GT-SS3,GT-SS3 (Human Behavior, Culture, or Social Frameworks)

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261 courses listed


  1. These lists can be sorted by their different columns.  Just click the column title to initiate the sort.
  2. If you would like to know the date a course was approved, please contact the CDHE.
  3. All state community colleges (CCCS), along with Aims Community College and Colorado Mountain College, share common general education core course numbers, prefixes and title. Wherever “CCCS” appears next to a course on the lists of approved gtPathways courses, the designated course (e.g., CCCS BIO 111) is approved for all community colleges that offer the course.
  4. Effective Summer 2022, all Colorado Community College System (CCCS) course numbers are 4-digits. Please refer to "Notes" for the original 3-digit course number.

CategoryInstCourse PrefixCourse IDTitleCreditsEffective DateEnd DateNotes
GT-SS3ASUANTH201Cultural Anthropology3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-SS3ASUPSYC 101Introduction to Psychology3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 07/06/2021.
GT-SS3ASUSOC 201The Sociological Imagination3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 07/06/2021.
GT-SS3CCCSAGR 2106World Interdependence: Population and Food3.0001/01/2010 Original course number AGR 260. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SS3CCCSANT 1001Cultural Anthropology3.0008/01/2003 Original course number ANT 101. Re-approved 04/18/2019.
GT-SS3CCCSANT 1002Cultural Anthropology Laboratory1.0012/02/2011 Original course number ANT 102.
GT-SS3CCCSANT 1003Introduction to Archaeology3.0008/01/2007 Original course number ANT 107. Re-approved 06/12/2019.
GT-SS3CCCSANT 1004Archaeology Laboratory1.0012/02/2011 Original course number ANT 103.
GT-SS3CCCSANT 1005Physical Anthropology3.0008/01/200305/16/2015Original course number ANT 111. Course content area changed to SC1.
GT-SS3CCCSANT 1006Physical Anthropology Laboratory1.0012/02/2011 Original course number ANT 104.
GT-SS3CCCSANT 1208Archaeology of World Rock Art3.0008/01/2010 Original course number ANT 108.
GT-SS3CCCSANT 2115Native People of North America3.0008/01/2008 Original course number ANT 215. Course title changed. Re-approved 06/12/2019.
GT-SS3CCCSANT2125Anthropology of Religion3.0006/04/2015 Original course number ANT 225. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSANT2130Sex, Gender, and Culture3.0001/16/2023 Effective Spring 2023.
GT-SS3CCCSANT2317Human Prehistory3.0001/15/2024 Effective Spring 2024
GT-SS3CCCSANT 2550Medical Anthropology3.0008/01/2011 Original course number ANT 250. Re-approved 02/06/2020.
GT-SS3CCCSCOM1250Interpersonal Communication3.0008/09/2021 Original course number COM 125. Effective Fall 2021
GT-SS3CCCSCOM2220Group Communication3.0008/09/2021 Original course number COM 217. Effective Fall 2021
GT-SS3CCCSCOM 2300Intercultural Communication3.0012/02/2011 Original course number COM 220. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SS3CCCSCRJ1010Introduction to Criminal Justice3.0001/01/2015 Original course number CRJ 110. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SS3CCCSETH 2000Introduction to Ethnic Studies3.0008/01/2008 Original course number ETH 200.
GT-SS3CCCSETH2015Discrimination and Diversity3.0005/26/2020 Original course number ETH 215.
GT-SS3CCCSJOU 1005Introduction to Mass Media3.0008/01/2009 Original course number JOU 105. Re-approved 05/24/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSPBH2015Introduction to Public Health4.0003/14/2023 Effective Spring 2023
GT-SS3CCCSPSY 1001General Psychology I3.0001/09/2004 Original course number PSY 101. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSPSY 1002General Psychology II3.0008/01/2003 Original course number PSY 102. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSPSY 2105Psychology of Gender3.0008/01/2006 Original course number PSY 205. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSPSY 2107Human Sexuality3.0008/01/2008 Original course number PSY 217. Re-approved 08/27/18.
