Field # |
Starting Position |
Field Name |
Field Definitions/Descriptions |
1 |
1 |
Record Type |
Definition: A flag that indicates which record type is being reported.
Codes/Notes: Enrollment=1, UAF=2, Degrees=3, Financial Aid=4, Student Course=5, Educator Preparation=6, Credit Prior Learning=C
Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed.
Edit Specs: File specific value.
Format: alphanumeric, 1 character
Updates: CPL = C added June '23
2 |
2 |
Institution Code |
Definition: The unique code designations for Colorado postsecondary institutions.
Codes/Notes: The number assigned to each higher education institution identifying an institution with a 4-digit institutional code. See Institution Code in Glossary.
Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed.
Edit Specs: Error if a value is reported that is not the code assigned to the reporting institution.
Format: AlphaNumeric, 4 characters
Updates: July 1987
3 |
6 |
Report Term |
Definition: The enrollment period identified by the term on which the data are based
Codes/Notes: 1 - Summer
2 - Fall
3 - Winter (only for institutions on a quarter system)
4 - Spring
5 - Interim
9 - Total report year (Only used in Financial Aid reporting)
For Education Preparation FILE: Report period should be by term, beginning with summer and continuing through the following fall and spring terms. Term 9 is not valid for this file.
For Financial Aid file: Term is 9, FA file is a fiscal year file beginning with Fall data and ending with trailing summer data
Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed.
Edit Specs: Error if term value is anything other than 1,2,3,4,5,9
Format: Numeric, 1 place integer (T)
Updates: Expanded to four-digit format, year 2000 file conversions, September 1998.
Simplified text of definition section and removed term & year examples dating back to a previous data element format. Also corrected edit spec section to show that '9' is acceptable. Dec, 2018
4 |
7 |
Report Year |
Definition: The enrollment period identified by the calendar year on which the data are based (YYYY) The year in which the term occurs. When the term code is "9" which signifies the total report year, use 4 digits of the fiscal year of the report period. The fiscal year is derived by the following. If the term is =3, the fiscal year is the same as the report year. If the term is =2, the fiscal year equals the report year + 1.
AY 2018 and FY 2018 matrix Example |
Year |
Report Term |
Year |
FinAid Fiscal
2018 |
1 |
2017 |
2017 |
2018 |
2 |
2017 |
2018 |
2018 |
3 |
2018 |
2018 |
2018 |
4 |
2018 |
2018 |
2018 |
5 |
2018 |
2018 |
2019 |
1 |
2018 |
2018 | Examples:
Fiscal Year 2002-03
Summer 02 12002
Fall 02 22002
Winter 03 32003 (Institutions on quarter system only)
Spring 03 42003
Interim 03 52003
Beginning in 1991, report period indicated by term, rather than end of year.
Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed.
Edit Specs: Error if year value does not represent current reporting year.
Format: Numeric, 4 place integer (YYYY)
Updates: Expanded to four-digit format, year 2000 file conversions. Simplified test of definition section and removed term & year examples dating back to a previous data element format. Added AY, Term, FY Matrix. Corrected Edit Spec section. Dec 2018
5 |
11 |
Student ID |
Definition: A number that uniquely identifies a student at an institution. Wherever possible, this should be the nine digit social security number assigned to an individual under the Federal Insurance Contribution Act. Social Security rules currently exclude use of numbers that are < 000000100 or >= 800000000
Codes/Notes: If the Student Identification Number is assigned, the number should be used in all future reports by the institution for that student unless corrected or replaced by Social Security Number. Note: Use of an SSN is the only way CCHE can track a student for retention and graduation analyses across institutions.
If an individual's social security number is not available for use by an institution, the institution may report any student identification number up to 9 characters that is unique for that student. The institution also must report the Student Identification Type as “1,” indicating that this number is not a Social Security Number. Hyphens are not entered as part of the identification number.
Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed.
Edit Specs: Error if blank.
If Student Identification Type is 0 or blank, error if value contains alpha characters or the last 6 digits are all zeroes or is < 000000100 or >= 800000000—This edit to be implemented with submissions for FY04 and modified to 900000000+ (vs 800000000+) December 2011.
Format: AlphaNumeric, 9-place integer
Updates: July 1988; edit specs modified July 2003; Dec 2011 - changed upper limit from 800000000;
6 |
20 |
Student ID Type |
Definition: The indicator to classify the Student Identification Number as believed to be either a social security number or a institutional-assigned identification number.
Codes/Notes: 0 – Indicates that the Student Identification Number is believed to be a social security number
1 – Indicates that the Student Identification Number is NOT a social security number.
Missing Value: Blank Not acceptable
Edit Specs: Must be "0" or "1"
Error if blank
Format: Numeric, 1 place
Updates: Implemented, FY2004
7 |
21 |
Course Prefix |
Definition: Part of unique identifier of each course taught within a specific term.
