHEM 151Fundamentals of Chemistry II: Chemical Reactions4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Course title changed.
GT-SC1CSUCHEM108Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory1.0008/01/2007 Course title, number, & credits changed. Re-approved 06/21/2018. Requires previous or concurrent registration in CHEM 107.Original course prefix: CCC.
GT-SS3UCDCOMM 1011Fundamentals of Communication3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-SC2UCBMCDB 1041Fundamentals of Human Genetics3.0008/01/2007  
GT-MA1UNCMATH 181Fundamentals of Mathematics I: Number and Operations3.0008/01/2003 Students MUST successfully pass BOTH Math 181 & Math 182 to satisfy the gtPathways math requirement. Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-MA1UNCMATH 182Fundamentals of Mathematics II: Algebra, Probability and Data Analysis3.0008/01/2003 Students MUST successfully pass BOTH Math 181 & Math 182 to satisfy the gtPathways math requirement. Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-AH2ASUCOMM255Fundamentals of Media Communication3.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 12/20/2021.
GT-AH1FLCMU 120Fundamentals of Music3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCMU120Fundamentals of Music4.0008/01/200608/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1WCUMUS 100Fundamentals of Music3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 05/08/2018.
GT-SS1UNCPSCI 105Fundamentals of Politics3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-SS3MSUDSPE 2770Gender and Communication3.0001/01/200711/17/2019Course is not taught regularly enough to meet GT Pathways guidelines.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 2626Gender and Culture3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course closed.
GT-AH1UCBLIBB 1600Gender and Film3.0008/01/2009  
GT-HI1UCBCLAS/WMST 2110Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Rome3.0006/08/2016 Original course number: CLAS 2110; course title changed.
GT-SS3UNCGNDR101Gender and Society3.0008/01/2014 Original prefix & title: WS 101 Women in Contemporary Society. Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC2250Gender Images3.0001/01/2012 SOC 2250 is no longer cross-listed with WEST 2250. WEST 2250 is no longer available.
GT-SS3UNCGNDR285Gender in the Contemporary Global Order3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS1CCCSECO2011Gender in the Economy3.0001/01/2014 Original course number ECO 211. Re-approved 04/18/2019.
GT-SS1CSUECON 211Gender in the Economy3.0008/01/2006 Original course number: ECCC 211.
GT-SS3UCBWMST 2600Gender, Race, and Class in a Global Context3.0008/01/2009  
GT-SS3UNCGNDR/SOC240Gender, Race, Class, and Sexuality3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020. Cross-listed with SOC 240.
GT-SS3UNCSOC/GNDR240Gender, Race, Class, and Sexuality3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020. Cross-listed with GNDR 240.
GT-SC1UNCAST 100General Astronomy4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SC1CMUPHYS103/103LGeneral Astronomy and Laboratory4.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-SC2UCCSPES 1050General Astronomy I3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 05/06/2019.
GT-SC1UCDPHYS 1052General Astronomy I4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC2UCCSPES 1060General Astronomy II3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 05/06/2019.
GT-SC1UCCSPES 1090General Astronomy Laboratory I1.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019.
GT-SC1UCCSPES 1100General Astronomy Laboratory II1.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019.
GT-SC2UCBEBIO 1210General Biology 13.0008/01/2003  
GT-SC2UCBEBIO1220General Biology 23.0008/01/2003  
GT-SC1ASUBIOL209/209LGeneral Biology I5.0008/01/2014 Original course number: BIOL 204/204L. Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC2UCDBIOL 2051General Biology I3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1UCCSBIOL 110General Biology I3.0001/01/200808/15/2008 
GT-SC1MSUDBIO 1080/1090General Biology I/General Biology I Laboratory4.0008/01/200312/19/2018Course no longer part of GT Pathways. 1080 = 3 cr; 1090 = 1 cr
GT-SC1UCCSBIOL120General Biology I: Organic Biology4.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 1200.
GT-SC1UCCSBIOL1200General Biology I: Organismic Biology4.0008/20/201004/30/2014Course number changed to BIOL 1300; original course number: 120.
GT-SC1UCCSBIOL 1300General Biology I: Organismic Biology4.0005/01/201406/01/2014Previous course number: BIOL 1200.
GT-SC2UCDBIOL 2061General Biology II3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1ASUBIOL210/210LGeneral Biology II5.0008/01/2014 Original course number: BIOL 203/203L. Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1MSUDBIO 1081/1091General Biology II/General Biology II Laboratory4.0008/01/200712/19/2018Course no longer part of GT Pathways.
GT-SC1ASUBIOL 204/204LGeneral Biology II/General Biology II Laboratory5.0008/01/200508/01/2014Course title & number changed to 209/209L.
GT-SC1UCCSBIOL121General Biology II: Introduction to the Cell4.0008/15/200808/20/2010Course number changed to 1210.
GT-SC1UCCSBIOL1210General Biology II: Introduction to the Cell4.0008/20/201006/01/2014Course number changed to 1350; original course number: 121.
GT-SC1UCBEBIO 1230General Biology Laboratory 11.0008/01/2003  
GT-SC1UCBEBIO 1240General Biology Laboratory 21.0008/01/2003  
GT-SC1UCDBIOL 2071General Biology Laboratory I1.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1UCDBIOL 2081General Biology Laboratory II1.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1ASUBIOL 203/203LGeneral Biology/General Biology Laboratory5.0008/01/200308/01/2014Course title & number changed to 210/210L.
GT-SC2UCCSBIOL1350General Biology: Introduction to the Cell3.0006/01/2014 Course divided into separate lecture (1350) & lab (1360); courses are co-requisites. Re-approved 03/30/2017.
GT-SC2UCCSBIOL1300General Biology: Organismic Biology3.0006/01/2014 Course divided into separate lecture (1300) & lab (1310); courses are co-requisites. Re-approved 03/30/2017.
GT-SC1UCCSBIOL1310General Biology: Organismic Biology Laboratory1.0006/01/2014 Orig #: BIOL 1300. Course divided into separate lecture (1300) & lab (1310); courses are co-requisites. Re-approved 03/30/2017.
GT-SC1UCCSBIOL 1350General Biology: Introduction to the Cell4.0006/01/201406/01/2014Previous course number: 1210.
GT-SC1UCCSBIOL1360General Biology: Introduction to the Cell Laboratory1.0006/01/2014 Orig #: BIOL 1350. Course divided into separate lecture (1350) & lab (1360); courses are co-requisites. Re-approved 03/30/2017.
GT-SC1ASUCHEM 131/131LGeneral Chemistry & Lab5.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC2UCBCHEM 1113General Chemistry 14.0006/08/2016 Original course number: CHEM 1111.
GT-SC1UCBCHEM1131General Chemistry 23.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course number changed to CHEM 1133; credit hrs changed.
GT-SC2UCBCHEM 1133General Chemistry 24.0006/08/2016 Original course number: CHEM 1131; credit hrs changed.
GT-SC2CSUPCHEM121General Chemistry I4.0007/31/2017 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SC1UCBCHEM1111General Chemistry I3.0008/01/200306/08/2016Course number changed to CHEM 1113; credit hrs changed.
GT-SC2UCCSCHEM1401General Chemistry I4.0008/01/2015 Orig #: CHEM 1301. Course divided into separate lecture (1401) & lab (1402); they are corequisites.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM1030General Chemistry I5.0008/20/201008/01/2014Course number changed to 1301; original course number: 103.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM1030General Chemistry I5.0008/20/201008/01/2014Course number changed to 1301.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM103General Chemistry I5.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 1030.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM 1301General Chemistry I5.0008/01/201508/01/2015Course divided into separate lecture (1401) and lab (1402).
GT-SC2WCUCHEM 111General Chemistry I3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-SC2CSUCHEM 111General Chemistry I4.0008/01/2008 Credit hours changed from 3 to 4. Re-approved 07/01/2021.
GT-SC2UCDCHEM 2031General Chemistry I3.0008/01/2006 Credit hours changed from 4 to 3. Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-SC1CMUCHEM 131/131LGeneral Chemistry I and Laboratory5.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/28/2017.
GT-SC1CSUPCHEM 121LGeneral Chemistry I Lab1.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SC1CSUCHEM112General Chemistry I Laboratory 1.0001/10/200302/02/2007 
GT-SC1MSUDCHE 1800/1801General Chemistry I/General Chemistry I Lab4.0008/01/2006 Original course prefix and number: CHE 1800/1850. Re-approved 01/14/2019.
GT-SC2UCDCHEM 2061General Chemistry II3.0008/01/2006 Credit hours changed from 4 to 3. Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM 1311General Chemistry II5.0008/01/201508/01/2015Course divided into separate lecture (1411) and lab (1412).
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM106General Chemistry II5.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 1060.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM1060General Chemistry II5.0008/20/201008/01/2014Course number changed to 1311; original course number: 106.
GT-SC2UCCSCHEM1411General Chemistry II4.0008/01/2015 Orig #: CHEM 1311. Course divided into separate lecture (1411) & lab (1412); they are corequisites.
GT-SC2CSUPCHEM122General Chemistry II4.0007/31/2017 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SC1ASUCHEM 132/132LGeneral Chemistry II & Lab5.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1CMUCHEM 132/132LGeneral Chemistry II and Laboratory5.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/28/2017.
GT-SC1CSUPCHEM 122LGeneral Chemistry II Lab1.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SC1MSUDCHE 1810/1811General Chemistry II/General Chemistry II Lab4.0008/01/2006 Added CHE 1811; updated course title. Re-approved 01/14/2019.
GT-SC1UCDCHEM 2038General Chemistry Laboratory I1.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1CSUCHEM 112General Chemistry Laboratory I1.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 01/03/2019. Requires previous or concurrent registration in CHEM 111 or CHEM 117.
GT-SC1WCUCHEM 112General Chemistry Laboratory I1.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM1402General Chemistry Laboratory I1.0008/01/2015 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Orig course #: CHEM 1301. Course divided into separate lecture (1401) & lab (1402); these 2 courses are corequisites.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM1412General Chemistry Laboratory II1.0008/01/2015 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Orig #: CHEM 1311. Course divided into separate lecture (1411) & lab (1412); they are corequisites.
GT-SC1UCDCHEM 2068General Chemistry Laboratory II2.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1CCCSBIO 1111General College Biology I, with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Original course number BIO 111. Re-approved 03/08/2018.
GT-SC1CCCSBIO 1112General College Biology II, with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Original course number BIO 112. Re-approved 03/08/2018.
GT-SC1CCCSCHE 1111General College Chemistry I, with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Original course number CHE 111. Re-approved 06/14/2017.
GT-SC1CCCSCHE 1112General College Chemistry II, with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Original course number CHE 112. Re-approved 06/14/2017.
GT-SC1CCCSBIO 2108General College Microbiology, with Lab5.0008/01/2007 Original course number BIO 208. Re-approved 04/18/2019.
GT-SC1UNCGEOL 100General Geology4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-SC1CMUBIOL 101/101LGeneral Human Biology and Laboratory4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/28/2017.
GT-SC1UNCMET 205General Meteorology4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SC1CCCSMET 1050General Meteorology, with Lab4.0008/01/2005 Original course number MET 150. Re-approved 04/18/2019.
GT-SC1UNCOCN 200General Oceanography4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SC1CCCSGEY1155General Oceanography, with Lab4.0008/01/2009 Original course number GEY 216. Original course prefix and number: NRE 251. Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1CMUBIOL102/102LGeneral Organic Biology and Laboratory4.0008/01/200508/01/2012Course title changed.
GT-SC1ASUPHYS 230/231General Physics (Calculus) with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Previously 230-2. Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1UCBPHYS 2010General Physics 15.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC2UCBPHYS 1110General Physics 14.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC1UCBPHYS 2020General Physics 25.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC2UCBPHYS 1120General Physics 24.0008/01/2005  
GT-SC1CSUPH 121General Physics I5.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/21/2018. Original course prefix: PHCC.
GT-SC1UNCPHYS 240General Physics I5.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-SC2WCUPHYS190General Physics I3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-SC2CSUPPHYS221General Physics I4.0007/31/2017 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1WCUPHYS 200General Physics I (with laboratory)4.0001/09/200408/01/2023Course withdrawn from GT Pathways, effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-SC1CMUPHYS 111/111LGeneral Physics I and Laboratory5.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC1CSUPPHYS 221LGeneral Physics I Lab1.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1MSUDPHY 2311/2321General Physics I/General Physics I Laboratory4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 01/14/2019.
GT-SC2UCDPHYS2311General Physics I: Calculus-Based4.0001/10/2019  
GT-SC1CSUPH 122General Physics II5.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/21/2018. Original course prefix: PHCC.
GT-SC2WCUPHYS191General Physics II3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-SC2CSUPPHYS222General Physics II4.0007/31/2017 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1ASUPHYS 232/233General Physics II (Calculus based)5.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1WCUPHYS201General Physics II (with laboratory)4.0008/01/201408/01/2023Course withdrawn from GT Pathways, effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-SC1CMUPHYS 112/112LGeneral Physics II and Laboratory5.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC1CSUPPHYS 222LGeneral Physics II Lab1.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1MSUDPHY 2331/2341General Physics II/General Physics II Laboratory4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 01/14/2019.
GT-SC2UCDPHYS2331General Physics II: Calculus-Based4.0001/10/2019  
GT-SC1UCCSPES 1150General Physics Lab Algebra Based1.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019.
GT-SS3WCUPSY 100General Psychology3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/06/2021.
GT-SS3CSUPSY 100General Psychology3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-SS3WCUPSY 151General Psychology3.00 08/01/2005 
GT-SS3CSUPPSYC100General Psychology3.0001/09/2004 Course pre-fix changed from PSYCH to PSYC. Effective Fall 2020. Re-approved 12/09/2020.
GT-SS3CMUPSYC 150General Psychology 3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 10/09/2020. Updated course title.
GT-SS3CCCSPSY 1001General Psychology I3.0001/09/2004 Original course number PSY 101. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSPSY 1002General Psychology II3.0008/01/2003 Original course number PSY 102. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CSUSOC 100General Sociology3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: SCC 100.
GT-SS3CMUSOCO 260General Sociology3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 10/09/2020.
GT-MA1CSUSTAT201General Statistics3.0001/21/2020  
GT-SC1CCCSBIO 2120General Zoology, with Lab5.0008/01/2007 Original course number BIO 220. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-SC1CCCSBIO2124Genetics4.0001/01/2015 Original course number BIO 224. Re-approved 04/18/2019.
GT-SS2MSUDGEG/NAS2700Geographies of Environmental Justice3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS2MSUDGEG 2020Geography in Colorado3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SS2CSUGR102Geography of Europe and the Americas3.0001/21/2020  
GT-SS2WCUGEOG 250Geography of North America3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/06/2021.
GT-SS2UNCGEOG 110Geography of the United States and Canada3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-SC2MSUDGEL 1020Geology of Colorado3.0008/01/200607/11/2013 
GT-SC2MSUDGEL1020Geology of Colorado3.0001/31/2018  
GT-SC2CMUGEOL 105Geology of Colorado3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC2CSUGEOL 124Geology of Natural Resources3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-SC1CSUGEOL124/121Geology of Natural Resources/ Introductory Geology Laboratory3.0008/01/2008  
GT-SC2FLCGEOL 150Geology of the Southwest3.0008/01/200608/01/2016 
GT-SC2CCCSGEY1108Geology of U.S. National Parks3.0008/01/2013 Original course number GEY 108. Re-approved 06/07/2017.
GT-AH4CCCSGER1011German Language I5.0008/01/2025 Effective Fall 2025.
GT-AH4CCCSGER1012German Language II5.0008/01/2025 Effective Fall 2025.
GT-AH4CCCSGER 2011German Language III3.0008/01/2005 Original course number GER 211. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH4CCCSGER 2012German language IV3.0008/01/2005 Original course number GER 212. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH2CSULGER 250German Language, Literature, Culture in Translation3.0008/01/2007  
GT-AH4UCDGRMN 1000Germany and the Germans3.0001/01/2007 Changing from GT-AH1 to GT-AH4. Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-HI1UCDHIST 1382Getting Here: Paths to the Present II3.0008/01/200306/22/2022Course is no longer offered, effective Summer 2022.
GT-AH1CSUPARH 211Global Art I3.0008/01/2003 Changed course pre-fix and course title 12/09/2020. Effective Fall 2021. Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-AH1CSUPARH212Global Art II3.0008/01/2003 Course title and pre-fix changed. Effective Fall 2021. Re-approved 12/09/2020.
GT-SC2CCCSGEO1060Global Climate Change3.0008/09/2021 Original course number GEO 160. Effective Fall 2021
GT-SC2MSUDMTR1600Global Climate Change3.0001/31/2018  
GT-SS3CSUSOC220Global Environmental Issues3.0001/01/2015  
GT-SS1FLCPS232Global Environmental Politics 3.0008/26/2019  
GT-SC2CSUNR 130Global Environmental Systems3.0008/01/2010 Re-approved 01/03/2019.