GT-SS3CCCSPSY 2221Social Psychology3.0008/01/2006 Original course number PSY 226. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-SS3CCCSPSY 2222Psychology of Death and Dying3.0008/01/2006 Original course number PSY 227. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSPSY2331Positive Psychology3.0002/05/2016 Original course number PSY 231. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-SS3CCCSPSY 2333Health Psychology3.0008/01/2009 Original course number PSY 240. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SS3CCCSPSY 2440Human Growth & Development3.0001/09/2004 Original course number PSY 235. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSPSY 2441Child Development3.0008/01/2006 Original course number PSY 238. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSPSY 2552Abnormal Psychology3.0008/01/2007 Original course number PSY 249. Re-approved 05/24/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSPSY2771Psychology of Personality3.0001/01/2014 Original course number PSY 265. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSSOC 1001Introduction to Sociology I3.0001/09/2004 Original course number SOC 101. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSSOC 1002Introduction to Sociology II3.0001/09/2004 Original course number SOC 102. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSSOC 2005Sociology of Family Dynamics3.0008/01/2008 Original course number SOC 205. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSSOC 2007Environmental Sociology3.0008/01/2010 Original course number SOC207. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSSOC 2015Contemporary Social Problems3.0008/01/2006 Original course number SOC 215. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSSOC 2016Sociology of Gender3.0008/01/2006 Original course number SOC 216. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSSOC 2018Sociology of Diversity3.0008/01/2010 Original course number SOC 218. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSSOC 2020Sociology of Religion3.0008/01/2009 Original course number SOC 220. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSSOC 2031Sociology of Deviant Behavior3.0008/01/2006 Original course number SOC 231. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSSOC 2037Sociology of Death and Dying3.0008/01/2010 Original course number SOC 237. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSSUS1001Introduction to Sustainability3.0008/01/2024 Effective Fall 2024.
GT-SS3CCCSSUS2001Issues in Sustainability3.0008/01/2024 Effective Fall 2024.
GT-SS3CCCSWST 2000Introduction to Women's Studies3.0008/01/2008 Original course number WST 200. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SS3CCCSWST 2100Women and Social Action3.0008/01/2010 Original course number WST 225. Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SS3CCCSWST 2200Goddesses and Women of the Ancient World3.0008/01/2010 Original course number WST 240. Re-approved 05/24/2018.
GT-SS3CCCSWST 2300Women's Sexuality3.0012/02/2011 Original course number WST 249. Re-approved 05/24/2018.
GT-SS3CMUANTH 201Cultural Anthropology3.0001/09/200408/01/2013Course closed.
GT-SS3CMUANTH202Introduction to Anthropology3.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 10/09/2020.
GT-SS3CMUANTH220Principles of Archaeology3.0006/04/2015 Course pre-fix and number changed, effective Summer 2021. Re-approved 10/09/2020.
GT-SS3CMUANTH 222World Prehistory3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 10/09/2020.
GT-SS3CMUANTH230/231LSurvey of Biological Anthropology and Survey of Biological Anthropology Laboratory 4.0001/01/2014 Course pre-fix, number, and title change updated 11/20/2019. Re-approved 04/18/2019.
GT-SS3CMUPSYC 150General Psychology 3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 10/09/2020. Updated course title.
GT-SS3CMUPSYC 233Human Growth and Development3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 10/09/2020.
GT-SS3CMUSOCI101Introduction to LGBT Studies3.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 10/09/2020. Updated course title.
GT-SS3CMUSOCI102Introduction to Gender and Women's Studies3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023.
GT-SS3CMUSOCI 120Technology & Society3.0001/01/2013 Re-approved 10/09/2020.
GT-SS3CMUSOCO 144Marriage and Families3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 10/09/2020.
GT-SS3CMUSOCO 260General Sociology3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 10/09/2020.
GT-SS3CMUSOCO 264Social Problems3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 10/09/2020.
GT-SS3CSUAGRI/IE116/116Plants and Civilizations3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS3CSUAGRI/IE270/270World Interdependence-Population and Food3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS3CSUAM 250Clothing, Adornment and Human Behavior3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS3CSUANTH 100Introductory Cultural Anthropology3.0008/01/2003 Original course: Apcc 100 Intro to Cultural Anthropology.
GT-SS3CSUANTH 200Cultures and the Global System3.0008/01/2003 Original course number: Apcc 200.
GT-SS3CSUEDUC 275Schooling in the U.S.3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: EDCC 275.
GT-SS3CSUETST 100Introduction to Ethnic Studies3.0008/01/2006 Original course: ETCC 100 Ethnicity in America.
GT-SS3CSUETST 205Ethnicity and the Media3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: ETCC 205.
GT-SS3CSUETST 256Border Crossings: People/Politics/Cultures3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS3CSUHDFS 101Individual and Family Development3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS3CSUHONR293CHonors Seminar: Knowing Across Cultures3.0002/05/2016 Course number changed from 293 to 293C.
GT-SS3CSUIE179Globalization: Exploring Our Global Village3.0008/01/2014  
GT-SS3CSUJTC 100Media in Society3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: JT 100.