Codes/Notes: Examples: Course Prefix - MAT
Examples: Course Prefix - REA
Missing Value: Must be completed. Blank not acceptable.
Edit Specs: Error if blank
Format: AlphaNumeric, 4 places;
Updates: Nov 2012 - changed padding with "0" to padding with blanks
Nov 2024- Removed language that required left padding after modifying error 11601 to check if length is > 4
8 |
25 |
Course Number |
Definition: Part of unique identifier of each course taught within a specific term.
Codes/Notes: If Course Number is less than 4 digits, use leading 0 or 0's as needed.
Examples: Course Numbers - 1000, 137A, 0030, 0202
Missing Value: Must be completed. Blank not acceptable.
Edit Specs: Error if blank
Format: AlphaNumeric, 4 places
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29 |
Course Sequence |
Definition: Part of unique identifier of each course taught within a specific term.
Codes/Notes: If Course Sequence is less than 4 characters, use leading 0 or 0's as needed. Examples: Course Sequences - 0002, 0012, 000A
Missing Value: Must be completed. Blank not acceptable.
Edit Specs: Error if blank
Format: AlphaNumeric, 4 places
10 |
33 |
Course Level |
Definition: Describes the level of the course enrollment and categorizes the Course Number field.
Codes/Notes: 1=Pre-requisite Developmental Education. Courses that are a stand-alone course that is pre-requisite to a college-level course.
2=(SAI) – Co-Requisite or Embedded Supplemental Education. General Education Courses in reading, writing, and math that have a supplemental academic instruction component, either as a companion module or lab (such as a 1 or 2 credit course), or courses that have a supplemental education component that is embedded in the course. See SAI Detail for further reporting
3=Undergraduate Lower Division - any lower undergraduate course, i.e. freshman and sophomore level coursework
4=Undergraduate Upper Division - any upper division undergraduate course, i.e. junior and senior level coursework
5=Graduate Level – any graduate course including masters, professional, doctoral or other graduate level coursework
Missing Value: Must be completed.
Edit Specs: Error if not 1,2,3,4,5
Format: AlphaNumeric, 1 character
Updates: Nov 2012 - Expanded option from 3 to 5, adding SAI and separating lower and upper division levels; Modified "Course Level" to "are less than 100", Feb 2022 modified option 1 and 2 on recommendation of Dev Ed subcommittee
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34 |
SAI Detail |
Definition: Further detail for courses that are Course Level = 2 Co-Requisite or Embedded Supplemental Education
1= This course is a co-requisite supplemental academic instruction course (a course, lab, or section for which a student is required to register alongside a college-level course).
2= This course has an SAI education component included in the course that precedes college-level instruction (with both the developmental education component and college-level instruction completed within the same academic term).
3= This course contains any other SAI education component embedded within college-level instruction.
Missing Value: Must be completed when 'Course level' = 2
Edit Specs: Error if not 1,2,3 and 'Course Level'= 2 or 'Course Level'<> 2 and 'SAI Detail' not blank
Format: AlphaNumeric, 1 character
Updates: Aug 2022-data element added
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35 |
Institution Course ID |
Definition: Used at the discretion of the institution to provide specific course information to describe the student course enrollment submitted. This may include a CRN, catalog number, location or other course information.
Codes/Notes: Used by the institution to specifically identify a course in which a student is enrolled
Missing Value: Not required
Edit Specs: No edit specifications
Format: AlphaNumeric, 20 characters
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55 |
Course Credit Hours Attempted |
Definition: Number of credit hours attempted for the specified student course enrollment.
Codes/Notes: Since some institutions compute fractional credits, space is allotted for one decimal position. Round to the nearest decimal value if necessary. If no decimal value is reported, enter a trailing zero.
For example, code 3 credit hours as 030; code 1.5 credit hours as 015.
Attempted credit hours may be zero for student course enrollments in zero-credit labs or recitation.
Missing Value: Zeroes (“000”) if no credits
Edit Specs: - Error if > 30.
- Warning if > 21.
Format: AlphaNumeric 3 characters- 2 place integer, 1 place decimal (99V9) (the decimal point is implied)
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58 |
Course Credit Hours Passed |
Definition: Number of credit hours passed for the specified student course enrollment.
Codes/Notes: Since some institutions compute fractional credits, space is allotted for one decimal position. Round to the nearest decimal value if necessary. If no decimal value is reported, enter a trailing zero.
"Passed" is defined by an institution for the course, unless the course is remedial, then as specified in the State Remedial Policy.
For example, code 3 credit hours as 030; code 1.5 credit hours as 015.