GT-SS1UNCPSCI 110Global Issues3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-SS3UCBIAFS 1000Global Issues and International Affairs4.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH3CSUPHIL 170Global Philosophies3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Course title changed. Original course number: Plcc 170.
GT-SC2MSUDGEG1910Global Water Concerns3.0001/23/2020  
GT-SS3MSUDSOC1020Globalization--The Transformation of Social Worlds3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-SS3CSUIE179Globalization: Exploring Our Global Village3.0008/01/2014  
GT-SS3CCCSWST 2200Goddesses and Women of the Ancient World3.0008/01/2010 Original course number WST 240. Re-approved 05/24/2018.
GT-AH2UNCHON 180Great Ideas in Context3.0001/10/2003 Course title and prefix changed, effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-AH3UNCMIND 181Great Traditions of Asia: India, China and Japan3.0008/01/200508/01/2024Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 05/28/2019.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 1011Greeks, Romans, Kings & Crusaders: European History to 16003.0006/08/2016 Course title & number changed; original course number: HIST 1010.
GT-SS3CCCSCOM2220Group Communication3.0008/09/2021 Original course number COM 217. Effective Fall 2021
GT-SS2UCDGEOG 2202Hazards to Disasters3.0008/01/201601/01/2023Course no longer part of GTP as it is no longer offered at the institution. Effective Spring 2023. Course title changed. Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSPSY 2333Health Psychology3.0008/01/2009 Original course number PSY 240. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SS3UNCHISP 102Hispanic Cultures in the United States3.0008/01/200708/23/2021Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2021. Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SC2MSUDGEL 1030Historical Geology4.0001/01/200707/11/2013 
GT-SC1MSUDGEL1030Historical Geology4.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021.
GT-SC1CCCSGEY 1112Historical Geology, with Lab4.0008/01/2012 Original course number GEY 112. Original course number: GEY 121. Re-approved 06/07/2017.
GT-SC1CCCSGEY121Historical Geology, with lab4.0008/01/200307/31/2012Course number changed to GEY 112.
GT-CO3MSUDHIS3000Historical Thinking and Writing3.0003/29/2017 Approved 03/29/2017
GT-AH3CSUSPCM 201History & Theory of Rhetoric3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Course title changed.
GT-AH3CSUPHIL 120History and Philosophy of Scientific Thought3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Original course number: PLCC 120.
GT-HI1WCUHIST280History and Philosophy of Travel3.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-AH1UCDFA 2600History of Art I (Survey)3.0008/01/200508/01/2006 
GT-AH1UCDFA 2610History of Art II (Survey)3.0001/01/200608/01/2006 
GT-HI1UCBHIST 2170History of Christianity 1: To the Reformationnnn3.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 2170History of Christianity I3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-AH1CMUMUSA222History of Country Music3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-AH1CCCSDAN 1050History of Dance I3.0008/01/2009 Original course number DAN 125. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 2015History of Early America3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-HI1WCUHIST251History of Europe3.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-AH2FLCENGL 270History of Film3.0008/01/2006 Course withdrawn 08/01/2016. Re-activated 08/27/2019. Credits changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1FLCSW 125History of Hispanos in the Southwest3.0008/01/200802/01/2013 
GT-HI1CCCSHIS 2500History of Islamic Civilization3.0008/01/2009 Original course number HIS 249. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-AH1UCCSMUS 2050History of Jazz3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Original course number: 205.
GT-AH1UCCSMUS205History of Jazz3.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 2050.
GT-AH1CCCSMUS 1025History of Jazz3.0001/01/2010 Original course number MUS 125. Re-approved 05/10/2019.
GT-HI1CCCSHIS 2200History of Latin America3.0001/01/2010 Original course number HIS 244. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-HI1MSUDCHS 1010History of Meso-America: Pre-Columbian and Colonial Eras3.0008/01/200607/11/2013 
GT-HI1CCCSHIS2210History of Mexico3.0006/04/2015 Original course number HIS 246. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-HI1UNCHIST 118History of Mexico3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-HI1CCCSHIS 2610History of Modern China3.0008/01/2010 Original course number HIS 243. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-AH1UNCMUS 243History of Music I3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-HI1FLCNAIS202History of Native American Education3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-AH1CMUMUSA 266History of Popular Music3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-AH1UNCMUS 150History of Rock and Roll3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1MSUDMUS1050History of Rock and Roll3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-HI1CCCSHIS2000History of Science and Technology3.0008/01/2014 Original course number HIS 218. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 2227History of the American Southwest3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course closed.
GT-HI1CCCSHIS2130History of the American West3.0001/01/2015 Original course number HIS 235. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-HI1MSUDCHS 1020History of the Chicana/o in the Southwest: 1810 to Present3.0008/01/200606/07/2017Removed by UCCS 06/07/2017.
GT-HI1WCUHIST 250History of the Middle East3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/06/2021.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 1025History of the United States Since 18653.0008/01/200306/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 1015History of the United States to 18653.0008/01/200306/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-AH1UNCTHEA 296History of Theatre I3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1UNCTHEA 297History of Theatre II3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 2220History of War and Society3.0006/08/2016 Original course number: 2222; course title changed.
GT-AH1UCBARTH 1300History of World Art 13.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-AH1UCBARTH 1400History of World Art 23.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-CO2CMUENGL 129Honors English3.0008/01/200503/03/2017 
GT-MA1CMUMATH 149Honors Mathematics3.0008/01/200503/03/2017 
GT-CO2MSUDENG1021Honors Research and Argument Writing3.0008/01/2013 Re-approved 03/29/2017
GT-AH2CSUHONR292BHonors Seminar - Knowing in Arts and Humanities3.0002/05/2016 Course number changed from 292 to 292B.
GT-SS3CSUHONR293CHonors Seminar: Knowing Across Cultures3.0002/05/2016 Course number changed from 293 to 293C.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 1035Honors: The United States to 18653.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course closed.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 1040Honors: Western Civilization 23.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course closed.
GT-SC1FLCPHYS 106How Our World Works4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Course title changed.
GT-SC2FLCPHYS105How Our World Works3.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-SS3MSUDSWK1050How to Change the World3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SC2FLCANTH 246Human Biological Variation3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SC1UCDBIOL1136Human Biology3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-SC2MSUDBIO 1000Human Biology for Non-Majors3.0008/01/200612/19/2018Course no longer part of GT Pathways.
GT-SC1UCDBIOL1137Human Biology Lab1.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-SS3CSUPPSYC151Human Development3.0001/09/2004 Course pre-fix changed from PSYCH to PSYC. Effective Fall 2020. Re-approved 12/09/2020.
GT-SS2CCCSGEO 1006Human Geography3.0001/10/2003 Original course number GEO 106. Re-approved 05/10/2019.
GT-SS2CMUGEOG102Human Geography3.0001/01/2014 Re-approved 10/09/2020.
GT-SS2UNCGEOG 200Human Geography3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSPSY 2440Human Growth & Development3.0001/09/2004 Original course number PSY 235. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CMUPSYC 233Human Growth and Development3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 10/09/2020.
GT-AH2FLCGS 101Human Heritage I4.0001/09/200402/01/2013 
GT-AH2FLCGS 102Human Heritage II3.0001/09/200402/01/2011 
GT-SC2CSUANTH 120Human Origins and Variation3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 01/03/2019.
GT-SC1CSUANTH121Human Origins and Variation Laboratory1.0008/01/2007 Course title, number, & credits changed. Re-approved 06/21/2018. Requires previous or concurrent registration in ANTH 120.
GT-SC2UCBANTH 2050Human Origins I3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course closed.
GT-SC2UCBANTH 2060Human Origins II3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course closed.
GT-SC1FLCBIO 234Human Physiology4.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SC2CSUPBIOL223Human Physiology and Anatomy I3.0007/31/2017 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SC1CSUPBIOL 223LHuman Physiology and Anatomy I Lab1.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SC2CSUPBIOL224Human Physiology and Anatomy II3.0007/31/2017 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SC1CSUPBIOL 224LHuman Physiology and Anatomy II Lab1.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SS3CCCSANT2317Human Prehistory3.0001/15/2024 Effective Spring 2024
GT-SS3CCCSPSY 2107Human Sexuality3.0008/01/2008 Original course number PSY 217. Re-approved 08/27/18.
GT-AH2CCCSHUM 1021Humanities: Early Civilization3.0006/01/2006 Original course number HUM 121. Re-approved 03/06/2019. Course title changed.
GT-AH2CCCSHUM 1022Humanities: Medieval-Modern3.0006/01/2006 Original course number HUM 122. Re-approved 05/10/2019. Course title changed.
GT-AH2CCCSHUM 1023Humanities: Modern World3.0006/01/2006 Original course number HUM 123. Re-approved 01/02/2019. Course title changed.
GT-SC2CSUBZ 101Humans and Other Animals3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 01/03/2019.
GT-AH2UNCHUM 231Images of Gender in Literature and the Arts3.0001/01/2007 Course title changed, effective Fall 2022. Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC225Images of Women3.0008/01/201008/20/2010Course number & title changed to SOC 2250/WEST 2250, Images of Women in Society.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC225Images of Women3.0008/01/201008/20/2010Course number/title changed to SOC 2250/WEST 2250, Images of Women in Society.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC/WEST2250Images of Women in Society3.0008/20/201001/01/2012Course prefix/title changed: SOC 2250 Gender Images.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS1270India and South Asia3.0008/26/2019  
GT-SS3CSUHDFS 101Individual and Family Development3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC2CSUBSPM 102Insects, Science, and Society3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 01/03/2019.
GT-SC1MSUDSCI 2600Integrated Biology and Earth Science3.0008/01/2007 Course title and number change, effective 08/01/2019. Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 1220Integrated Math I3.0008/01/2006 Original course number MAT 155. MUST complete BOTH MAT 1220 & MAT 1230 to fulfil GT-MA1.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 1230Integrated Math II3.0008/01/2006 Original course number MAT 156. MUST complete BOTH MAT 1220 & MAT 1230 to fulfil GT-MA1.
GT-MA1ASUMATH 155Integrated Mathematics I3.0008/01/200609/04/2014 
GT-MA1MSUDMTH 1610Integrated Mathematics I3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 02/23/2017
GT-MA1ASUMATH 156Integrated Mathematics II3.0008/01/200609/04/2014 
GT-SC1MSUDSCI 2610Integrated Physical and Chemical Sciences3.0008/01/2007 Course title changed, effective 08/01/2019. Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1ASUSCI 155Integrated Science I - Physical Science4.0008/01/200608/01/2013 
GT-SC1CCCSSCI 1055Integrated Science I: Physics and Chemistry, with Lab4.0008/01/2006 Og. course number SCI 155. Re-approved 04/18/2019. Students MUST successfully pass BOTH SCI 155 & 156 to satisfy the GT Pathways science requirement.
GT-SC1ASUSCI 156Integrated Science II - Natural Science4.0008/01/200608/01/2013 
GT-SC1CCCSSCI 1056Integrated Science II: Earth and Life Science, with Lab4.0008/01/2006 Og. course number SCI 156. Re-approved 04/18/2019. Students MUST successfully pass BOTH SCI 155 & 156 to satisfy the GT Pathways science requirement.
GT-AH4UCBSPAN 2150Intensive-Second Year Spanish5.0008/01/2009  
GT-SS3CCCSCOM 2300Intercultural Communication3.0012/02/2011 Original course number COM 220. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SS3UNCCOMM223Intercultural Communication3.0008/01/2024 Effective Fall 2024.
GT-AH4UCBARAB 2110Intermediate Arabic 15.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH4UNCCHIN 201Intermediate Chinese I3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-AH4UNCCHIN 202Intermediate Chinese II3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-AH4FLCFR 201Intermediate French I3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/19. Original course number: ML 247; credit hrs changed.
GT-AH4UNCFR 201Intermediate French I3.0008/01/200508/01/2023Course no longer offered, effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-AH4CSUPFRN 201Intermediate French I3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-AH4FLCML247Intermediate French I4.0001/01/200708/01/2016Course number changed to FR 201; credit hrs changed.
GT-AH4FLCFR 202Intermediate French II3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Original course number: ML 248; credit hours changed.
GT-AH4UNCFR 202Intermediate French II3.0001/01/200708/01/2023Course no longer offered, effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-AH4CSUPFRN 202Intermediate French II3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-AH4FLCML248Intermediate French II4.0001/01/200708/01/2016Course number changed to FR 202; credit hrs changed.
GT-AH4UCBGRMN 2010Intermediate German 14.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH4CSUPGER 201Intermediate German I3.0008/01/200908/01/2024Course is not regularly offered at least every two years. Effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-AH4UNCGER 201Intermediate German I3.0008/01/200708/01/2024Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-AH4FLCML 223Intermediate German I3.0001/01/200702/01/2013Course closed.
GT-AH4UNCGER 202Intermediate German II3.0008/01/200708/01/2024Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-AH4CSUPGER 202Intermediate German II3.0008/01/200908/01/2024Course is not regularly offered at least every two years. Effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-AH4FLCML 224Intermediate German II3.0008/01/200602/01/2013Course closed.
GT-AH4UCBHEBR 2110Intermediate Hebrew 14.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH4CSUPITL 201Intermediate Italian I3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-AH4CSUPITL 202Intermediate Italian II3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-AH4UCBITAL 2110Intermediate Italian Reading, Grammar, and Composition 13.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH4FLCML 235Intermediate Japanese I4.0001/01/200702/01/2013Course closed.
GT-AH4UNCJAPN 202Intermediate Japanese II3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-AH4FLCML 236Intermediate Japanese II4.0001/01/200702/01/2013Course closed.
GT-AH4UNCJAPN 201Intermediate Japenese I3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-AH4UCBCLAS2114Intermediate Latin 14.0008/01/200907/26/2016Course prefix changed to LATN.
GT-AH4UCBLATN 2114Intermediate Latin 14.0007/26/2016 Course prefix changed from CLAS.
GT-AH4UNCSPAN200Intermediate Low Spanish3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023.
GT-AH4FLCML215Intermediate Spanish I4.0001/01/200708/01/2016Course number changed to SPAN 201; credit hrs changed.
GT-AH4ASUSPAN203Intermediate Spanish I3.0008/01/2025 Effective Fall 2025.
GT-AH4UNCSPAN 201Intermediate Spanish I3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-AH4CSUPSPN 201Intermediate Spanish I3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-AH4FLCML216Intermediate Spanish II4.0008/01/200608/01/2016Course number changed to SPAN 202; credit hrs changed.
GT-AH4ASUSPAN204Intermediate Spanish II3.0008/01/2025 Effective Fall 2025.
GT-AH4UNCSPAN 202Intermediate Spanish II3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-AH4CSUPSPN 202Intermediate Spanish II3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-SS1UNCBA251International Business3.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-SS1CSUPOLS 232International Relations3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: POCC 232.
GT-SS1CSUPPOLS 201International Relations3.0001/10/2003 Course prefix changed. Re-approved 08/06/2020.
GT-SS1CCCSPSC 2005International Relations3.0008/01/2006 Course pre-fix changed from POS to PSC. Effective Summer 2023. Original course number POS 205. Re-approved 05/23/18.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC 2120International to Social Research4.0001/01/201601/01/2016Course has been changed to upper-division (SOC 3070); no longer eligible for GT Pathways.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC212International to Social Research4.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 2120.
GT-SS3CCCSCOM1250Interpersonal Communication3.0008/09/2021 Original course number COM 125. Effective Fall 2021
GT-SS3WCUANTH 107Intro to General Anthropology3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/06/2021.
GT-AH3UNCPHIL126Intro to Global Philosophies3.0008/26/2019  
GT-SC1UCDPHYS 1000Intro to Physics3.00 12/01/2007 
GT-AH1CSUPSPN 130Intro to Spanish-Speaking Cultures3.0008/01/200508/01/2024Course is not regularly offered at least every two years. Effective Fall 2024. Changed course title 12/09/2020. Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-MA1CSUSTAT 301Intro to Statistical Methods3.0008/01/200309/11/2007Course withdrawn.
GT-SS3MSUDAAS 1010Introduction to Africana Studies3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-HI1UNCAFS 100Introduction to Africana Studies3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-AH2CSUE 270Introduction to American Literature3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Original course number: ECC 270.
GT-SS1WCUPOLS 180Introduction to American Politics3.0008/01/2003 Course title changed. Re-approved 03/18/2019.
GT-SS1UCBPSCI 1101Introduction to American Politics3.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-SS3UNCANT 100Introduction to Anthropology3.0008/01/200305/10/2019Course is no longer offered, effective Summer 2019.
GT-SS3FLCANTH 151Introduction to Anthropology3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 07/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3CMUANTH202Introduction to Anthropology3.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 10/09/2020.
