FTE Field Definitions

Last Modified on April 2019   

Field # Field Name Length Field Definitions/Descriptions

Institution Code

4 4-character institution code
2 Report Term 1 9 = Full-Year
3 Report Year 4 4-digit year
4Table Code 2  1 = Table 1: Summary
 4 = Table 4: Basic Skills
 5 = Table 5: High School Student Concurrent Enrollment
 7 = Table 7: Exemptions Approved by Commission for Current Fiscal Year
 9 = Table 9: Two-Year Role Degree Level Summary
 10 = Table 10: International Students
5Campus 2 Used in table 7
Campus codes may be self defined if submitting batch file
6 Detail Term 1

1 = Summer
2 = Fall
3 = Winter
4 = Spring
5 = Interim
9 = Full-Year
0 (Only for Table 7)

7 Student/Degree Level 2 2-digit student level, see reference table for details
UG Undergraduate
GR Graduate
00 - Remedial Coursework
01 - Certificate(less than one year)
02 - Certificate(at least one but less than two years)
03 - Certificate(at least 2 but less than 4 years)
05 - Post-Masters Certificate(Regis University only)
11 - Associate of Applied Science
12 - Associate of General Studies
13 - Associate Degree(AA or AS)
19 - Non-Degree Seeking Undergraduate
20 - Non Degree-Seeking Undergraduate Students with a Bachelors Degree
21 - First-Professional Degree (used in 2009 & prior)
22 - Post-baccalaureate Certificate
31 - Master's Degree
32 - Doctoral Degree (used in 2009 & prior)
33 - Specialist Degree
34 - Certificate with a Masters
39 - Non-Degree-Seeking Graduate Students With a Bachelors Degree
51 - Doctoral Degree
52 - Doctoral - research/scholarship (used in 2010 & after)
53 - Doctoral - professional practice  (used in 2010 & after)
54 - Doctoral - other  (used in 2010 & after)
61 - Academic Skills
62 - Remedial/SAI
63 - Vestibule Skills
71 - Fastrack
72 - PSEO
73 - Special, non-degree 17 & older
74 - Special, non-degree, under 17
75 - Concurrent (HB09-1319)
76 - Ascent
77 - All Other Dual Enrollment
81 - Secondary
82 - Post-Secondary
8 Tuition Classification 1

1-digit resident instruction flag
1 = In-State
2 = Out-of-State
3 = All Other

9Headcount 5 numeric value, decimal allowed
10 Credit Hours 5 numeric value, decimal allowed
11FTE 5 numeric value, decimal allowed
12 Contact Hours 5 numeric value, decimal allowed