GT-SS3CSUPSY 100General Psychology3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-SS3CSUSOC 100General Sociology3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: SCC 100.
GT-SS3CSUSOC 105Social Problems3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: SCC 105.
GT-SS3CSUSOC 205Contemporary Race-Ethnic Relations3.0008/01/2006 Original course number: SCC 205.
GT-SS3CSUSOC220Global Environmental Issues3.0001/01/2015  
GT-SS3CSUSOCR/HORT171/171Environmental Issues in Agriculture3.0003/01/2007  
GT-SS3CSUSPCM130Relational and Organizational Communication3.0006/04/2015 Re-approved 10/29/2019.
GT-SS3CSUGPSY235Introduction to Human Development3.0002/05/2016 Course number changed from 105 to 235. Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SS3CSUGSOC101Introduction to Sociology3.0006/04/2015 Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SS3CSUPANTH100Cultural Anthropology3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 05/02/2022. Course prefix changed from ANTHR to ANTH. Effective Fall 2020.
GT-SS3CSUPCS/SW 230Chicanos: Social & Psychological Study3.0008/01/2012 Re-approved 05/02/2022.
GT-SS3CSUPMAE101Media and Society3.0008/01/2008 Course pre-fix changed from MC to MAE. Effective Fall 2022. Re-approved 12/09/2020.
GT-SS3CSUPPSYC100General Psychology3.0001/09/2004 Course pre-fix changed from PSYCH to PSYC. Effective Fall 2020. Re-approved 12/09/2020.
GT-SS3CSUPPSYC151Human Development3.0001/09/2004 Course pre-fix changed from PSYCH to PSYC. Effective Fall 2020. Re-approved 12/09/2020.
GT-SS3CSUPPSYC 222Understanding Animal Behavior3.0001/10/2003 Course prefix changed from PSYCH to PSYC. Effective Fall 2020. Re-approved 12/09/2020.
GT-SS3CSUPSOC 101Introduction to Sociology3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 08/13/2021.
GT-SS3CTUPSYC 1005Introduction to Psychology3.0012/02/201112/21/2016CTU is no longer participating in GT Pathways, effective 12/21/16.
GT-SS3CTUPSYC102Introductory Psychology3.0008/01/201412/21/2016CTU is no longer participating in GT Pathways, effective 12/21/16.
GT-SS3CTUSOCL102Introduction to Sociology3.0008/01/201412/21/2016CTU is no longer participating in GT Pathways, effective 12/21/16.
GT-SS3FLCAE105Spirit of Adventure3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-SS3FLCANTH151Introduction to Anthropology4.0008/01/200308/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3FLCANTH 151Introduction to Anthropology3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 07/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3FLCANTH 171World Prehistory3.0008/01/2008 Course withdrawn 08/01/2016. Re-activated 08/27/2019. Credits changed from 4 to 3. Course title changed.
GT-SS3FLCANTH 201Introduction to Archaeology4.0008/01/200609/01/2013 
GT-SS3FLCANTH 210Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 07/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3FLCANTH210Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology4.0008/01/200608/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3FLCANTH 215Magic and Religion4.0008/01/200608/01/2016 
GT-SS3FLCANTH 217Cultural Images of Women and Men3.0008/01/200602/01/2010 
GT-SS3FLCBA203Business in Global Society3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-SS3FLCBL100Introduction to Borders and Languages3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-SS3FLCED 222Education: Global Perspectives3.0001/01/2007 Course withdrawn 08/01/2013. Re-activated 08/27/2019.
GT-SS3FLCENVS100Introduction to Environmental Studies3.0008/27/2019  
GT-SS3FLCGSS101Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Studies3.0008/01/2003 Course prefix changed from GWS to GSS. Course title changed. Re-approved 07/29/2019.
GT-SS3FLCHS210Nutrition and Culture3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3FLCNAIS 110Introduction to Native American and Indigenous Studies3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 07/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3FLCNAIS110Introduction to Native American and Indigenous Studies4.0008/01/200808/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3FLCNAIS 280Contemporary Issues of Native Nations3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 07/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3FLCNAIS280Contemporary Issues of Native Nations4.0001/01/200708/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3FLCPSYC157Introduction to Psychology4.0001/01/200708/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3FLCPSYC 157Introduction to Psychology3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 07/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3FLCSOC100Introduction to Sociology4.0008/01/200308/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3FLCSOC 100Introduction to Sociology3.0008/01/2016 Re-approved 07/29/2019. Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-SS3FLCSOC 279Ethnicity, Gender & Class in the Southwest4.0008/01/200608/01/2016 
GT-SS3FLCSOC279Race, Ethnicity, Gender, Class3.0008/17/2017 Re-approved 07/29/2019.