GT-SS3FLCANTH151Introduction to Anthropology4.0008/01/200308/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3CCCSANT 1003Introduction to Archaeology3.0008/01/2007 Original course number ANT 107. Re-approved 06/12/2019.
GT-SS3UCDANTH 1302Introduction to Archaeology4.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-SS3FLCANTH 201Introduction to Archaeology4.0008/01/200609/01/2013 
GT-AH1WCUART 105Introduction to Art3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 05/08/2018.
GT-AH1UCDFINE 1001Introduction to Art3.0008/01/2006  
GT-AH1UCBARTH 2409Introduction to Asian Art3.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-SC2CSUAA 100Introduction to Astronomy3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 01/03/2019.
GT-SC2FLCPHYS 145Introduction to Astronomy3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SC1ASUPHYS 205Introduction to Astronomy4.0008/01/2005 Previous 201. Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC2ASUPHYS206Introduction to Astronomy II3.0001/31/201805/10/2019Course is no longer offered, effective Summer 2019.
GT-SC1FLCPHYS 146Introduction to Astronomy w/Lab4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Course title changed.
GT-SC1MSUDAST 1040Introduction to Astronomy--Solar System4.0001/01/2007 Course title changed. Credits changed from 3 to 4. Course moved from GT-SC2 to GT-SC1. Re-approved 06/16/2021. Effective Fall 2021.
GT-SC1MSUDAST1050Introduction to Astronomy--Stars and Galaxies4.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-SC2MSUDANT 1010Introduction to Biological Anthropology3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/19/2018. ANT 1010 was previously a GT-SC1 course and was titled "Physical Anthropology and Prehistory."
GT-SC2UNCANT 130Introduction to Biological Anthropology3.0001/01/2014 Name changed from "Introduction to Physical Anthropology". Approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SC2MSUDANT1010Introduction to Biological Anthropology3.0008/18/2019  
GT-SC1FLCANTH 236Introduction to Biological Anthropology4.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Course title changed.
GT-SC1UCDANTH 1303Introduction to Biological Anthropology4.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-SC1UNCANT130LIntroduction to Biological Anthropology Laboratory1.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-AH1MSUDTHE3214Introduction to Black Theatre I3.0008/01/201311/17/2019Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2019.
GT-SS3FLCBL100Introduction to Borders and Languages3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-HI1UCBHIST 1123Introduction to British History Since 16603.0006/08/2016 Original course number: 2123; course title changed.
GT-CO2CSUPENG 116Introduction to Business Writing3.0008/26/201908/01/2023Course is no longer offered at institution. Effective Fall 2023.
GT-SC2UCBMCDB 1150Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC1UCBMCDB 1151Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory1.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS3UCBCEES/HIST2002Introduction to Central and East European Studies3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course closed.
GT-HI1UCBCEES/HIST2002Introduction to Central and Eastern European Studies3.0008/01/200708/01/2007Course never was an approved GTP History course.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM 1201Introduction to Chemistry4.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Previous course number: 1010.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM101Introduction to Chemistry4.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 1010.
GT-SC2UNCCHEM103Introduction to Chemistry3.0008/01/2024 Effective Fall 2024.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM1010Introduction to Chemistry4.0008/01/200908/01/2014Course number changed to 1201; original course number: 101.
GT-SC1CCCSCHE 1011Introduction to Chemistry I, with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Original course number CHE 101. Re-approved 06/14/2017.
GT-SC1CCCSCHE 1012Introduction to Chemistry II, with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Original course number CHE 102. Re-approved 06/07/2017.
GT-SC1CSUGCHE101Introduction to Chemistry with lab4.0005/10/2017  
GT-SS3MSUDCHS/HON 1000/1003Introduction to Chicana/o Studies3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 11/27/2019. Updated 01/28/2021 to include new cross-list: CHS 1000/HON 1003. Effective Fall 2020.
GT-HI1CSUPCS 101Introduction to Chicano Studies3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 08/06/2020.
GT-SS3UCDETST2108Introduction to Chicanx/Latinx Studies3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-AH2MSUDENG 2460Introduction to Children's Literature for Non-Majors3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SS3UNCCHIN 116Introduction to Chinese Civilization3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-HI1UCBHIST 1618Introduction to Chinese History to 16443.0008/01/2005 Original course #/title: HIST 1608 Intro to Chinese History.
GT-AH1UNCENG230Introduction to Comics and Graphic Novels3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-SS3MSUDSLHS1500Introduction to Communication Sciences3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3UCDHBSC 2001Introduction to Community and Population Health Sciences3.0008/01/200606/22/2022Course is no longer offered, effective Summer 2022.
GT-SS1WCUPOLS255Introduction to Comparative Politics3.0001/01/2014 Re-approved 03/18/2019.
GT-SS1FLCPS280Introduction to Comparative Politics4.0001/01/200708/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS1FLCPS 180Introduction to Comparative Politics3.0008/01/2016 Course number changed from 280 to 180. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS1UCBPSCI 2012Introduction to Comparative Politics3.0008/01/2007  
GT-AH1CSUPENG114Introduction to Creative Writing3.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-AH1UNCENG200Introduction to Creative Writing3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-AH1MSUDENG2500Introduction to Creative Writing3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021.
GT-AH1WCUENG161Introduction to Creative Writing3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-AH1UCDENGL2156Introduction to Creative Writing3.0001/21/2020  
GT-SS3UNCCRJ110Introduction to Criminal Justice3.0008/26/2019  
GT-SS3CCCSCRJ1010Introduction to Criminal Justice3.0001/01/2015 Original course number CRJ 110. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SS3MSUDCJC1010Introduction to Criminal Justice System3.00  Course title changed. Re-approved 07/14/2020.
GT-SS1FLCPS241Introduction to Criminal Justice Systems4.0008/01/200708/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS1FLCPS 241Introduction to Criminal Justice Systems3.0008/01/2016 Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3UNCANT 110Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SS3MSUDANT/HON 1310/1311Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3.0008/01/2003 Cross-listed courses. Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SS3UCCSANTH 1040Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3.0008/01/2003 Original course number: 104.
GT-SS3UCCSANTH104Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1040.
GT-AH3UNCHUM 130Introduction to Cultural Studies3.0001/10/2003 Course moving from GT-AH1 to GT-AH3, effective Fall 2022. Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-AH4UCDFREN 1000Introduction to Cultures of the French-Speaking World3.0008/01/2006 Changing from GT-AH1 to GT-AH4. Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-AH4UCDSPAN 1000Introduction to Cultures of the Spanish Speaking World3.0008/01/2007 Changing from GT-AH1 to GT-AH4. Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-AH1FLCTHEA 126Introduction to Dance3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1UCBDNCE1029Introduction to Dance and Culture3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course number changed to 1027.
GT-AH1UCBDNCE 1027Introduction to Dance and Culture3.0006/08/2016 Original course number: 1029.
GT-AH1CSUIDEA210Introduction to Design Thinking3.0006/19/2018  
GT-SC2CMUGEOL 106Introduction to Dinosaurs3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-AH2MSUDENG 1120Introduction to Drama3.0008/01/200611/17/2019Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2019.
GT-AH1CMUTHEA 145Introduction to Dramatic Literature3.0008/01/2003 Course title updated. Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC2UCBGEOL 1020Introduction to Earth History3.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-SC2UCCSPES/ENSC 1500Introduction to Energy Science I3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019.
GT-SC2UCCSPES/ENSC 1510Introduction to Energy Science II3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019.
GT-SC2MSUDCET/MET/EET1040Introduction to Engineering3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS2WCUENVS100Introduction to Environment and Sustainability3.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 12/06/2021.
GT-SC1UNCESCI200Introduction to Environmental Earth Science4.0012/10/2018  
GT-SS1FLCPS288Introduction to Environmental Policy3.0008/26/2019  
GT-SC1ASUENV 101Introduction to Environmental Science4.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC2MSUDENV 1200Introduction to Environmental Science3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC2CMUENVS 101Introduction to Environmental Science3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC1UCDENVS 1042Introduction to Environmental Science4.0008/01/200706/22/2022Course is no longer offered, effective Summer 2022.
GT-SC1CCCSENV 1111Introduction to Environmental Science, with Lab4.0008/01/2009 Original course number ENV 101. Re-approved 08/27/18.
GT-SC2UNCENST 100Introduction to Environmental Studies3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 12/20/2019.
GT-SS3FLCENVS100Introduction to Environmental Studies3.0008/27/2019  
GT-AH3UCDPHIL 1020Introduction to Ethical Reasoning3.0008/01/2003 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-AH3UCCSPHIL 1020Introduction to Ethics3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Original course number: 102.
GT-AH2UCCSENGL 200Introduction to Ethnic Studies3.0008/01/200308/20/2010This course never existed.
GT-AH2UCCSEST 200Introduction to Ethnic Studies3.0008/01/200512/18/2008Course closed.
GT-SS3CCCSETH 2000Introduction to Ethnic Studies3.0008/01/2008 Original course number ETH 200.
GT-SS3UCDETST 2000Introduction to Ethnic Studies3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-SS3CSUETST 100Introduction to Ethnic Studies3.0008/01/2006 Original course: ETCC 100 Ethnicity in America.
GT-SS3UNCMUS/ANT245Introduction to Ethnomusicology3.0006/04/2015 Cross-listed course. Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-SS3UNCSOC 120Introduction to Family Studies3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH2MSUDENG 1110Introduction to Fiction3.0008/01/200707/11/2013 
GT-AH1UNCFILM 120Introduction to Film3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-AH1MSUDLAS 2850Introduction to Film3.0008/01/200601/01/2015 
GT-AH2CCCSHUM1003Introduction to Film Art3.0001/01/2015 Original course number HUM 103. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH1UCCSFILM100Introduction to Film Studies3.0008/01/200508/20/2010Course number changed to 1000.
GT-AH1UCCSFILM 1000Introduction to Film Studies3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 100.
GT-AH2MSUDANT/ENG1400/1150Introduction to Folklore3.0008/14/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-SC2FLCANTH 241Introduction to Forensic Anthropology3.0008/01/200908/01/2013 
GT-SC1CCCSANT 2315Introduction to Forensic Anthropology w/Lab4.0008/01/2010 Original course number ANT 212. Re-approved 04/16/2020. Course title and number changed. Credit hours changed from 3 to 4.
GT-SC1ASUCHEM 103/103LIntroduction to Forensic Chemistry4.0012/02/2011 Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC2CSUPCHEM160Introduction to Forensic Science3.0007/31/2017 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1CSUPCHEM 160LIntroduction to Forensic Science Lab1.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SS3FLCGSS101Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Studies3.0008/01/2003 Course prefix changed from GWS to GSS. Course title changed. Re-approved 07/29/2019.
GT-SS3CMUSOCI102Introduction to Gender and Women's Studies3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023.
GT-SS2CSUGR 100Introduction to Geography3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC2CSUGEOL110Introduction to Geology -- Parks and Monuments3.0006/19/2018  
GT-SC2UCBGEOL 1010Introduction to Geology 13.0008/01/2005  
GT-SC2UCBGEOL1020Introduction to Geology 23.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-SC1UCBGEOL 1030Introduction to Geology Laboratory1.0008/01/2005  
GT-SS3UNCGERO205Introduction to Gerontology3.0001/10/200301/01/2015Course number & title changed to HUSR 208 Perspectives on Aging.
GT-AH2UNCHISP 111Introduction to Hispanic Literature3.0001/01/200708/23/2021Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2021. Re-approved 05/28/2019.
GT-SS3UCCSANTH103Introduction to Human Anthropology3.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1030.
GT-SS3UNCCSD160Introduction to Human Communication and Its Disorders3.0008/01/2008 Course prefix change, effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-SS3CSUGPSY235Introduction to Human Development3.0002/05/2016 Course number changed from 105 to 235. Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SC2CCCSBIO 1016Introduction to Human Disease3.0012/02/2011 Original course number BIO 116.
GT-SC2FLCBIO 140Introduction to Human Disease3.0008/17/2017 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SC2CSUMIP 101Introduction to Human Disease3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 01/03/2019.
GT-SS2MSUDGEG 1300Introduction to Human Geography3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SS2UCDGEOG 1302Introduction to Human Geography3.0001/10/200308/01/2006 
GT-SS2WCUGEOG 120Introduction to Human Geography3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/06/2021.
GT-SS2UCCSGES 1990Introduction to Human Geography4.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 199.
GT-SS2UCCSGES199Introduction to Human Geography4.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 1990.
GT-SS3UCCSANTH 1030Introduction to Human Origins3.0008/01/2003 Original course number: 103.
GT-SS3MSUDHSP1010Introduction to Human Services3.0008/17/2020 Corrected prefix 08/14/2020. Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3UNCHUSR 205Introduction to Human Services3.0001/01/2009 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH2CSUE 232Introduction to Humanities3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Original course number: ECC 232.
GT-SC2WCUCHEM 101Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-AH2MSUDENG2850Introduction to International Film3.0012/19/2018  
GT-SS1FLCPS 121Introduction to International Politics3.0008/01/2016 Course number changed from 221 to 121. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS1FLCPS221Introduction to International Politics4.0008/01/200908/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS1MSUDPSC/HON2230Introduction to International Relations3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020. Updated 01/28/2021 to include new cross-list: PSC/HON 2230.
GT-SS1UCBPSCI 2223Introduction to International Relations3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS3MSUDCOMM2200Introduction to Interpersonal Communication3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-AH2UCBITAL1500Introduction to Italian Culture3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 1708Introduction to Japanese History3.0008/01/2007  
GT-HI1UCBHIST1108Introduction to Jewish History3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course number changed to HIST/JWST 1828; course title changed.
GT-HI1UCBHIST/JWST1828Introduction to Jewish History Since 14923.0006/08/2016 Original course number: HIST 1108; course title changed.
GT-SS3MSUDJMP 1000Introduction to Journalism and Mass Media3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 11/27/2019. Course pre-fix and number changed, effective Fall 2019.
GT-HI1WCUHIST260Introduction to Latin American History3.0008/01/2014 Course title changed. Re-approved 03/18/2019.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 1038Introduction to Latin American History3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course number changed to HIST 1028; course title changed.
GT-SS3UCBLGBT/WMST2000/2030Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies3.0008/01/2009 Added WMST 2030, 6/8/16.
GT-SS3CMUSOCI101Introduction to LGBT Studies3.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 10/09/2020. Updated course title.
GT-AH2CSUGENG130Introduction to Literature3.0006/04/2015 Re-approved 11/27/2018.
GT-AH2UNCENG 131   Introduction to Literature3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-AH2CSUPENG 130Introduction to Literature3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-AH2MSUDENG 1100 Introduction to Literature3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-AH2WCUENG150Introduction to Literature3.0005/09/2017 Re-approved 10/24/2018.
GT-AH2CMUENGL 150Introduction to Literature3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/18/2020.
GT-AH2CCCSLIT 1015Introduction to Literature 3.0008/01/2003 Original course number LIT 115. Course title changed. Re-approved 10/30/2018.
GT-AH2CTULITR 2205Introduction to Literature3.0012/02/201112/21/2016CTU is no longer participating in GT Pathways, effective 12/21/16.
GT-AH2UCCSENGL 1500Introduction to Literature for Non-Majors3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Original course number: 150.
GT-AH2UCCSENGL150Introduction to Literature for Non-Majors3.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1500.
GT-SS1UCCSECON 2020Introduction to Macroeconomics3.00  Re-approved and re-activated for entry to GT Pathways 11/10/2022.
GT-AH2FLCENGL116Introduction to Mass Communications4.0008/01/200508/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH2WCUCOM151Introduction to Mass Media3.0001/01/2015 Re-approved 05/08/2018. Formerly Introduction to Mass Media.
GT-SS3CCCSJOU 1005Introduction to Mass Media3.0008/01/2009 Original course number JOU 105. Re-approved 05/24/2018.
GT-SS3UCDCOMM 1021Introduction to Media Studies3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-SC2FLCAG 203Introduction to Medicinal Crops3.0001/01/200702/01/2012 
GT-SS3UNCMAS 100Introduction to Mexican American Studies3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SC1CMUBIOL 250/250LIntroduction to Microbiology / Introduction to Microbiology Laboratory5.0001/01/2014 Re-approved 06/28/2017.
GT-SC1CSUGBIO204Introduction to Microbiology w/Lab4.0005/10/2017 Course number changed from 210 to 204. Course title changed. Re-approved 01/07/2020.
GT-SS1UCCSECON 1010Introduction to Microeconomics3.0008/01/2010 Re-approved and re-activated for entry to GT Pathways 11/10/2022.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 1028Introduction to Modern Latin American History Since 18003.0006/08/2016 Original course number: HIST 1038; course title changed.
GT-SC2UCBMCDB 1030Introduction to Molecular Biology3.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-AH1WCUMUS 140Introduction to Music3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 05/08/2018.
GT-AH1MSUDMUS/HON 1000Introduction to Music3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 11/27/2019. Updated 01/28/2021 to include new cross-list: MUS/HON 1000. Effective Fall 2020.