Missing Value: Zeroes (“000”) if no credits
Edit Specs: - Error if > 30.
- Error if > attempted hours
- Warning if > 21.
Format: AlphaNumeric 3 characters- 2 place integer, 1 place decimal (99V9) (the decimal point is implied)
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61 |
Hours Funding Type |
Definition: Describes the funding type of both attempted and completed credit hours according to DHE FTE Reporting Guidelines.
Codes/Notes: 1=RI (Resident Instruction) - eligible for state funding
2=ESP (Extended Studies Program) - cash-funded, not eligible for state funding
Use same precedence order as codes are in (1>2>3). The sum of all hours submitted (RI, ESP, Other) for a student should match the summary of credit hours on the Enrollment file (RI, ESP, Other) as reported for the same student, same term and year.
For further descriptions, refer to the Enrollment File Field Descriptions for Credit Hours RI, Credit Hours ESP and Credit Hours Other
Missing Value: Blank not valid, must be completed
Edit Specs: Error if blank or not 1,2,3
Format: AlphaNumeric, 1 place integer
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62 |
End of Term Completion |
Definition: The student's status at the end of the term.
- Pass: For Remedial courses - assigned to students receiving a grade of A, B, C, Satisfactory, or Credit; For Other courses – institutional definition of “pass” for course level and student level
- Fail: For Remedial courses - assigned to students receiving an D, F, WF, Unsatisfactory, or Non-Credit; For Other courses – institutional definition of “fail” for course level and student level
- Audit: student audited this class
- Incomplete: assigned to students receiving an I, MG (no grade or missing grade reported by instructor)
- Withdraw: assigned to students receiving a W, WP
- Course in progress or Ungraded Course – courses still in progress at end-of-term or courses with no grade to be assigned (such as study abroad placeholder hours or correspondence courses)
Missing Value: Does not apply, must be completed.
Edit Specs: Error is value < 0 or > 6
Format: Numeric, 1 place integer
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63 |
Course Grade |
Definition: Course Grade that will be recorded in students' transcript for the specific course enrollment at the reporting institution, computed at the end of the reported term. Based on a four point system.
Codes/Notes: The grade point average should be reported on a four-point scale where the highest score equals 4 and 0 is the lowest. Report three decimal positions as shown in the format.
Convert grade point averages that were not reported on a four point scale to a scale equivalent to:
4 - A
3 - B
2 - C
1 - D
0 - F
with 4.00 the highest possible GPA and 0.0 the lowest. To convert a GPA:
Grade Scale |
Divide By |
3 |
.75 |
4 |
1.00 |
5 |
1.25 |
6 |
1.50 |
7 |
1.75 |
8 |
2.00 |
9 |
2.25 |
10 |
2.50 |
11 |
2.75 |
12 |
Conversions for a GPA based on a scaling system other than above are left to the discretion of each institution. The only requirement is that the institution converts the grades to a four point system in a consistent manner.
For course completion other than grade A-F, such as “Withdrawn”, “Pass”, “Satisfactory”, "Unsatisfactory," leave Course Grade blank and report the appropriate value (Pass, Fail, Incomplete, Withdraw, etc.) in field 14 - End of Term Completion Status
Missing Value: Blank, if unknown or course completion other than grade A-F.
Edit Specs: - Error if < 0 or > 4.00.
- Error if not blank and End of Term Completion (field 14) is 3, 4, 5 or 6
- Warning if blank and End of Term Completion (field 14) is 1 or 2
- Warning if > 0 and Passed Credit Hours (field 12) = 0
- Warning if field is 0.
Format: AlphaNumeric, 1 place integer plus 3 place decimal (9V999) (decimal point is implied)
Updates: Nov 2012 - Added text describing non A-F submissions such as Pass and Withdrawn. Also, added edit specifications related to the relationship with field 14.
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67 |
High School Concurrent Type |
Definition: Describes whether the credit hours for the student course enrollment are eligible to be reported as a specific high school concurrent program or the student is a high school student (and specified as such in the registration status field of the Enrollment file for the same term). The purpose of this field is to replace the Credit Hours Attempted/Completed for Concurrent and ASCENT (on the enrollment file) as well as to collect credit hour data for all other high school concurrent enrollment.
Codes/Notes: 0=Not Applicable
1=Concurrent (as defined in HB09-1319),
2=ASCENT (as defined in HB09-1319),
3=Other HS concurrent,
4=COSLI (as defined in SB15-290)
5=Teacher Recruitment Education & Preparation(TREP)(as defined in SB21-185)
Missing Value: Does not apply, must be completed.
Edit Specs: Error if value not 0,1,2,3 or 4
Format: Numeric, 1 place integer
Updates: Jan 23 added TREP, ca
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68 |
Vocational Flag |
Definition: Indicates whether or not the student course enrollment is a vocational course. The purpose of this field is to replace the Credit Hours Vocational on the Enrollment file.
