GT-AH4,GT-AH4 (World Languages (must be Intermediate/200 level))

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91 courses listed


  1. These lists can be sorted by their different columns.  Just click the column title to initiate the sort.
  2. If you would like to know the date a course was approved, please contact the CDHE.
  3. All state community colleges (CCCS), along with Aims Community College and Colorado Mountain College, share common general education core course numbers, prefixes and title. Wherever “CCCS” appears next to a course on the lists of approved gtPathways courses, the designated course (e.g., CCCS BIO 111) is approved for all community colleges that offer the course.
  4. Effective Summer 2022, all Colorado Community College System (CCCS) course numbers are 4-digits. Please refer to "Notes" for the original 3-digit course number.

CategoryInstCourse PrefixCourse IDTitleCreditsEffective DateEnd DateNotes
GT-AH4ASUSPAN203Intermediate Spanish I3.0008/01/2025 Effective Fall 2025.
GT-AH4ASUSPAN204Intermediate Spanish II3.0008/01/2025 Effective Fall 2025.
GT-AH4CCCSASL 2221American Sign Language IV3.0008/24/2020 Original course number ASL 221. Effective Fall 2020
GT-AH4CCCSASL2222American Sign Language V3.0008/24/2020 Original course number ASL 222. Effective Fall 2020
GT-AH4CCCSFRE1011French Language I5.0008/01/2025 Effective Fall 2025.
GT-AH4CCCSFRE1012French Language II5.0008/01/2025 Effective Fall 2025.
GT-AH4CCCSFRE 2011French Language III3.0008/01/2006 Original course number FRE 211. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH4CCCSFRE 2012French Language IV3.0008/01/2006 Original course number FRE 212. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH4CCCSGER1011German Language I5.0008/01/2025 Effective Fall 2025.
GT-AH4CCCSGER1012German Language II5.0008/01/2025 Effective Fall 2025.
GT-AH4CCCSGER 2011German Language III3.0008/01/2005 Original course number GER 211. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH4CCCSGER 2012German language IV3.0008/01/2005 Original course number GER 212. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH4CCCSITA 2011Italian Language III3.0008/01/2005 Original course number ITA 211. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH4CCCSITA 2012Italian Language IV3.0008/01/2005 Original course number ITA 212. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH4CCCSJPN 2011Japanese Language III3.0008/01/2005 Original course number JPN 211. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH4CCCSJPN 2012Japanese Language IV3.0008/01/2005 Original course number JPN 212. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH4CCCSRUS 2011Russian Language III3.0008/01/2005 Original course number 211. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH4CCCSRUS 2012Russian Language IV3.0008/01/2005 Original course number RUS 212. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH4CCCSSPA1011Spanish Language I5.0008/01/2025 Effective Fall 2025.
GT-AH4CCCSSPA1012Spanish Language II5.0008/01/2025 Effective Fall 2025.
GT-AH4CCCSSPA 2011Spanish Language III3.0001/10/2003 Original course number SPA 211. Re-approved 05/23/18.
GT-AH4CCCSSPA 2012Spanish Language IV3.0001/10/2003 Original course number SPA 212. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-AH4CCCSSPA2061Spanish for Heritage and Intermediate-Mid Speakers3.0001/08/2024 Effective Spring 2024.
GT-AH4CSULARA 200Second Year Arabic I4.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 3 to 4.
GT-AH4CSULARA 201Second Year Arabic II4.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-AH4CSULCHI 200Second Year Chinese I5.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-AH4CSULCHI 201Second Year Chinese II5.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-AH4CSULFRE 200Second Year French I3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Original course number: LCC 200F.
GT-AH4CSULFRE 201Second Year French II3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-AH4CSULGER 200Second Year German I3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-AH4CSULGER 201Second Year German II3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-AH4CSULITA200Second Year Italian I3.0001/01/2015 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-AH4CSULITA201Second Year Italian II3.0001/01/2015 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-AH4CSULJPN 200Second Year Japanese I5.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-AH4CSULJPN 201Second Year Japanese II5.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 3 to 5. Edited course title.
GT-AH4CSULRUS 200Second Year Russian I3.0008/01/2007  
GT-AH4CSULRUS 201Second Year Russian II3.0008/01/2007  
GT-AH4CSULSPA 200Second Year Spanish I3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-AH4CSULSPA 201Second-Year Spanish II3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 10/29/2019. Original course number: LCC 201S.