GT-AH1CSUMU 131Introduction to Music History and Literature3.0008/01/2007  
GT-AH1CCCSMUS121Introduction to Music History I3.0008/01/200301/12/2011Course title changed.
GT-AH1CCCSMUS122Introduction to Music History II3.0008/01/200301/12/2011Course title changed.
GT-AH1ASUMUS 100Introduction to Music Literature3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 08/14/2019.
GT-SS3FLCNAIS 110Introduction to Native American and Indigenous Studies3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 07/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3FLCNAIS110Introduction to Native American and Indigenous Studies4.0008/01/200808/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS1MSUDNAS 1000Introduction to Native American Studies3.0008/01/200707/11/2013 
GT-SC2FLCHS200Introduction to Nutrition3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SC2MSUDNUT/HON 2040Introduction to Nutrition3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 01/31/2018. Updated 01/28/2021 to include new cross-list: NUT/HON 2040. Effective Fall 2020.
GT-SC2FLCGEOL 180Introduction to Oceanography3.0008/01/200608/01/2016 
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM 1211Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry4.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Previous course number: 1020.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM1020Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry4.0008/20/201008/01/2014Course number changed to 1211; original course number: 102.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM102Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry4.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 1020.
GT-SC1UCBCHEM 1071Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry4.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course closed.
GT-SC2FLCBIO 112Introduction to Organismic and Evolutionary Biology4.0008/01/200608/01/2016 
GT-SS3MSUDCOMM2300Introduction to Organized Communication3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-AH3FLCPEAC 101Introduction to Peace and War3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH3FLCPEAC101Introduction to Peace and War4.0008/01/201008/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH3CCCSPHI 1011Introduction to Philosophy3.0008/01/2003 Original course number PHI 111. Re-approved 06/14/2017. Previously was 3 credits.
GT-AH3UCBPHIL 1000Introduction to Philosophy3.0001/10/2003  
GT-AH3FLCPHIL 141Introduction to Philosophy3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH3CMUPHIL 110Introduction to Philosophy3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/18/2020. Course title changed.
GT-AH3UNCPHIL 100Introduction to Philosophy3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-AH3ASUPHIL201Introduction to Philosophy3.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 12/20/2021.
GT-AH3UCCSPHIL100Introduction to Philosophy3.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1000.
GT-AH3UCCSPHIL 1000Introduction to Philosophy3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Original course number: 100.
GT-AH3WCUPHIL 101Introduction to Philosophy3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 05/08/2018.
GT-AH3FLCPHIL141Introduction to Philosophy4.0008/01/200308/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH3UCDPHIL 1012Introduction to Philosophy: Relationship of the Individual to the World3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC2UCBANTH 2010Introduction to Physical Anthropology 13.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC2UCBANTH 2020Introduction to Physical Anthropology 23.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC2MSUDGEG 1100Introduction to Physical Geography3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1ASUGEOG101Introduction to Physical Geography4.0001/01/201408/23/2021Course is no longer offered at ASU. Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC2UCDGEOG 1202Introduction to Physical Geography3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1UCCSPES 1140Introduction to Physics Laboratory1.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019.
GT-SS1WCUPOLS 117Introduction to Political Ideas3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 03/18/2019.
GT-SS1CSUGPOL101Introduction to Political Science3.0002/05/2016 Re-approved 05/21/2019.
GT-SS1FLCPS 101Introduction to Political Science3.0008/01/2016 Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS1FLCPS101Introduction to Political Science4.0008/01/200308/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS1CCCSPSC 2020Introduction to Political Science3.0008/01/2003 Course pre-fix changed from POS to PSC. Effective Summer 2023. Original course number POS 105. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SS1UCDPSCI 1001Introduction to Political Science: The Quest for Freedom and Justice3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 05/21/2019.
GT-HI1CSUANTH 140Introduction to Prehistory3.0008/01/2007  
GT-CO3CMUENGL 219Introduction to Professional Writing3.0008/01/2012 Course title changed. Re-approved 03/03/2017.
GT-SS3FLCPSYC 157Introduction to Psychology3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 07/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3FLCPSYC157Introduction to Psychology4.0001/01/200708/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3CTUPSYC 1005Introduction to Psychology3.0012/02/201112/21/2016CTU is no longer participating in GT Pathways, effective 12/21/16.
GT-SS3ASUPSYC 101Introduction to Psychology3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 07/06/2021.
GT-SS3UCDPSYC 1000Introduction to Psychology I3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-SS3UCDPSYC 1005Introduction to Psychology II3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-SS3CCCSPBH2015Introduction to Public Health4.0003/14/2023 Effective Spring 2023
GT-SS3UCDPBHL2001Introduction to Public Health4.0001/01/2015 Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-SS3UCCSWEST2010Introduction to Race and Gender3.0008/01/200908/01/2014Course number/title changed to WEST 1010, Introduction to Social Justice Studies.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC 2200Introduction to Racial and Ethnic Issues3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 220.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC220Introduction to Racial and Ethnic Issues3.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 2200.
GT-AH2CSUPPHIL107Introduction to Religious Studies3.0008/01/2024 Effective Fall 2024.
GT-AH3UCDRLST 1610Introduction to Religious Studies3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-CO2CSUPENG117Introduction to Scientific and Medical Writing3.0008/26/201908/01/2025Course is no longer offered at institution. Effective Fall 2025.
GT-AH2UNCENG250Introduction to Shakespeare3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-AH2MSUDENG 1310Introduction to Shakespeare3.0008/01/200707/11/2013 
GT-AH2CCCSLIT 2025Introduction to Shakespeare3.0008/01/2007 Original course number LIT 225. Re-approved 01/02/2019.
GT-SS3MSUDSOC 1040Introduction to Social Gerontology3.0008/01/200907/11/2013 
GT-SS3UCCSWEST 1010Introduction to Social Justice Studies3.0008/02/2014 Original course #/title: WEST 2010 Introduction to Race and Gender.
GT-SS3UCDSOCY 2462Introduction to Social Psychology3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 07/02/2019.
GT-SS3MSUDSWK 1010Introduction to Social Work3.00  Course title changed. Course removed from GT Pathways in 2013. Re-approved for GT Pathways 07/14/2020.
GT-SS3FLCANTH 210Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 07/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3FLCANTH210Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology4.0008/01/200608/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3FLCSOC100Introduction to Sociology4.0008/01/200308/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3WCUSOC 101Introduction to Sociology3.0012/29/2011 Re-approved 12/06/2021.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC 1110Introduction to Sociology4.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 111.
GT-SS3CSUGSOC101Introduction to Sociology3.0006/04/2015 Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC111Introduction to Sociology4.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 1110.
GT-SS3FLCSOC 100Introduction to Sociology3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 07/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3CSUPSOC 101Introduction to Sociology3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-SS3CTUSOCL102Introduction to Sociology3.0008/01/201412/21/2016CTU is no longer participating in GT Pathways, effective 12/21/16.
GT-SS3UCBSOCY 1001Introduction to Sociology3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS3CCCSSOC 1001Introduction to Sociology I3.0001/09/2004 Original course number SOC 101. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSSOC 1002Introduction to Sociology II3.0001/09/2004 Original course number SOC 102. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-AH2UCBASIA 1000Introduction to South and Southeast Asian Civilizations3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course closed.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 1408Introduction to South Asian History3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course number changed to HIST 1528; course title changed.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 1528Introduction to South Asian History Since 17573.0006/08/2016 Original course number: 1408; course title changed.
GT-SC2UNCPHYS 106Introduction to Spaceflight3.0001/01/2015 Re-approved 12/17/2018. Original course number: SCI 106.
GT-SC2UNCSCI106Introduction to Spaceflight3.0001/01/200701/01/2015Course prefix changed to PHYS.
GT-MA1UNCSTAT 150Introduction to Statistical Analysis3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 1260Introduction to Statistics3.0008/01/2003 Original course number MAT 135. Re-approved 01/23/2018.
GT-MA1CSUPMATH 156Introduction to Statistics3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 03/02/2017
GT-MA1FLCMATH132Introduction to Statistics3.0002/05/2016 Re-approved 02/28/2017
GT-MA1ASUMATH110Introduction to Statistics3.0010/20/2017  
GT-MA1MSUDMTH 1210Introduction to Statistics4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 02/23/2017
GT-MA1CSUGMTH156Introduction to Statistics3.0006/04/2015 Re-approved 02/27/2017
GT-HI1UCBHIST 1218Introduction to Sub-Saharan African History to 18003.0006/08/2016 Original course number: 1208; course title changed.
GT-SS3CCCSSUS1001Introduction to Sustainability3.0008/01/2024 Effective Fall 2024.
GT-CO2CSUPENG115Introduction to Technical and Professional Writing3.0008/26/2019 Course title changed. Effective Fall 2023.
GT-CO3CMUENGL219Introduction to Technical Writing3.0001/01/200907/25/2012Course title changed.
GT-AH1FLCTHEA126Introduction to the Dance4.0008/01/200608/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1CTUHUMN201Introduction to the Fine Arts3.0001/01/201412/21/2016CTU is no longer participating in GT Pathways, effective 12/21/16.
GT-SC2CTUSCI101Introduction to the Sciences3.0001/01/201412/21/2016CTU is no longer participating in GT Pathways, effective 12/21/16.
GT-SC1CTUSCI103Introduction to the Sciences Laboratory1.0001/01/201412/21/2016CTU is no longer participating in GT Pathways, effective 12/21/16.
GT-AH1UNCTHEA 130Introduction to the Theatre3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1CSUART 100Introduction to the Visual Arts3.0008/01/2003 Original course number: Arcc 100.
GT-AH1CCCSTHE105Introduction to Theater Arts3.0008/01/200301/12/2011Course title changed.
GT-AH1WCUCOM121Introduction to Theatre3.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 05/08/2018.
GT-AH1CSUTH 141Introduction to Theatre3.0008/01/2008  
GT-AH1MSUDTHE 2210Introduction to Theatre3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-AH1FLCTHEA 101Introduction to Theatre3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1UCBTHTR 1009Introduction to Theatre3.0008/01/2003  
GT-AH1ASUTHTR 180Introduction to Theatre3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 08/14/2019.
GT-AH1UCDTHTR1001Introduction to Theatre3.0008/01/200308/01/2012Course title changed.
GT-AH1UCDTHTR 1001Introduction to Theatre & Arts in the Community3.0008/01/201206/22/2022Course is no longer offered. Effective Summer 2022. Course title changed.
GT-SS3MSUDGWS1550Introduction to Transgender Studies3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS2UCDGEOG1602Introduction to Urban Studies3.0008/01/200708/01/2016Course title changed.
GT-SS2UCDGEOG 1602Introduction to Urban Studies3.0008/01/2016 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-AH1FLCART228Introduction to Visual Culture3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-AH1FLCART225Introduction to Visual Culture3.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-AH3UCBCLAS/PHIL 1030/1010Introduction to Western Philosophy: Ancient3.0001/10/2003 Added CLAS 1030 number, 6/8/16.
GT-AH3UCBPHIL 1020Introduction to Western Philosophy: Modern3.0001/10/2003  
GT-SS3MSUDGWS1001Introduction to Women's Studies3.0008/01/2006 Prefix changed from WMS June 2017. Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-AH2UCCSWMST 200Introduction to Women's Studies3.0008/01/200312/18/2008Course closed.
GT-SS3CCCSWST 2000Introduction to Women's Studies3.0008/01/2008 Original course number WST 200. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-AH2CTULITR203Introduction to World Literature3.0001/01/201412/21/2016CTU is no longer participating in GT Pathways, effective 12/21/16.
GT-SS1WCUPOLS260Introduction to World Politics3.0001/01/2014 Re-approved 03/18/2019.
GT-SC1FLCAG 101Introductory Animal Science4.0008/01/200602/01/2012 
GT-SC1ASUBIOL 101Introductory Biology4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1UCCSBIOL 1060Introductory Biology Laboratory1.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 03/30/2017.
GT-SC1ASUCHEM101Introductory Chemistry5.0008/01/200307/31/2006Course number changed to CHEM 111.
GT-SC1ASUCHEM 111/111LIntroductory Chemistry5.0008/01/2006 Original course number: CHEM 101. Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1UCBCHEM 1021Introductory Chemistry4.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC1UNCCHEM103LIntroductory Chemistry Lab1.0008/01/2024 Effective Fall 2024.
GT-MA1CSUPMATH101Introductory College Mathematics3.0008/26/2019  
GT-SS3CSUANTH 100Introductory Cultural Anthropology3.0008/01/2003 Original course: Apcc 100 Intro to Cultural Anthropology.
GT-SC2CSULIFE 201A-BIntroductory Genetics3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC2CSULIFE 201BIntroductory Genetics: Molecular/Immunological/Developmental 3.0008/01/2007 Course title changed. Re-approved 01/03/2019.
GT-SC1CSUGEOL121Introductory Geology Laboratory1.0008/01/2008 Course title, number, & credits changed. Re-approved 06/21/2018. Requires previous or concurrent registration in GEOL 110, 120, 122, or 124.
GT-SC1WCUPHYS 140Introductory Physics (with laboratory)4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-SC1CSUGPHY101Introductory Physics and Lab4.0005/10/2017  
GT-SC1UNCPHYS 220Introductory Physics I5.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SS3MSUDPSY 1001Introductory Psychology3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SS3CTUPSYC102Introductory Psychology3.0008/01/201412/21/2016CTU is no longer participating in GT Pathways, effective 12/21/16.
GT-SC1CCCSAGY 2140Introductory Soil Science, with Lab4.0008/01/2011 Original course number AGY 240. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SC2UCCSPES/ENSC 1600Introductory Solar Energy3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019.
GT-MA1UCDMATH 2830Introductory Statistics3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-AH3CSUPPHIL 120Islam and Non-Western Religions3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 10/10/2018.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS1032Islam in History: From the Prophet to the Present3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-HI1CSUHIST 115Islamic World to 18003.0008/01/200708/01/2015Course closed.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 2326Issues in American Thought and Culture3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-SS1CSUECON/AREC240/240Issues in Environmental Economics3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC1FLCBIO 105Issues in Genetic Engineering4.0008/01/200608/01/2016 
GT-SS3CCCSSUS2001Issues in Sustainability3.0008/01/2024 Effective Fall 2024.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 2326Issues in the History of U.S. Society and Culture3.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-AH4CCCSITA 2011Italian Language III3.0008/01/2005 Original course number ITA 211. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH4CCCSITA 2012Italian Language IV3.0008/01/2005 Original course number ITA 212. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH4CCCSJPN 2011Japanese Language III3.0008/01/2005 Original course number JPN 211. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH4CCCSJPN 2012Japanese Language IV3.0008/01/2005 Original course number JPN 212. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH2CSULJPN 250Japanese Language, Literature, Culture in Translation3.0008/01/2007  
GT-AH1CMUMUSA267Jazz History & Literature3.0012/18/2018  
GT-AH1UNCMUS 296Jazz Music: History and Appreciation3.0001/01/2009 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH3UCBJWST/RLST 2600Judaism, Christianity and Islam3.0001/10/2003 Added JWST prefix, 6/8/16.
GT-AH3MSUDRLG1050Judaism, Christianity, Islam3.0008/17/2020 Course prefix and title changed, effective Fall 2023. New course, effective Fall 2020
GT-AH2UCBGRMN/HUMN 2601Kafka and the Kafkaesque3.0008/01/2009 Added HUMN prefix, 6/8/16.
GT-SC1UCBCHEM1114Laboratory in General Chemistry 11.0008/01/2003  
GT-SC1UCBCHEM1134Laboratory in General Chemistry 21.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC1UCBANTH 2030Laboratory in Physical Anthropology 11.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC1UCBANTH 2040Laboratory in Physical Anthropology 21.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC1WCUPHYS185Laboratory Physics I1.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-SC1WCUPHYS186Laboratory Physics II1.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-AH1FLCHON210Landscapes of Learning3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-SS3UNCECLD260Language Acquisition in Multilingual Societies3.0008/01/2024 Effective Fall 2024.
GT-SS3UCBLING 2400Language and Gender3.0001/01/2010  
GT-AH3MSUDPHI 1110Language, Logic and Persuasion3.0008/01/200607/11/2013 
GT-AH1UCCSAH 1000Languages of Art3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Original course number: 100.
GT-AH1UCCSAH100Languages of Art3.0008/20/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 1000.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST 1410Latin America Since 18103.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 141.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST141Latin America Since 18103.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 1410.
GT-HI1FLCHIST271Latin America Since Independence4.0008/01/200608/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST140Latin America to 18103.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 1400.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST 1400Latin America to 18103.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 140.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS1300Latin American History3.0008/26/2019  
GT-HI1UNCMAS225Latina/Latino History3.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-AH2CCCSLIT2058LatinX Literature3.0005/31/2022 Original course number LIT 258. Effective Summer 2022.