The only institutions eligible to report vocational credit hours are:
- Community Colleges
- Local District Colleges
- Colorado Mesa University
Codes/Notes: 0=No
Missing Value: Does not apply, must be completed.
Edit Specs: Error is value is not 0 or 1
Format: Numeric, 1 place integer
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69 |
ESL Flag |
Definition: Indicates whether or not the student course enrollment in ESL (English as a Second Language) classes. “ESL” is determined by the content of the course. An ESL course may be any funding type. The purpose of this field is to replace the Credit Hours English as a Second Language (ESL) on the Enrollment file.
Codes/Notes: 0=No
Missing Value: Does not apply, must be completed.
Edit Specs: Error is value is not 0 or 1
Format: Numeric, 1 place integer
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70 |
Program Code |
Definition: For Enrollment and Degrees Awarded file: The program code that identifies the student's stated program at the time of the data report, where program code is defined as the assigned classification of instructional program code associated with the approved program. For Student Course Enrollment file and Credit Prior Learning file: The six-digit Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code that identifies the specific field of the student course enrollment. CIP Code does not need to correspond to approved degree/certificate programs for the institution.
Codes/Notes: Formerly called major. The six-digit Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code that identifies the specific field of study the individual is enrolled in.
For the Student Course Enrollment file, this does not correspond to the approved list of degree programs. This field will describe the course of enrollment.
For the Degrees File, refer to the list of operating postsecondary programs for valid CIP codes approved for an institution. This list is different from the Approved Postsecondary Degree Publication and includes programs still eligible to report degrees during phase-out cycle. The institutional data contact person at each institution has the most recent copy of this list or you may request a correct copy of the list from the Commission.
For the Undergraduate Applicant File and Enrollment File, students whose major is undeclared should be reported as '240102' except for CCCS institutions which use '999999' . This code is invalid on the Degrees Granted file. For students accepted in a undergraduate degree program or program area but whose specific major is undeclared, (e.g. Engineering), an institution may identify majors by the use of the appropriate program code in combination with program sequence code of '99'. (e.g. Engineering:140101 and program sequence code 99) The institution must offer the specific program at the baccalaureate level in order to report these discipline areas (e.g. cannot report pre-law since no undergraduate law program offered, cannot report pre-pharmacy if no pharmacy program is available on campus). If the student anticipates transferring into a program at another institution, this student must be reported in the liberal arts program, if offered, or as undeclared.
The program area reported in this field will be the primary program unit of analysis for federal reports, enrollment projections, and standard Commission reports.
Missing Value: Blank, only if non-degree seeking student.
Edit Specs: For Enrollment and Degrees Awarded: Error if code reported is not found in the list of DHE approved programs for the reporting institution.
For Student Course Enrollment: Must be a valid 6-digit CIP code
Format: Alphanumeric, 6 integers
Updates: December 1989; August 2012 - updated language to specify that CIP is the degree program code
January 2015; - updated Undeclared Major should be reported as '240102' except for CCCS institutions which use '999999'
Dec 2018; Removed from definition old wording "99 + four digit cip code" replaced with wording for pre-program instructions when specific major is not yet known in conjunction with '99' sequence code.
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76 |
Delivery Method |
Definition: Indicates the type of course delivery method as defined by the Higher Learning Commission. Used to determine IPEDS distance for the IPEDS fall enrollment survey.
Codes/Notes: 5=Independent/ Directed Study Courses
6=Evening/ Weekend College
7=Internship/ Practica Courses
1=FTF (Face-to-Face) Courses
2=Mixed FTF (Face-to-Face) Courses (Hybrid included here)
4=Correspondence Courses
3=Distance Courses
0=N/A, Other Order of this list specifies an order of precedence when applying codes to courses if multiple descriptions apply. For example, if course is both “Face-to-Face” and “Weekend,” then use code “6=Evening/Weekend College”.
Missing Value: Does not apply, must be completed.
Edit Specs: Error if value is not 0 to 7
Warning if value = 0
Format: Numeric, 1 place integer
Updates: Nov 2012 - explicitly reference IPEDS definition of distance and the URL; also listing values in the order of precedence for reporting;
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77 |
Student ID Inst |
Definition: A number that uniquely identifies a student at an institution. This number is assigned by the institution and is typically used in place of the Social Security Number.
Codes/Notes: Hyphens are not entered as part of the identification number.
Missing Value: Optional use determined by institution
Edit Specs: None
Format: Alphanumeric, 9-place integer or less
Updates: July 1988; edit specs modified July 2003, December 2004, February 2005 and March 2005; Jan 2012 - New; July 2012 - New