GT-AH4CSUPFRN 201Intermediate French I3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-AH4CSUPFRN 202Intermediate French II3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-AH4CSUPGER 201Intermediate German I3.0008/01/200908/01/2024Course is not regularly offered at least every two years. Effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-AH4CSUPGER 202Intermediate German II3.0008/01/200908/01/2024Course is not regularly offered at least every two years. Effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-AH4CSUPITL 201Intermediate Italian I3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-AH4CSUPITL 202Intermediate Italian II3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-AH4CSUPSPN 201Intermediate Spanish I3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-AH4CSUPSPN 202Intermediate Spanish II3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-AH4FLCBL201Spanish for the Professions3.0008/01/2016 Course number and title changed. Re-approved 07/29/2019. Original course number: ML 215; credit hours changed.
GT-AH4FLCBL202The Wild Tongue: Intermediate Spanish3.0008/01/2016 Course number and title changed. Re-approved 07/29/2019. Original course number: ML 216; credit hours changed.
GT-AH4FLCFR 201Intermediate French I3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/19. Original course number: ML 247; credit hrs changed.
GT-AH4FLCFR 202Intermediate French II3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Original course number: ML 248; credit hours changed.
GT-AH4FLCML215Intermediate Spanish I4.0001/01/200708/01/2016Course number changed to SPAN 201; credit hrs changed.
GT-AH4FLCML216Intermediate Spanish II4.0008/01/200608/01/2016Course number changed to SPAN 202; credit hrs changed.
GT-AH4FLCML 223Intermediate German I3.0001/01/200702/01/2013Course closed.
GT-AH4FLCML 224Intermediate German II3.0008/01/200602/01/2013Course closed.
GT-AH4FLCML 235Intermediate Japanese I4.0001/01/200702/01/2013Course closed.
GT-AH4FLCML 236Intermediate Japanese II4.0001/01/200702/01/2013Course closed.
GT-AH4FLCML247Intermediate French I4.0001/01/200708/01/2016Course number changed to FR 201; credit hrs changed.
GT-AH4FLCML248Intermediate French II4.0001/01/200708/01/2016Course number changed to FR 202; credit hrs changed.
GT-AH4UCBARAB 2110Intermediate Arabic 15.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH4UCBCLAS2114Intermediate Latin 14.0008/01/200907/26/2016Course prefix changed to LATN.
GT-AH4UCBFREN 2110Second-Year French Grammar Review and Reading 13.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH4UCBGRMN 2010Intermediate German 14.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH4UCBHEBR 2110Intermediate Hebrew 14.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH4UCBITAL 2110Intermediate Italian Reading, Grammar, and Composition 13.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH4UCBLATN 2114Intermediate Latin 14.0007/26/2016 Course prefix changed from CLAS.
GT-AH4UCBNORW 2110Second-Year Norwegian Reading and Conversation 14.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH4UCBPORT 2110Second-Year Portuguese 13.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH4UCBPORT 2350Portuguese for Spanish Speakers3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course withdrawn from GT Pathways.
GT-AH4UCBRUSS 2010Second-Year Russian 14.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH4UCBSPAN 2110Second-Year Spanish 13.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH4UCBSPAN 2150Intensive-Second Year Spanish5.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH4UCBSWED 2110Second-Year Swedish Reading and Conversation 14.0008/01/2009  
GT-AH4UCDCHIN 1000China and the Chinese3.0008/01/2005 Changing from GT-AH1 to GT-AH4. Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-AH4UCDFREN 1000Introduction to Cultures of the French-Speaking World3.0008/01/2006 Changing from GT-AH1 to GT-AH4. Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-AH4UCDFREN2003French Language 33.0006/04/2015 Re-approved 12/20/2019.
GT-AH4UCDGRMN 1000Germany and the Germans3.0001/01/2007 Changing from GT-AH1 to GT-AH4. Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-AH4UCDSPAN 1000Introduction to Cultures of the Spanish Speaking World3.0008/01/2007 Changing from GT-AH1 to GT-AH4. Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-AH4UNCASL 201American Sign Language III3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH4UNCASL 202American Sign Language IV3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-AH4UNCCHIN 201Intermediate Chinese I3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-AH4UNCCHIN 202Intermediate Chinese II3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-AH4UNCFR 201Intermediate French I3.0008/01/200508/01/2023Course no longer offered, effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-AH4UNCFR 202Intermediate French II3.0001/01/200708/01/2023Course no longer offered, effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-AH4UNCGER 201Intermediate German I3.0008/01/200708/01/2024Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-AH4UNCGER 202Intermediate German II3.0008/01/200708/01/2024Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-AH4UNCJAPN 201Intermediate Japenese I3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-AH4UNCJAPN 202Intermediate Japanese II3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-AH4UNCSPAN200Intermediate Low Spanish3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023.
GT-AH4UNCSPAN 201Intermediate Spanish I3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-AH4UNCSPAN 202Intermediate Spanish II3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 02/08/2018.