GT-SS3WCUEDUC102Learning and Teaching3.0008/01/2022  
GT-AH2MSUDHON 2750Legacy of Arts & Letters3.0008/01/200611/17/2019Course no longer part of GT Pathways, effective Fall 2019.
GT-HI1UNCHIST250LGBTQ History in the United States (1900-2000)3.0008/15/2022 Course title change, effective Fall 2023. Effective Fall 2022
GT-MA1ASUMATH 150Liberal Arts Mathematics3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 06/30/2017.
GT-SC1UNCBIO 265Life Science Concepts3.0001/01/200708/01/2019Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2019.
GT-SS3UNCPSY 230Lifespan Development3.0001/10/2003 Course title change, effective Fall 2021. Re-approved 05/24/2019.
GT-SC1ASUPHYS 150Light4.00 10/30/2018Course no longer being offered by ASU as of 10/30/2018.
GT-SC1ASUPHYS 150Light4.0012/02/201110/30/2018Course no longer being offered by ASU as of 10/30/2018.
GT-SC2CSUPPHYS140Light, Energy and the Atom3.0007/31/2017 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1CSUPPHYS 140LLight, Energy and the Atom Lab1.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-AH2UCDENGL 2600 Literary Classics3.0008/01/2003 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-AH2UNCENG 262   Literary Voices from Around the World3.0008/01/2003 Course title changed, effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-AH2FLCENGL 180Literature of the Environment3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 07/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH2FLCENGL180Literature of the Environment4.0001/09/200408/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH2FLCENGL 280Literature of the Southwest3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 08/13/2021. Credit hrs changed from 4 to 3. Effective Fall 2021.
GT-AH2CCCSLIT 2046Literature of Women3.0008/01/2014 Original course number LIT 246. Re-approved 04/05/2018.
GT-AH2UCCSENGL260Literature, the Global Experience3.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number & title changed to ENGL 2600 Literature, the Global Perspective I.
GT-AH2UCCSENGL 2600Literature, the Global Perspective I3.0008/20/201006/06/2017Removed by UCCS June 6, 2017. Original course number & title: ENGL 260 Literature, the Global Experience.
GT-AH2UCCSENGL 2610 Literature, the Global Perspective II3.0008/20/201006/06/2017Removed by UCCS June 6, 2017. Original course number: 261.
GT-AH2UCCSENGL261Literature, the Global Perspective II3.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 2610.
GT-MA1CSUMATH 124Logarithmic and Exponential Functions1.0008/01/2007 Any combination of three 1-credit courses satisfies GT-MA1. Those wanting pre-req for MATH 160 should take MATH 118, 124 & 126.Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-AH3CCCSPHI 1013Logic3.0001/09/2004 Original course number PHI 113. Re-approved 08/27/18.
GT-AH3FLCPHIL271Logic3.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-AH3CSUPHIL 110Logic and Critical Thinking3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Original course number: PLCC 110.
GT-AH3UCDPHIL 2441Logic, Language and Scientific Reasoning3.0008/01/2003 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SS3MSUDSOC1080Love and Family in East Asia3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3UCDHDFR2200Love, Family and Human Development3.0006/04/2015  
GT-SS1ASUECON255Macroeconomic Principles3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-SS1WCUECON 201Macroeconomics3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 03/18/2019.
GT-SS3FLCANTH 215Magic and Religion4.0008/01/200608/01/2016 
GT-AH2ASUENG 203Major Themes in Literature3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 08/14/2019.
GT-SS3UCCSCOMM 2150Male/Female Communication3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 215.
GT-SS3UCCSCOMM215Male/Female Communication3.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 2150.
GT-SS3CMUSOCO 144Marriage and Families3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 10/09/2020.
GT-AH2CMUMASS 110Mass Media: Impact and History3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/18/2020.
GT-AH2UNCCHIN 216Masterpieces of Chinese Literature3.0008/01/2012 Re-approved 05/24/2019.
GT-AH2CSUPENG 221 Masterpieces of Literature I3.0008/01/200308/01/2025Course is no longer offered at institution. Effective Fall 2025. Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-AH2CCCSLIT201Masterpieces of Literature I3.0001/10/200301/12/2011Course title changed.
GT-AH2CSUPENG 222   Masterpieces of Literature II3.0008/01/200308/01/2025Course is no longer offered at institution. Effective Fall 2025. Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-AH2CCCSLIT202Masterpieces of Literature II3.0008/01/200301/12/2011Course title changed.
GT-AH2UCBCLAS1120Masterpieces of Roman Literature in Translation3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-MA1CSUMATH130Math in the Social Sciences3.0008/01/200708/01/2015Course number changed to MATH 101. Course title also changed.
GT-MA1CSUMATH 101Math in the Social Sciences3.0008/01/2015 Original course number: MATH 130. Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-MA1CSUPMATH 109Mathematical Explorations3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 03/02/2017
GT-MA1CSUGMTH109Mathematical Explorations3.0002/05/2016 Re-approved 02/27/2017
GT-MA1CMUMATH 110Mathematical Investigations3.0008/01/2003 Course title changed, effective Fall 2021.Re-approved 03/03/2017
GT-MA1MSUDMTH 1080Mathematical Modes of Thought3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 02/23/2017
GT-MA1UNCMATH 120Mathematics and Liberal Arts3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-MA1MSUDMTH1081Mathematics for Liberal Arts w/Laboratory3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-MA1UCBMATH 1410Mathematics for Secondary Educators3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course closed.
GT-MA1UCBMATH 2380Mathematics for the Environment3.0008/01/2009  
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 1240Mathematics for the Liberal Arts4.0008/01/2003 Original course number MAT 120. Re-approved 06/14/2017.
GT-MA1UCDMATH 1010Mathematics for the Liberal Arts3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-MA1WCUMATH 105Mathematics for the Liberal Arts3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 03/01/2019
GT-MA1WCUMATH 131Mathematics for the Social Sciences3.0008/01/200303/08/2017 
GT-SS3CSUPMAE101Media and Society3.0008/01/2008 Course pre-fix changed from MC to MAE. Effective Fall 2022. Re-approved 12/09/2020.
GT-SS3CSUJTC 100Media in Society3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: JT 100.
GT-AH2FLCENGL 116Media Literacy3.0008/01/2016 Course title changed. Re-approved 07/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCENGL 217Media Literacy4.0001/01/200708/01/2016 
GT-SS3CCCSANT 2550Medical Anthropology3.0008/01/2011 Original course number ANT 250. Re-approved 02/06/2020.
GT-AH3UNCPHIL250Medical Ethics3.0008/26/2019  
GT-AH3FLCPHIL250Medical Ethics3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS 3120Medieval History3.0008/01/201008/01/2015 
GT-HI1FLCHIST 263Medieval Life-Modern Film & Literature4.0008/01/200608/01/2016 
GT-HI1UCBHIST 2543Medieval Societies3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course closed.
GT-AH1UNCART 182Medieval to Rococo Art History3.0008/01/2005 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST 1020Medieval World3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 102.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST102Medieval World3.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1020.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS1035Medieval World History3.0008/26/2019  
GT-AH2UCBFREN/ITAL 1400Medieval/Renaissance Women Writers in Italy and France3.0008/01/2006  
GT-SC2WCUPHYS 120Meteorology3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/06/2021.
GT-SC1CCCSBIO 2104Microbiology, with Lab4.0008/01/2005 Original course number BIO 204. Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SS1ASUECON256Microeconomic Principles3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-HI1CTUHIST101Modern American History: 1950 to the 21st Century3.0008/01/201412/21/2016CTU is no longer participating in GT Pathways, effective 12/21/16.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS 3700Modern China3.0008/01/201008/01/2015 
GT-HI1UCCSHIST104Modern Europe, 1815-Present3.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1040.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST 1040Modern Europe, 1815-Present3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 104.
GT-SC1FLCBIO 110Modern Issues in Environmental Biology4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Course title changed.
GT-HI1FLCHIST 271Modern Latin America3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Course title changed. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1CCCSHIS2510Modern Middle East3.0008/01/2014 Original course number HIS 259. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-AH1UNCMIND281Modernity in Asia3.0008/17/202008/01/2024Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2024. Effective Fall 2020.
GT-AH2MSUDENG2270Monsters and Monstrosity3.0008/14/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-AH3CSUPHIL 103Moral and Social Problems3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Original course number: PLCC 103.
GT-AH3UNCPHIL 150Moral Issues3.0008/01/2007 Course title changed, effective Fall 2019. Re-approved 07/23/2019.
GT-AH3FLCPHIL 251Moral Philosophy4.0008/01/200608/01/2016 
GT-AH2CSUPENG 240   Multi-Ethnic Literature3.0001/10/200308/01/2025Course is no longer offered at institution. Effective Fall 2025. Course title changed 12/09/2020. Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-HI1MSUDAAS/CHS/HIS1150Multicultural America3.0008/26/2019 AAS and CHS are newly cross listed with HIS, effective Fall 2023.
GT-SS3MSUDPSC1030Multicultural Politics for Non-Majors3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021.
GT-AH2UNCENG232Multicultural Speculative Fiction3.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-SS3MSUDGWS1200Multicultural Study of Sexualities and Genders3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3MSUDANT/ARTH2700Museum Studies3.0008/14/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-AH2FLCBL101Music and Borderlands: Beginning Spanish3.0008/26/2019  
GT-AH1CSUMU 100Music Appreciation3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: MUCC 100.
GT-AH1CCCSMUS 1020Music Appreciation3.0008/01/2003 Original course number MUS 120. Re-approved 05/10/2019.
GT-AH1CSUPMUS 118Music Appreciation3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 05/05/2022.
GT-AH1CMUMUSA 220Music Appreciation3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-AH1UCDPMUS 1001Music Appreciation3.0008/01/2003  
GT-AH1UNCMUS 247Music as Cultural Identity 3.0001/01/2007 Course title changed, effective Fall 2022. Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1UNCMUS145Music for Cartoons: Disney to Anime3.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-AH1UNCMUS 204Music Fundamentals and Experiences3.0008/01/200708/22/2022Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2022. Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1CCCSMUS121Music History I3.0001/13/201106/30/2011Course title changed.
GT-AH1CCCSMUS122Music History II3.0001/13/201106/30/2011Course title changed.
GT-AH1CCCSMUS 1022Music History: Early Romantic Period to the Present3.0008/01/2011 Original course number MUS 122. Re-approved 05/10/2019. Course title changed.
GT-AH1CCCSMUS 1021Music History: Medieval through Classical Period3.0008/01/2011 Original course number MUS 121. Re-approved 05/10/2019. Course title changed.
GT-AH1UNCMUS 143Music Styles and Context3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1CSUMU 111Music Theory Fundamentals3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: MUCC 111.
GT-AH1MSUDMUS1040Music, Race, and Power3.0008/14/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-AH1UNCMT 296Musical Theatre History3.0001/01/2008 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH2CMUENGL 222Mythology3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/18/2020.
GT-SS1UNCPSCI270Nationalism, Ethnicity and Race3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023.
GT-AH2CSUETST 240Native American Cultural Expression3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-HI1CSUHIST/ETST255Native American History3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: ETCC/HYCC 255.
GT-HI1FLCNAIS 123Native American History3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1FLCNAIS123Native American History4.0001/01/201208/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH2UNCENG207Native American Literature3.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-AH2FLCENGL/NAIS 176Native American Literature3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 08/14/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH2FLCENGL/NAIS176Native American Literature4.0008/01/200608/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS 3090Native Americans in American History3.0008/01/201008/01/2015 
GT-SS3CCCSANT 2115Native People of North America3.0008/01/2008 Original course number ANT 215. Course title changed. Re-approved 06/12/2019.
GT-SC2CCCSENV1010Natural Disasters3.0001/01/2014 Original course number ENV 110. Re-approved 08/27/18.
GT-SS2UCDGEOG2202Natural Hazards3.0001/01/200708/01/2016Course title changed.
GT-SC2CMUGEOL 107Natural Hazards and Environmental Geology3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS1700Nature and Society3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021.
GT-AH1UNCART185Neoclassic to Modern Art History3.0008/01/2012 Re-approved on 12/17/2018. Course title changed.
GT-AH3CCCSPHI1042New Testament3.0001/16/2023 Effective Spring 2023.
GT-AH2CMUENGL 231Non-Western World Literature I3.0001/01/200708/06/2020Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2020.
GT-AH2CMUENGL 232Non-Western World Literature II3.0001/01/200708/06/2020Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2020.
GT-SS3UNCANT 212North American Indians3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-MA1CSUMATH 125Numerical Trigonometry1.0008/01/2007 Any combination of three 1-credit courses satisfies GT-MA1. Those wanting pre-req for MATH 160 should take MATH 118, 124 & 126.Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-SC2ASUBIOL125Nutrition3.0001/31/2018 Updated to include Effective Date of 01/31/2018.
GT-SS3FLCHS210Nutrition and Culture3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SC2CSUPGEOL114Oceanography3.0007/31/201705/23/2022Effective Spring 2022.
GT-SC2CMUGEOL 104Oceanography3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC2CSUNR 150Oceanography3.0008/01/2010 Re-approved 01/03/2019.
GT-SC1CSUPGEOL 114LOceanography Lab1.0001/01/201005/23/2022Effective Spring 2022.
GT-AH3CCCSPHI1041Old Testament3.0005/22/2023 Effective Summer 2023
GT-MA1CSUMATH157One Year Calculus I A3.0006/04/2015 Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-MA1CSUMATH159One Year Calculus I B3.0006/04/2015 Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-AH2UCBFREN1750Oriental Representations in French/Francophone Literature and Visual Arts3.0008/01/200606/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-SC2UNCGEOL 110Our Geological Environment3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 12/20/2019.
GT-SC2UNCOCN 110Our Ocean Systems3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-SC2UNCMET 110Our Violent Atmosphere3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/20/2019.
GT-SC2UNCESCI150Our Violent Earth3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-HI1WCUHIST281Past Visions: History on Film3.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-HI1UCDHIST 1381Paths to the Present I3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 05/21/2019.
GT-MA1CSUMATH 105Patterns of Phenomena3.0008/01/200707/19/2017Withdrawn effective Fall 2017.
GT-SC2FLCBIO 141People and the Planet3.0001/01/201008/01/2016 
GT-SS3MSUDSOC 1010People, Power, Progress3.0008/01/2003 Course title changed. Previously Introduction to Sociology. Effective Fall 2022. Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SS1FLCBA102Personal Finance4.0008/01/201008/01/2016 
GT-SS3MSUDPSY 2160Personality and Adjustment3.0008/01/200607/11/2013 
GT-SS3UNCHUSR208Perspectives on Aging and Later Life3.0001/01/201508/01/2024No longer part of GTP. Course title change. Re-approved on 12/17/2018. Original course number & title: GERO 205 Introduction to Gerontology.
GT-AH3UNCPHIL 225Philosophical Figures3.0008/01/201208/01/2024Course is no longer part of institution's gen ed program, effective Fall 2024. Course number changed to 225 from 200. Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-AH3CSUPPHIL 102Philosophical Literature3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 10/10/2018.
GT-AH3UCBPHIL 1600Philosophy and Religion3.0001/10/2003  
GT-AH3UCCSPHIL105Philosophy and Religion3.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1050.
GT-AH3UCCSPHIL 1050Philosophy and Religion3.0008/20/201011/11/2014Course closed.
GT-AH3UCBPHIL 1200Philosophy and Society3.0001/10/2003  
GT-AH3UCCSPHIL104Philosophy and Society: Creating A Self In Society3.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 1040.
GT-AH3UCBPHIL 1400Philosophy and the Sciences3.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH3CCCSPHI 2020Philosophy of Death and Dying3.0008/01/2011 Original course number PHI 220. Re-approved 10/30/2018.
GT-AH3CCCSPHI 2014Philosophy of Religion3.0008/01/2006 Original course number PHI 214. Re-approved 04/18/2019.
GT-AH3MSUDPHI2040Philosophy of Religion3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-AH3UNCPHIL270Philosophy of Religion3.0008/26/2019  
GT-AH3CMUPHIL 130Philosophy of Religion3.0001/01/2014 Re-approved 12/18/2020.
GT-AH3UNCPHIL280Philosophy of Science3.0008/26/2019  
GT-SS3CCCSANT 1005Physical Anthropology3.0008/01/200305/16/2015Original course number ANT 111. Course content area changed to SC1.
GT-SS3CCCSANT 1006Physical Anthropology Laboratory1.0012/02/2011 Original course number ANT 104.
GT-SC1CCCSGEO 1011Physical Geography - Landforms, with Lab4.0008/01/2009 Original course number GEO 111. Re-approved 04/18/2019.
GT-SC1CCCSGEO 1012Physical Geography - Weather, Climate & Ecosystems with Lab4.0008/01/2010 Original course number GEO 112. Re-approved 05/10/2019. Course title changed.
GT-SC1MSUDGEL 1010Physical Geology4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1ASUGEOL 111Physical Geology4.0001/09/200408/23/2021Course is no longer offered at ASU. Effective Fall 2021. Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1FLCGEOL 113Physical Geology4.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SC2WCUGEOL 101Physical Geology3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-SC1WCUGEOL 105Physical Geology Laboratory1.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-SC1CCCSGEY 1111Physical Geology, with Lab4.0008/01/2003 Original course number GEY 111. Re-approved 06/07/2017.
GT-SC1UCDGEOL 1082Physical Geology: Internal Processes4.0008/01/200506/22/2022Course is no longer offered, effective Summer 2022.
GT-SC1UCDGEOL 1072Physical Geology: Surface Processes4.0008/01/200506/22/2022Course is no longer offered, effective Summer 2022.
GT-SC2MSUDGEL 1150Physical Oceanography3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1UNCSCI 265Physical Science Concepts3.0008/01/2005 Credit hours changed from 4 to 3. Effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-SC1CMUPHYS 105/105LPhysics by Inquiry and Laboratory3.0008/01/200608/06/2020Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2020.
GT-SC2UCBPHYS 1010Physics for Everyday Life 13.0008/01/2009  
GT-SC2UCCSPES 1010Physics for Life Science I4.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019.
GT-SC2UCCSPES 1020Physics for Life Science II4.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019.
GT-SC1FLCPHYS 217Physics for Science and Engineering I5.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SC1CSUPH 141Physics for Scientists and Engineers I5.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 06/21/2018.
GT-SC1CSUPH 142Physics for Scientists and Engineers II5.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 06/21/2018. Original course prefix: PHCC.
GT-SC1CSMPHGN 100Physics I - Mechanics4.5008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/07/2018.
GT-SC1CSMPHGN 200Physics II - E&M and OPTICS4.5001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/07/2018.
GT-SC2UCCSPES 1000Physics in Everyday Life3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019.
GT-SC2UCCSPES 1040Physics in Science Fiction3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019.
GT-SC1UCCSPES 2150Physics Lab II Algebra Based1.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019.
GT-SC1MSUDPHY 1250Physics of Aviation6.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 01/14/2019.
GT-SC1UCBPHYS 1020Physics of Everyday Life 24.0008/01/2009  
GT-SC2CSUPH 110Physics of Everyday Phenomena3.0008/01/2007 Course title changed. Re-approved 01/03/2019. Original course prefix: PHCC.
GT-SC1CSUPH111Physics of Everyday Phenomena Laboratory1.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 06/21/2018. Course title changed. Requires previous or concurrent registration in PH 110. Original course prefix: PHCC.
GT-SC1MSUDPHY 1000Physics of Nature4.0001/01/2007 Course title changed, effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 01/14/2019.
GT-SC1CCCSPHY 1111Physics: Algebra-based I, with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Original course number PHY 111. Re-approved 08/27/18.
GT-SC1CCCSPHY 1112Physics: Algebra-based II, with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Original course number PHY 112. Re-approved 08/27/18.
GT-SC1CCCSPHY 2111Physics: Calculus-based I, with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Original course number PHY 211. Re-approved 04/05/2018.
GT-SC1CCCSPHY 2112Physics: Calculus-based II, with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Original course number PHY 212. Re-approved 04/05/2018.
GT-SC2UCBMCDB1030Plagues, People, and Microorganisms3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-MA1UNCMATH 125Plane Trigonometry3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-SC1CCCSAST 1110Planetary Astronomy I, with Lab4.0008/01/2003 Original course number AST 101. Re-approved 06/07/2017. Course name changed from "Astronomy".
GT-SC1CMUBIOL 102/102LPlant and Animal Biodiversity and Laboratory4.0008/01/201206/28/2017Course title changed.
GT-SS3CSUAGRI/IE116/116Plants and Civilizations3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC1FLCBIO 202Plants and Human Affairs4.0008/01/2012 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-AH1CCCSTHE2015Playwriting3.0008/01/2013 Original course number THE 215. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-SS1MSUDAAS 2200Politics and Black  People3.0008/01/200607/11/2013 
GT-MA1UCDMATH1080Polynomial Calculus3.0008/01/200608/01/2015Course title changed.
GT-AH1UCDARTS 1450Popular & Visual Culture: Ways of Seeing3.0008/01/201206/22/2022Course is no longer offered, effective Summer 2022.
GT-AH2UNCHUM122Popular Medievalisms3.0002/08/2018  
GT-AH4UCBPORT 2350Portuguese for Spanish Speakers3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course withdrawn from GT Pathways.
GT-SS3CCCSPSY2331Positive Psychology3.0002/05/2016 Original course number PSY 231. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-SS3UNCLIB 201Power and Control in an Information Society3.0008/01/200712/10/2018Course closed.
GT-AH2UCBCLAS 1120Power and Passion: Literature of Ancient Rome3.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 1440Pre-Calculus5.0008/01/2005 Original course number MAT 166. Re-approved 01/23/2018.
GT-MA1FLCMATH 121Pre-Calculus4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 02/28/2017
GT-MA1CMUMATH 119Pre-calculus5.0008/01/2003 Credit hours changed from 3 to 5. Re-approved 03/03/2017.
GT-MA1CSUPMATH 124Pre-Calculus Math5.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 03/02/2017
GT-MA1UCBMATH 1150Precalculus Mathematics3.0008/01/2003  
GT-MA1UCDMATH 1130Precalculus Mathematics4.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-MA1MSUDMTH 1400Precalculus Mathematics4.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 02/23/2017
GT-SC2CCCSBIO1003Principles of Animal Biology3.0008/01/2013 Original course number BIO 103. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-SC2CSUBZ 110Principles of Animal Biology3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 01/03/2019.
GT-SC1CSUBZ 111Principles of Animal Biology Laboratory1.0008/01/2007 Course title, number, & credits changed. Re-approved 06/21/2018. Requires previous or concurrent registration in BZ 110. Original course prefix: BZCC.
GT-SS3CMUANTH220Principles of Archaeology3.0006/04/2015 Course pre-fix and number changed, effective Summer 2021. Re-approved 10/09/2020.
GT-SC1UNCBIO 110Principles of Biology4.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-SC2CSUPBIOL100Principles of Biology3.0007/31/2017 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1CSUPBIOL 100LPrinciples of Biology Lab1.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SC2CSUPCHEM111Principles of Chemistry3.0007/31/2017 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1CMUCHEM 121/121LPrinciples of Chemistry and Laboratory5.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC1UNCCHEM 111Principles of Chemistry I4.0008/01/2005 Note: CHEM 111L is corequisite lab. To get credit for SC1, must pass both CHEM 111 and CHEM 111L. Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SC1CSMCHGN 121Principles of Chemistry I4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/07/2018.
GT-SC1UNCCHEM 111LPrinciples of Chemistry I Laboratory1.0008/01/2005 Note: CHEM 111 is corequisite lecture. To get credit for SC1, must pass both CHEM 111 and CHEM 111L. Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SC1CSMCHGN 122Principles of Chemistry II4.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/07/2018.
GT-SC1CSUPCHEM 111LPrinciples of Chemistry Lab1.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1MSUDCHE 1100/1150Principles of Chemistry/Principles of Chemistry Lab4.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 01/14/2019.
GT-SS1UCDECON 2012Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 05/21/2019.
GT-SS1UCDECON 2022Principles of Economics: Microeconomics3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 05/21/2019.
GT-SC2UCBMCDB 2150Principles of Genetics3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC1UCBMCDB 2151Principles of Genetics Laboratory1.0008/01/2005  
GT-SC1CMUGEOL 112/112LPrinciples of Historical Geology and Laboratory4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SS1FLCBA 271Principles of International Business4.0001/10/200308/01/2016 
GT-SS1CCCSECO 2001Principles of Macroeconomics3.0001/09/2004 Original course number ECO 201. Re-approved 06/21/18.
GT-SS1MSUDECO/HON2010Principles of Macroeconomics3.0001/09/2004 Cross-listed courses. Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SS1CMUECON 201Principles of Macroeconomics3.0001/09/2004 Course title changed. Re-approved 06/07/2021.
GT-SS1CSUPECON 201Principles of Macroeconomics3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 05/05/2022.
GT-SS1UNCECON 203Principles of Macroeconomics3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-SS1CTUECON210Principles of Macroeconomics3.0001/01/201412/21/2016CTU is no longer participating in GT Pathways, effective 12/21/16.
GT-SS1CSUECON 204Principles of Macroeconomics3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS1FLCECON 272Principles of Macroeconomics3.0008/01/2016 Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS1FLCECON272Principles of Macroeconomics4.0001/01/200708/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS1CCCSECO 2002Principles of Microeconomics3.0001/09/2004 Original course number ECO 202. Re-approved 06/21/18.
GT-SS1MSUDECO/HON 2020Principles of Microeconomics3.0001/09/2004 Cross-listed courses. Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SS1CMUECON 202Principles of Microeconomics3.0001/09/2004 Course title changed. Re-approved 06/07/2021.
GT-SS1CSUPECON 202Principles of Microeconomics3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 05/05/2022.
GT-SS1UNCECON 205Principles of Microeconomics3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-SS1CSUECON 202Principles of Microeconomics3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS1FLCECON262Principles of Microeconomics4.0001/01/200708/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS1FLCECON 262Principles of Microeconomics3.0008/01/2016 Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SC2UNCFND 250Principles of Nutrition3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 02/07/2018.
GT-SC1CMUCHEM 122/122LPrinciples of Organic Chemistry and Laboratory5.0001/02/2004 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC1CMUGEOL 111/111LPrinciples of Physical Geology and Laboratory4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC2WCUPHYS170Principles of Physics I3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-SC2CSUPPHYS201Principles of Physics I3.0007/31/2017 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1WCUPHYS 170Principles of Physics I (with laboratory)4.0008/01/200508/01/2023Course withdrawn from GT Pathways, effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-SC1CSUPPHYS 201LPrinciples of Physics I Lab1.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC2WCUPHYS171Principles of Physics II3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-SC2CSUPPHYS202Principles of Physics II3.0007/31/2017 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1WCUPHYS 171Principles of Physics II (with laboratory)4.0008/01/200508/01/2023Course withdrawn from GT Pathways, effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-SC1CSUPPHYS 202LPrinciples of Physics II Lab1.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1CSUBZ 120Principles of Plant Biology4.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 06/21/2018.
GT-SS3UNCPSY 120Principles of Psychology3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 05/24/2019.
GT-SS3MSUDPUB1000Principles of Public Health3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-SS3UNCSOC 100Principles of Sociology3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-SS2MSUDGEG1700Principles of Sustainability3.0001/23/2020  
GT-MA1WCUMATH 213Probability & Statistics3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-MA1CMUSTAT 200Probability and Statistics3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 03/03/2017.
GT-CO3CSUJTC 300Professional and Technical Communication3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 01/03/2019.
GT-CO2FLCCOMP 252Professional and Technical Writing3.0008/01/2016 Credit hours changed from 4 to 3. Re-approved 02/28/2017.
GT-CO2FLCCOMP252Professional and Technical Writing4.0008/01/200708/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-CO3MSUDENG3527Professional Writing3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3CCCSPSY 2222Psychology of Death and Dying3.0008/01/2006 Original course number PSY 227. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSPSY 2105Psychology of Gender3.0008/01/2006 Original course number PSY 205. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3MSUDPSY 2210Psychology of Human Development3.0001/09/200407/11/2013 
GT-SS3CCCSPSY2771Psychology of Personality3.0001/01/2014 Original course number PSY 265. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SC2CSUGBIO201Public Health and the Environment3.0006/28/2017  
GT-SC2UCDPBHL1020Public Health Biology3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-MA1UCBMATH 1012Quantitative Reasoning and Mathematical Skills3.0008/01/2003  
GT-SS1CSUPPOLS103Race & Ethnicity in American Democracy3.0006/01/2024 Course number changed. Effective Fall 2025. Effective Summer 2024.
GT-AH2CCCSLIT 2005Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in U.S. Literature3.0001/10/2003 Original course number LIT 205. Course title change, effective Summer 2022. Re-approved 08/22/18.
GT-SS3FLCSOC279Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Class3.0008/17/2017 Re-approved 07/29/2019.
GT-SS1CSUECON 212Racial Inequality and Discrimination3.0008/01/2006 Original course number: ECCC 212.
GT-CO3MSUDENG2020Reading and Writing Popular Culture3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-CO3MSUDARTH2600Reading and Writing Visual Culture3.0008/14/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-AH2CSUE 242Reading Shakespeare3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Original course number: ECC 242.
GT-CO2FLCENGL 268Reading Texts/Writing Texts3.0008/01/2016 Credit hours changed from 4 to 3. Re-approved 02/28/2017.
GT-CO2FLCENGL268Reading Texts/Writing Texts4.0008/01/200608/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH2CSUE142Reading without Borders3.0001/01/2015 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST154Recent America, 1918-Present3.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1540.
GT-AH2UNCENG206Regional Mythologies3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3CSUSPCM130Relational and Organizational Communication3.0006/04/2015 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-SS3UCBRLST 2400Religion and Contemporary Society3.0001/01/2010  
GT-AH3UNCHON185Religion and World Views3.0008/26/2019 Course prefix change, effective Fall 2023.
GT-AH2UCBRLST 2500Religions in the United States3.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH3UCBRLST 2620Religions of East Asia3.0001/10/2003  
GT-AH2UCBRLST 2610Religions of India3.0008/01/2009 Course title changed.
GT-AH2UCBRLST2610Religions of South Asia3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-CO2MSUDENG 1020Research and Argument Writing3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 03/29/2017
GT-CO2UNCENG 225Research Writing for Contemporary Culture3.0008/01/2008 Course title changed, effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-SS3UCBINVS 1000Responding to Social and Environmental Problems through Service Learning4.0008/01/2009  
GT-CO1FLCCOMP150Rhetoric and Research4.0001/09/200408/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-CO1FLCCOMP 150Rhetoric and Research3.0001/09/2004 Credit hours changed from 4 to 3. Re-approved 02/28/2017.
GT-CO1CSUPENG 101Rhetoric and Writing I3.0008/01/2003 Course title changed 08/06/2020. Re-approved 03/02/2017.
GT-CO1UCCSENGL1308Rhetoric and Writing I - SAI4.0001/02/2023 Effective Spring 2023.
GT-CO1UCCSENGL1305Rhetoric and Writing I Stretch B3.0012/14/2017 Approved 12/14/2017
GT-CO1UCCSENGL131Rhetoric and Writing I: Academic Reading and Analytical Writing3.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1310.
GT-CO1UCCSENGL 1310Rhetoric and Writing I: Academic Reading and Analytical Writing3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 131. Re-approved 06/20/2017.
GT-CO2CSUPENG 102Rhetoric and Writing II3.0001/09/2004 Course title changed 08/06/2020. Re-approved 03/02/2017
GT-CO2UCCSENGL141Rhetoric and Writing II: Argument and Research3.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1410.
GT-CO2UCCSENGL 1410Rhetoric and Writing II: Argument and Research3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 141. Re-approved 06/20/2017.
GT-CO3FLCCOMP350Rhetoric of Knowledge/Rhetoric of Inquiry3.0008/01/2016 Credit hours changed from 4 to 3. Re-approved 02/28/2017.
GT-CO3FLCCOMP/HON350Rhetoric of Knowledge/Rhetoric of Inquiry4.0008/01/200908/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1UNCHIST 283Russian Civilization3.0001/01/200708/01/2015Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2015.
GT-AH4CCCSRUS 2011Russian Language III3.0008/01/2005 Original course number 211. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH4CCCSRUS 2012Russian Language IV3.0008/01/2005 Original course number RUS 212. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH2CSULRUS 250Russian Language, Literature, Culture in Translation3.0001/01/2008  
GT-CO3MSUDENG3525Scholarly Writing3.0003/29/2017 Re-approved 05/14/2020. Course title changed.
GT-SS3CSUEDUC 275Schooling in the U.S.3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: EDCC 275.
GT-SC2UCCSPES 1310Science and Women: A Lab of Her Own3.0008/20/201011/11/2014 
GT-SC2CCCSSCI 1105Science in Society3.0008/01/2012 Original course number SCI 105. Re-approved 10/03/2018.
GT-SC2UCBCLAS 2020Science in the Ancient World3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course closed.
GT-SC1CCCSBIO 1005Science of Biology, with Lab4.0001/09/2004 Original course number BIO 105. Re-approved 03/08/2018.
GT-CO3CSUCHEM 301Scientific Writing3.0008/01/201008/09/2019Course closed, effective end of Summer 2019 term.
GT-CO2UNCSCI 291Scientific Writing3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-AH3UNCMIND 290Search for Meaning3.0008/01/200508/01/2024Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-AH4CSULARA 200Second Year Arabic I4.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 3 to 4.
GT-AH4CSULARA 201Second Year Arabic II4.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-AH4CSULCHI 200Second Year Chinese I5.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-AH4CSULCHI 201Second Year Chinese II5.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-AH4CSULFRE 200Second Year French I3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Original course number: LCC 200F.
GT-AH4CSULFRE 201Second Year French II3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-AH4CSULGER 200Second Year German I3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-AH4CSULGER 201Second Year German II3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-AH4CSULITA200Second Year Italian I3.0001/01/2015 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH4CSULITA201Second Year Italian II3.0001/01/2015 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-AH4CSULJPN 200Second Year Japanese I5.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-AH4CSULJPN 201Second Year Japanese II5.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 3 to 5. Edited course title.
GT-AH4CSULRUS 200Second Year Russian I3.0008/01/2007  
GT-AH4CSULRUS 201Second Year Russian II3.0008/01/2007  
GT-AH4CSULSPA 200Second Year Spanish I3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-AH4UCBFREN 2110Second-Year French Grammar Review and Reading 13.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH4UCBNORW 2110Second-Year Norwegian Reading and Conversation 14.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH4UCBPORT 2110Second-Year Portuguese 13.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH4UCBRUSS 2010Second-Year Russian 14.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH4UCBSPAN 2110Second-Year Spanish 13.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH4CSULSPA 201Second-Year Spanish II3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Original course number: LCC 201S.
GT-AH4UCBSWED 2110Second-Year Swedish Reading and Conversation 14.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH2CSUAMST 101Self/Community in American Culture since 18773.0008/01/2007  
GT-AH2CSUAMST 100Self/Community in American Culture, 1600-18773.0008/01/2007  
GT-AH2FLCENGL265Semantics4.0001/09/200408/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH2FLCENGL 265Semantics3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 07/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC 2110Sex and Society3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 211.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC211Sex and Society3.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 2110.
GT-SS3UCBSOCY/WMST1016Sex, Gender and Society 13.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS3CCCSANT2130Sex, Gender, and Culture3.0001/16/2023 Effective Spring 2023.
GT-AH2MSUDENG 2340Shakespeare and Popular Culture3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-MA1ASUMATH 120Single Variable Calculus I5.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 06/30/2017.
GT-MA1ASUMATH 121Single Variable Calculus II5.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 06/30/2017.
GT-AH3FLCPHIL 264Social & Political Philosophy4.0012/02/201108/01/2016 
GT-SS3UNCSOC235Social Change in Global Context3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023.
GT-SS3UCBSOCY 1001Social Conflict & Social Values3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course closed.
GT-SS3UNCSOC 170Social Problems3.0001/07/2011 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC 2500Social Problems3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 250.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC250Social Problems3.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 2500.
GT-SS3CSUSOC 105Social Problems3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: SCC 105.
GT-SS3MSUDSOC 2010Social Problems3.0001/01/2008 Previously withdrawn from GT Pathways in 2013. Course title changed. Re-approved 02/09/2021. Effective Fall 2021.
GT-SS3CMUSOCO 264Social Problems3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 10/09/2020.
GT-SS3UCBSOCY 2031Social Problems3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS1CSUPSOC 201Social Problems 3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SS3UNCPSY 265Social Psychology3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 05/24/2019.
GT-SS3CCCSPSY 2221Social Psychology3.0008/01/2006 Original course number PSY 226. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-SS3UCBPSYC 2606Social Psychology3.0001/10/2003  
GT-SS1CSUPSW 205Social Welfare in the United States3.0008/01/200908/01/2025Course is no longer part of institutional general education program. Effective Fall 2025. Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SS3CCCSSOC 2037Sociology of Death and Dying3.0008/01/2010 Original course number SOC 237. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSSOC 2031Sociology of Deviant Behavior3.0008/01/2006 Original course number SOC 231. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSSOC 2018Sociology of Diversity3.0008/01/2010 Original course number SOC 218. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSSOC 2005Sociology of Family Dynamics3.0008/01/2008 Original course number SOC 205. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSSOC 2016Sociology of Gender3.0008/01/2006 Original course number SOC 216. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3UNCSOC 221Sociology of Gender3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-SS3UNCSOC 237Sociology of Minorities3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSSOC 2020Sociology of Religion3.0008/01/2009 Original course number SOC 220. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SC2WCUPHYS 110Solar System Astronomy3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-AH2UNCMUS212Song Lyrics3.0006/04/2015 Re-approved 05/28/2019.
GT-SC2MSUDPHY2620Sound and Music3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-SC2UCBPHYS 1240Sound and Music3.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH2UNCASIA216South and Southeastern Asian Literature3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-HI1FLCSW 131Southwest History and Culture3.0008/01/200602/01/2012 
GT-HI1CSUPCS/HIST 136Southwest United States3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-AH4CCCSSPA2061Spanish for Heritage and Intermediate-Mid Speakers3.0001/08/2024 Effective Spring 2024.
GT-AH4FLCBL201Spanish for the Professions3.0008/01/2016 Course number and title changed. Re-approved 07/29/2019. Original course number: ML 215; credit hours changed.
GT-AH4CCCSSPA1011Spanish Language I5.0008/01/2025 Effective Fall 2025.
GT-AH4CCCSSPA1012Spanish Language II5.0008/01/2025 Effective Fall 2025.
GT-AH4CCCSSPA 2011Spanish Language III3.0001/10/2003 Original course number SPA 211. Re-approved 05/23/18.
GT-AH4CCCSSPA 2012Spanish Language IV3.0001/10/2003 Original course number SPA 212. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH2CSULSPA 250Spanish Language, Literature, Culture in Translation3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS3FLCAE105Spirit of Adventure3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-AH1MSUDTHE3213Staging Cultures3.0008/01/2013 Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SC1UNCAST101Stars and Galaxies4.0008/26/2019  
GT-SS1CSUPPOLS102State and Local Government3.0008/01/2024 Effective Fall 2024.
GT-SS1FLCPS 120State and Local Government4.0008/01/200608/01/2016 
GT-SS1CSUPOLS 103State and Local Government and Politics3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: POCC 103.
GT-SS3UNCASIA116State, Society, and Culture in Contemporary Asia3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-MA1CSUSTAT100Statistical Literacy3.0006/19/2018  
GT-MA1WCUMATH113Statistical Thinking 3.00  Course title change. Re-approved 03/01/2019.
GT-MA1CSUSTAT204Statistics for Business Students3.0001/21/2020  
GT-MA1UNCSTAT 250Statistics for Life Sciences3.0008/22/2022 Re-approved 06/27/2022. Course title changed. Effective Fall 2022.
GT-SC1CCCSAST 1120Stellar Astronomy II, with Lab4.0008/01/2003 Original course number AST 102. Re-approved 06/07/2017. Course name changed from "Astronomy II".
GT-AH2UCDENGL 1601Storytelling: Literature, Film & Television3.0001/01/2007 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-CO1MSUDENG1009Stretch Composing Arguments B3.0008/01/2013 Re-approved 03/29/2017
GT-SC1MSUDPHY2309Stretch General Physics I B4.0008/17/2020 Students will be awarded a total of 4 credits of General Studies or GT Pathways credit after passing both PHY 2308 AND PHY 2309.
GT-SC2WCUBIOL 120Studies in Biology3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-AH2UNCENG217Studies in Young Adult Literature3.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-HI1UCBHIST 1208Sub-Saharan Africa to 18003.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course number changed to 1218; course title changed.
GT-AH2UNCAFS 205Survey of African American Literature3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH2CCCSLIT 2059Survey of African American Literature3.0008/01/2011 Original course number LIT 259. Re-approved 11/30/2018.
GT-HI1MSUDAAS/HIS 1130/1940Survey of African History3.0008/01/2006 Cross-listed courses. Re-approved 06/25/2019.
GT-HI1FLCHIST 140Survey of African History I4.0008/01/200608/01/2016 
GT-HI1FLCHIST 141Survey of African History II4.0008/01/200608/26/2019Course has been deleted from catalog and is no longer offered. 10/29/2019
GT-HI1UNCHIST 101Survey of American History from 1877 to Present3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-HI1UNCHIST 100Survey of American History from Its Beginnings to 18773.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-AH2UNCENG 211   Survey of American Literature3.0008/01/200308/01/2024Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-AH2FLCENGL 240Survey of American Literature4.0008/01/200308/01/2016 
GT-AH2CCCSLIT211Survey of American Literature3.0001/10/200301/12/2011Course title changed.
GT-AH2CMUENGL 261  Survey of American Literature I3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/18/2020. Course title changed.
GT-AH2FLCENGL245Survey of American Literature I: Beginning to 18653.0002/05/2016 Course title changed. Re-approved 07/29/2019.
GT-AH2CMUENGL 262  Survey of American Literature II3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/18/2020. Course title changed.
GT-AH2CCCSLIT212Survey of American Literature II3.0008/01/200301/12/2011Course title changed.
GT-AH2FLCENGL246Survey of American Literature II: 1865 to Present3.0002/05/2016 Course title changed. Re-approved 07/29/2019.
GT-SS3CMUANTH230/231LSurvey of Biological Anthropology and Survey of Biological Anthropology Laboratory 4.0001/01/2014 Course pre-fix, number, and title change updated 11/20/2019. Re-approved 04/18/2019.
GT-AH2FLCENGL 230Survey of British Literature4.0008/01/200608/01/2016 
GT-AH2UNCENG 213   Survey of British Literature I3.0008/01/200308/01/2024Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-AH2CCCSLIT221Survey of British LIterature I3.0008/01/200301/12/2011Course title changed.
GT-AH2CCCSLIT222Survey of British LIterature II8.0008/01/200301/12/2011Course title changed.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 1400Survey of Calculus4.0008/01/2003 Original course number MAT 125. Re-approved 06/14/2017.
GT-MA1FLCMATH 210Survey of Calculus4.0008/01/200608/01/2016 
GT-AH2MSUDCHS/ENG2010/2410Survey of Chicana/o Literature3.0008/01/2006 Cross-listed courses. Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-AH2CSUPCS 220Survey of Chicano Literature3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-AH2CSUPENG 220Survey of Chicano Literature 3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC2CMUGEOL 100Survey of Earth Science3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-HI1FLCHIST 170Survey of East Asian Civilization I4.0008/01/200608/01/2016 
GT-HI1FLCHIST 171Survey of East Asian Civilization II4.0008/01/200608/01/2016 
GT-AH2CMUENGL 254  Survey of English Literature I3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/18/2020. Course title changed.
GT-AH2CMUENGL 255Survey of English Literature II3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/18/2020. Course title changed.
GT-AH2CCCSHUM121Survey of Humanities I3.0001/09/200405/31/2006Course title changed.
GT-AH2CCCSHUM122Survey of Humanities II3.0001/09/200405/31/2006Course title changed.
GT-AH2CCCSHUM123Survey of Humanities III3.0001/09/200405/31/2006Course title changed.
GT-HI1FLCHIST280Survey of U.S. History: 1600 to 18774.0008/01/200708/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1FLCHIST281Survey of U.S. History: 1877 to Present4.0008/01/200308/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1FLCHIST 160Survey of Western Civilization I4.0008/01/200308/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS1UCBPSCI 2004Survey of Western Political Thought3.0001/10/2003  
GT-AH1CCCSMUS 1023Survey of World Music3.0008/01/2009 Original course number MUS 123. Re-approved 05/10/2019.
GT-AH1UCCSAH280Survey: Ancient Art3.0008/20/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 2800.
GT-AH1UCCSAH281Survey: Medieval Art3.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 2810.
GT-AH1UCCSAH286Survey: Modern Art I3.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 2860.
GT-AH1UCCSAH289Survey: Nineteenth Century Art3.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 2890.
GT-AH1UCCSAH282Survey: Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo Art3.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 2820.
GT-AH1UCCSAH 2800Survey: Ancient Art3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Original course number: 280.
GT-AH1UCCSAH 2810Survey: Medieval Art3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 281.
GT-AH1UCCSAH 2860Survey: Modern Art I3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Original course number: 286.
GT-AH1UCCSAH 2890Survey: Nineteenth Century Art3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Original course number: 289.
GT-AH1UCCSAH 2820Survey: Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo Art3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Original course number: 282.
GT-SC2FLCAG 180Sustainable Agriculture3.0008/01/200702/01/2012 
GT-AH3CCCSPHI2013Symbolic Logic3.0005/26/2020 Original course number PHI 213.
GT-CO3UCBWRTG 3035Technical Communication and Design3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 12/28/2018.
GT-CO1CCCSENG1031Technical Writing I3.0010/25/2018 Original course number ENG 131.
GT-SS3CMUSOCI 120Technology & Society3.0001/01/2013 Re-approved 10/09/2020.
GT-SS3MSUDIND 2810Technology and Design: Global Perspectives3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SC1PARKTEST123TEST4.0008/16/2016 Orig course #: CHEM 1301. Course divided into separate lecture (1401) & lab (1402); these 2 courses are corequisites.
GT-SC1PARKTEST123TEST4.0008/16/2016 Orig course #: CHEM 1301. Course divided into separate lecture (1401) & lab (1402); these 2 courses
GT-MA1FLCES 242Testing and Statistics3.0008/01/200708/01/2016 
GT-AH2UCBITAL 1500That's Amore: Introduction to Italian Culture3.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-SS1UCCSPSC 1100The American Political System3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 110.
GT-SS1UCCSPSC110The American Political Systems3.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1100.
GT-HI1UCBCAMW 2001The American West3.0008/01/2007  
GT-AH1UNCTHEA 159The Art of Acting for All Majors3.00  Effective Fall 2022
GT-AH2FLCENGL 128The Bible as Literature4.0001/09/200408/01/2016 
GT-AH3MSUDPHI/HON1010/1011The Big Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy3.0001/10/2003 Course title changed, effective Fall 2023. Cross-listed courses. Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SC2CSUGEOL 122The Blue Planet: Geology of Our Environment3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 01/03/2019.
GT-SC1CSUGEOL122/121The Blue Planet: Geology of our Environment/ Introductory Geology Laboratory3.0008/01/2008  
GT-SC2UNCAST 109The Cosmos3.0001/01/2015 Original course prefix: SCI. Second course prefix was PHYS.
GT-SC1UNCPHYS109The Cosmos4.0008/01/200312/31/2015Course prefix changed to AST.
GT-SC2UNCPHYS109The Cosmos3.0001/01/201512/31/2014Course prefix changed to AST.
GT-SC2UNCSCI109The Cosmos3.0008/01/200701/01/2015Course prefix changed to PHYS.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 2215-001The Era of the American Revolution3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course closed.
GT-HI1CCCSHIS2310The History of Christianity in the World3.0001/01/2015 Original course number HIS 251. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-HI1CMUHIST225The History of Colorado3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 2123The History of England, 1660 to Present3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course number changed to HIST 1123; course title changed.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 2513The History of Ireland, 1600 to Present3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course closed.
GT-AH3UCCSPHIL 1040The Individual and Society: Creating a Self in Society3.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Original course number: 104.
GT-AH2MSUDHON 2760The Legacy of Arts & Letters II3.0008/01/200607/11/2013 
GT-AH1CMUFINE 101The Living Arts3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SS2UNCGEOG250The Making of the American Landscape3.0008/26/2019  
GT-HI1CCCSHIS 2300The Middle Ages3.0001/01/2010 Original course number HIS 255. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-AH1FLCMU101The Musical Experience4.0008/01/200308/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH1FLCMU 101The Musical Experience3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3UCCSANTH 2800The Nature of Language: An Introduction to Linguistics3.0001/07/2011  
GT-SS2FLCGEOG 120The North American Landscape4.0008/01/200808/01/2016 
GT-HI1UCBCLAS/HIST 1061The Rise and Fall of Ancient Rome3.0008/01/2003 Added CLAS prefix, 6/8/16.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST103The Rise of Modern Europe, 1500-18153.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1030.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST 1030The Rise of Modern Europe, 1500-18153.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 103.
GT-SS3ASUSOC 201The Sociological Imagination3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 07/06/2021.
GT-AH2CSUE 140The Study of Literature3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Original course number: ECC 140.
GT-SS1FLCBA 103The U.S. Business System4.0001/01/200708/01/2016 
GT-AH4FLCBL202The Wild Tongue: Intermediate Spanish3.0008/01/2016 Course number and title changed. Re-approved 07/29/2019. Original course number: ML 216; credit hours changed.
GT-HI1UCBCLAS/HIST 1051The World of Ancient Greeks3.0001/10/2003 Added CLAS prefix, 6/8/16.
GT-HI1CCCSHIS 1120The World: 1500 - Present3.0001/13/2011 Original course number HIS 112. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-HI1CCCSHIS 1110The World: Antiquity - 15003.0007/01/2010 Original course number HIS 111. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-AH1CCCSTHE 1005Theatre Appreciation3.0001/13/2011 Original course number THE 105. Course title changed. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH1CMUTHEA 141Theatre Appreciation3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-AH1UNCTHEA 225Theatre in Film3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH1CCCSTHE1008Theatre Script Analysis3.0008/01/2013 Original course number THE 108. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 2015Themes in Early American History3.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-AH3MSUDPHI 1030Thinking about Ethics: Morality and the Good Life3.0001/10/2003 Course title changed, effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-AH1CMUARTE 102Three-Dimensional Design3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/18/2020.
GT-HI1FLCHIST 262Tolerance and Persecution in the Middle Ages4.0008/01/200608/01/2016 
GT-HI1WCUHIST100Topics in World History3.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022.
GT-MA1ASUMATH 107Trig and Analytic Geometry3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 10/30/2018.
GT-MA1CMUMATH119BTrigonometry for Calculus3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023. Students MUST complete BOTH MATH 119A & MATH 119B to fulfill GT-MA1.
GT-AH1CMUARTE 101Two-Dimensional Design3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/18/2020.
GT-HI1FLCHIST181U.S. Environmental History4.0008/01/200608/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1FLCHIST 181U.S. Environmental History3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1CCCSHIS 2120U.S. Foreign Relations History3.0001/13/2011 Original course number HIS 260. Re-approved 12/10/2019. Course title changed.
GT-HI1CCCSHIS201U.S. History I3.0008/01/200301/12/2011Course title changed.
GT-HI1CSUPHIST 201U.S. History I3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-HI1CSUGHST201U.S. History I3.0006/04/2015 Re-approved 05/21/2019.
GT-HI1CSUPHIST 202U.S. History II3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-HI1CSUGHST202U.S. History II3.0006/04/2015 Re-approved 05/21/2019.
GT-HI1WCUHIST 127U.S. History since 18653.0008/01/2003 Course title changed. Re-approved 03/18/2019.
GT-HI1UCDHIST 1362U.S. History Since 18763.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 05/21/2019.
GT-HI1CSUHIST 151U.S. History Since 18763.0008/01/2007  
GT-HI1FLCHIST 281U.S. History Since 18773.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Course title changed. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1CCCSHIS 2145U.S. History Since 19453.0008/01/2009 Original course number HIS 236. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-HI1CCCSHIS 1220U.S. History Since the Civil War3.0008/01/2014 Original course number HIS 122. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-HI1CCCSHIS202U.S. History Since the Civil War3.0008/01/200306/01/2014Course number changed to 122.
GT-HI1WCUHIST 126U.S. History to 18653.0008/01/2003 Course title changed. Re-approved 03/18/2019.
GT-HI1UCDHIST 1361U.S. History to 18763.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 05/21/2019.
GT-HI1CSUHIST 150U.S. History to 18763.0008/01/2007  
GT-HI1FLCHIST 280U.S. History to 18773.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Course title changed. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1CCCSHIS 1210U.S. History to Reconstruction3.0008/01/2014 Original course number HIS 121. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-HI1CCCSHIS201U.S. History to Reconstruction3.0001/13/201106/01/2014Course number changed to 121.
GT-HI1CCCSHIS 245U.S. in the World3.0008/01/201005/24/2021Course is no longer offered, effective Summer 2021.
GT-AH2FLCENGL 177U.S. LatinX Literature3.0001/09/2004 Previously withdrawn from GT Pathways in 2016. Course title changed. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3. Re-approved 09/15/2020.
GT-SS1FLCPS 110U.S. National Government3.0008/01/2016 Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS1FLCPS110U.S. National Government4.0008/01/200608/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 2616U.S. Women's History3.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST151U.S.: Birth of a Nation, 1607-17893.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1510.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST152U.S.: Expansion and Division, 1789-18773.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1520.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST 1520U.S.: Expansion and Division, 1789-18773.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 152.
GT-HI1UCCSHIST 1540U.S.: Recent America, 1918-Present3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 154.
GT-SS3CSUPPSYC 222Understanding Animal Behavior3.0001/10/2003 Course prefix changed from PSYCH to PSYC. Effective Fall 2020. Re-approved 12/09/2020.
GT-AH1CSUD 110Understanding Dance3.0006/07/2007  
GT-SS3UCBLDSP 2400Understanding Privilege and Oppression in US Contemporary Society3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course closed.
GT-SS1UNCECON 101Understanding the Contemporary Economy3.0001/10/200308/07/2020Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2020.
GT-SS3UCDSOCY 1001Understanding the Social World3.0008/01/2007 Course title changed. Re-approved 07/02/2019.
GT-HI1CMUHIST 131United States History I3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 10/09/2020. Updated course title.
GT-HI1CMUHIST 132United States History II3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 10/09/2020. Updated course title.
GT-SS1UNCPSCI 100United States National Government3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-SS3UCBSOCY 1021United States Race and Ethnic Relations3.0008/01/2007  
GT-HI1FLCSW 181US/SW Environmental History3.0008/01/200602/01/2013 
GT-HI1UCCSHIST 1510US: Birth of a Nation, 1607-17893.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 151.
GT-SS1UNCMIND 286Value Issues in Political Economy3.0001/10/200308/01/2024Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-AH1CSUPART 100Visual Dynamics3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-AH1CSUINTD110Visual Expression of Interior Environments3.0006/19/2018  
GT-AH1UNCART290Visual Thinking & Visual Images3.0008/01/201308/01/2024Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 2222War and Society in the Modern World3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course number changed to HIST 2220; course title changed.
GT-SC2CSUGGES120Water Sustainability3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-SC2CMUGEOL108Water, People and Environment3.0006/04/2015 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC2FLCGEOG 235Weather and Climate3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SC2CMUGEOL 103Weather and Climate3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC2MSUDMTR 1400Weather and Climate3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC2UCBATOC 1050Weather and the Atmosphere3.0008/01/2005  
GT-SC1UCBATOC 1070Weather and the Atmosphere Laboratory1.0008/01/2005  
GT-HI1MSUDAAS 2130West African Civilizations3.0008/01/200607/11/2013 
GT-HI1UCBHIST1010Western Civilization 13.0001/10/200306/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-HI1UNCHIST 121Western Civilization from 1689 to the Present3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-HI1UNCHIST 120Western Civilization from the Bronze Age to 16893.0008/01/2003 Course title change, effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-HI1FLCHIST 160Western Civilization I3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Course title changed. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1FLCHIST 261Western Civilization II3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Course title changed. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1FLCHIST261Western Civilization II: 1350 to Present4.0008/01/200308/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1UCBHIST1020Western Civilization II: 16th Century to the Present3.0008/01/200306/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS 1020Western Civilization since 16033.0008/01/200308/01/2015 
GT-HI1MSUDHIS 1010Western Civilization to 16033.0008/01/200308/01/2015 
GT-HI1CSUHIST 101Western Civilization, Modern3.0008/01/2007  
GT-HI1CSUHIST 100Western Civilization, Pre-Modern3.0008/01/2007  
GT-HI1CCCSHIS 1320Western Civilization: 1650 - Present3.0008/01/2003 Original course number HIS 102. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-HI1CCCSHIS 1310Western Civilization: Antiquity - 16503.0008/01/2003 Original course number HIS 101. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-HI1CMUHIST 101Western Civilizations I3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 10/09/2020. Updated course title.
GT-HI1CMUHIST 102Western Civilizations II3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 10/09/2020. Updated course title.
GT-AH2CMUENGL 131Western World Lit I3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/18/2020.
GT-AH2CMUENGL 132Western World Lit II3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/18/2020. Course title changed.
GT-AH2UNCENG263Western World Literature I3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-AH2UNCENG264Western World Literature II3.0008/23/202108/01/2024Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2024. Effective Fall 2021.
GT-SC2CSUFW 104Wildlife Ecology and Conservation3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 01/03/2019.
GT-AH2UCBRLST/WMST2800Women and Religion3.0008/01/2009 Added WMST prefix, 6/8/16.
GT-SS3CCCSWST 2100Women and Social Action3.0008/01/2010 Original course number WST 225. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-HI1FLCGWS 283Women in America Since 18484.0008/01/200908/01/2016 
GT-HI1FLCHIST 283Women in America Since 18484.0008/01/200908/01/2016 
GT-HI1FLCGWS 282Women in America to 18484.0008/01/200908/01/2016 
GT-HI1FLCHIST 282Women in America to 18484.0008/01/200908/01/2016 
GT-HI1UCBCLAS2110Women in Ancient Rome3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course number & title changed: added WMST prefix; Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Rome.
GT-SS3UNCWS101Women in Contemporary Society3.0008/01/200308/01/2014Course prefix/title changed: GNDR 101 Gender and Society.
GT-AH2UCBRUSS 2471Women in Russian Culture: From Folklore to the Nineteenth Century3.0008/01/2009  
GT-HI1CCCSHIS 2105Women in U.S. History3.0008/01/2010 Original course number HIS 215. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS 1650Women in U.S. History3.0001/10/200308/01/2015 
GT-HI1CCCSHIS2005Women in World History3.0008/01/2013 Original course number HIS 205. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS/GWS1600Women in World History3.0008/26/2019 Cross-listed courses. WMS prefix changed to GWS. Effective Fall 2020. Updated 01/28/2021.
GT-SS3MSUDGWS/AAS/CHS2100 Women of Color3.0008/01/2006 Cross-listed courses. Prefix changed from WMS June 2017. Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-HI1UCBWMST2400Women of Color and Activism3.0006/08/2016 Added WMST 2400 & removed HIST 2636 (course no longer cross-listed with HIST); course title changed.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 2636Women of Color and Social Activism3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course number changed to HIST 2636/WMST 2400; course title changed.
GT-AH1MSUDGWS/ANT2400Women's Folklore and Folklife3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3UNCNURS 200Women's Health Care3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 05/24/2019.
GT-HI1UCBHIST 2616Women's History3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-AH2FLCENGL175Women's Literature4.0001/09/200408/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH2FLCENGL/GSS 175Women's Literature3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 07/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3. Cross-listed course, added 10/29/2019.
GT-SS3CCCSWST 2300Women's Sexuality3.0012/02/2011 Original course number WST 249. Re-approved 05/24/2018.
GT-SS3UNCANT 120World Archaeology3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-AH1UCBARTH1300World Art 13.0008/01/200506/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-AH1UCBARTH1400World Art 23.0008/01/200506/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-HI1FLCHIST150World Civilization 14.0001/01/200708/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1CSUPHIST 102World Civilization from 1100 - 18003.0008/01/200308/06/2020Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2020.
GT-HI1FLCHIST 150World Civilization I3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1CCCSHIS112World Civilization II3.0008/01/200601/12/2011Course title changed.
GT-HI1FLCHIST 151World Civilization II3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1FLCHIST151World Civilization II4.0001/01/200708/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-HI1CSUPHIST 103World Civilization Since 18003.0008/01/200308/06/2020Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2020.
GT-HI1CSUPHIST 101World Civilization to 11003.0008/01/200308/06/2020Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2020.
GT-AH2CSUE 245 World Drama3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Original course number: ECC 245.
GT-AH2UNCENG205World Folklore and Fairy Tales3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-SS2UNCGEOG 100World Geography3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-HI1ASUHGP 110World History & Culture I3.0008/01/2003 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/20/2021.
GT-HI1ASUHGP 111World History & Culture II3.0008/01/2003 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/20/2021.
GT-HI1CSUPHIST111World History Post 15003.0008/01/2017 Effective Fall 2017
GT-HI1MSUDHIS/HON 1040World History since 15003.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 06/25/2019. Course updated 01/28/2021 to include new cross-list: HIS/HON 1040. Effective Fall 2020.
GT-HI1UCDHIST 1026World History Since 15003.0001/10/200308/01/2006 
GT-HI1WCUHIST 102World History since 15003.0008/01/200305/26/2023Course no longer part of GT Pathways, effective Summer 2023. Course title changed. Re-approved 03/18/2019.
GT-HI1UNCHIST115World History Since 15003.0008/26/2019  
GT-HI1MSUDHIS 1030World History to 15003.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 06/25/2019.
GT-HI1WCUHIST 101World History to 15003.0008/01/200305/26/2023Course no longer part of GT Pathways, effective Summer 2023. Course title changed. Re-approved on 03/18/2019.
GT-HI1UCDHIST 1016World History to 15003.0001/10/200308/01/2006 
GT-HI1UNCHIST114World History to 15003.0008/26/2019  
GT-HI1CSUPHIST110World History to 15003.0008/01/2017 Effective Fall 2017
GT-HI1CSUHIST 171World History, 1500 - Present3.0008/01/2007  
GT-HI1CSUHIST 170World History, Ancient -15003.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS3CSUAGRI/IE270/270World Interdependence-Population and Food3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS3CCCSAGR 2106World Interdependence: Population and Food3.0001/01/2010 Original course number AGR 260. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-AH2CCCSLIT 2002World Literature After 16003.0001/13/2011 Original course number LIT 202. Course title changed. Re-approved 06/21/18.
GT-AH2CCCSLIT 2001World Literature to 16003.0001/13/2011 Original course number LIT 201. Course title changed. Re-approved 06/21/18.
GT-AH2CSULB 171World Literatures -The Modern Period3.0008/01/2003 Original course: Lbcc 171 World Literatures-Modern.
GT-AH2CSULB 170  World Literatures to 15003.0008/01/2003 Original course number: Lbcc 170.
GT-AH2CCCSHUM 1015World Mythology3.0008/01/2009 Original course number HUM 115. Re-approved 01/02/2019.
GT-HI1MSUDHIS 3770World of Islam3.0008/01/201008/01/2015 
GT-SS3FLCANTH 171World Prehistory3.0008/01/2008 Course withdrawn 08/01/2016. Re-activated 08/27/2019. Credits changed from 4 to 3. Course title changed.
GT-SS3CMUANTH 222World Prehistory3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 10/09/2020.
GT-SS2MSUDGEG 1000World Regional Geography3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SS2CCCSGEO 1005World Regional Geography3.0008/01/2003 Original course number GEO 105. Re-approved 02/06/2020.
GT-SS2FLCGEOG 110World Regional Geography3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 08/22/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS2CMUGEOG 103World Regional Geography3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 10/09/2020.
GT-SS2WCUGEOG 110World Regional Geography3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/06/2021.
GT-SS2UCDGEOG1102World Regional Geography3.0008/01/200308/01/2016Course title changed.
GT-SS2CSUPGEOG 103World Regional Geography3.0001/01/2008 Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-SS2FLCGEOG110World Regional Geography4.0008/01/200308/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS2UCDGEOG 1102World Regions in Global Context3.0008/01/2016 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-AH3FLCPHIL/RS 172World Religions4.0008/01/201008/01/2016 
GT-AH3UCDRLST 2660World Religions3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-AH3CCCSPHI1016World Religions East3.0008/01/2013 Original course number PHI 116. Re-approved 05/23/18.
GT-AH3CCCSPHI1015World Religions West3.0008/01/2013 Original course number PHI 115. Re-approved 05/23/18.
GT-SC2MSUDENV 1400World Resources3.0008/01/200607/11/2013 
GT-CO1WCUENG 102Writing & Rhetoric I 3.0008/01/2003 Course title change, effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 10/24/2018.
GT-CO2WCUENG103Writing & Rhetoric II3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-CO3CCCSHIS 2765Writing About History3.0008/01/2011 Original course number HIS 265. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-CO2UNCENG 123Writing and Research Methods3.0008/01/2003 Course title changed, effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-CO2UNCPVA152Writing and Scholarship in the Performing and Visual Arts3.0008/01/2007 New prefix as of Fall 2017 (previously listed as MUS). Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-CO3CSUCO 300Writing Assignments3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-CO2UCBARSC 1150Writing in Arts and Sciences3.0001/01/201012/28/2018Course is not taught regularly enough to meet GT Pathways guidelines
GT-CO1FLCCOMP 126Writing in College3.0008/01/200308/01/2016 
GT-CO3UCBPHYS3050Writing in Physics3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-CO3UCBPHYS 3050Writing in Physics: Problem-Solving and Rhetoric3.0006/08/201612/28/2018Course not taught regularly enough to meet GT Pathways guidelines. Course title changed.
GT-CO2FLCCOMP254Writing in the Disciplines3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-CO3CSUCO 301DWriting in the Disciplines: Writing in Education3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-CO3CSUCO 301AWriting in the Disciplines: Writing in the Arts and Humanities3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-CO3CSUCO 301BWriting in the Disciplines: Writing in the Sciences3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-CO3CSUCO 301CWriting in the Disciplines: Writing in the Social Sciences3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-CO3MSUDENG3526Writing in the Sciences3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-CO3UCBWRTG 3007Writing in the Visual Arts3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 12/28/2018.
GT-CO3UCBWRTG 3030Writing on Science and Society3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 12/28/2018.
GT-CO3CSUCO 302Writing Online3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-CO2FLCCOMP 215Writing/Speaking through Rhetoric3.0008/01/201102/01/2014 
GT-SC2FLCPHYS 170Your Cosmic Context3.0001/01/201008/01/2016