GT-SS3MSUDAAS 1010Introduction to Africana Studies3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SS3MSUDANT 2330Cross-Cultural Communication3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SS3MSUDANT/ARTH2700Museum Studies3.0008/14/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-SS3MSUDANT/HON 1310/1311Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3.0008/01/2003 Cross-listed courses. Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SS3MSUDCHS/HON 1000/1003Introduction to Chicana/o Studies3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 11/27/2019. Updated 01/28/2021 to include new cross-list: CHS 1000/HON 1003. Effective Fall 2020.
GT-SS3MSUDCJC1010Introduction to Criminal Justice System3.00  Course title changed. Re-approved 07/14/2020.
GT-SS3MSUDCOMM2200Introduction to Interpersonal Communication3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3MSUDCOMM2300Introduction to Organized Communication3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3MSUDEDS1001Educational (In)Equality in the 21st Century3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3MSUDENG2513Disability Rhetorics3.0008/22/2022 Effective Fall 2022.
GT-SS3MSUDGWS1001Introduction to Women's Studies3.0008/01/2006 Prefix changed from WMS June 2017. Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SS3MSUDGWS1200Multicultural Study of Sexualities and Genders3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3MSUDGWS1550Introduction to Transgender Studies3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3MSUDGWS/AAS/CHS2100 Women of Color3.0008/01/2006 Cross-listed courses. Prefix changed from WMS June 2017. Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SS3MSUDHSP1010Introduction to Human Services3.0008/17/2020 Corrected prefix 08/14/2020. Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3MSUDIND 2810Technology and Design: Global Perspectives3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SS3MSUDJMP 1000Introduction to Journalism and Mass Media3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 11/27/2019. Course pre-fix and number changed, effective Fall 2019.
GT-SS3MSUDPSC1030Multicultural Politics for Non-Majors3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021.
GT-SS3MSUDPSY 1001Introductory Psychology3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SS3MSUDPSY1800Developmental Educational Psychology3.0008/19/2019  
GT-SS3MSUDPSY 2160Personality and Adjustment3.0008/01/200607/11/2013 
GT-SS3MSUDPSY 2210Psychology of Human Development3.0001/09/200407/11/2013 
GT-SS3MSUDPUB1000Principles of Public Health3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-SS3MSUDSED 2200Diversity, Disability and Education3.0008/01/200607/11/2013 
GT-SS3MSUDSLHS1500Introduction to Communication Sciences3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3MSUDSOC 1010People, Power, Progress3.0008/01/2003 Course title changed. Previously Introduction to Sociology. Effective Fall 2022. Re-approved 11/27/2019.
GT-SS3MSUDSOC1020Globalization--The Transformation of Social Worlds3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-SS3MSUDSOC 1040Introduction to Social Gerontology3.0008/01/200907/11/2013 
GT-SS3MSUDSOC1080Love and Family in East Asia3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3MSUDSOC 2010Social Problems3.0001/01/2008 Previously withdrawn from GT Pathways in 2013. Course title changed. Re-approved 02/09/2021. Effective Fall 2021.
GT-SS3MSUDSOC2500Deviant Behavior in Society3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021.
GT-SS3MSUDSOC/GWS/HIS/MDL/PSC1300/1300/1260/1300Asia in Global Perspective3.0008/14/2023 PSC 1300. Effective Fall 2023
GT-SS3MSUDSPE 2770Gender and Communication3.0001/01/200711/17/2019Course is not taught regularly enough to meet GT Pathways guidelines.
GT-SS3MSUDSWK 1010Introduction to Social Work3.00  Course title changed. Course removed from GT Pathways in 2013. Re-approved for GT Pathways 07/14/2020.
GT-SS3MSUDSWK1050How to Change the World3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3MSUDSWK1600Community Engagement and Civic Responsibility3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3UCBANTH 1110Exploring a Non-Western Culture: Japan3.00 06/08/2016Course closed.
GT-SS3UCBCEES/HIST2002Introduction to Central and East European Studies3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course closed.
GT-SS3UCBCOMM 2400Discourse, Culture and Identities3.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-SS3UCBCOMM2400Communication and Society3.0008/01/200306/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-SS3UCBETHN2242Black Social & Political Thought3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course title changed.
GT-SS3UCBETHN 2242African American Social and Political Thought3.0006/08/2016 Course title changed.
GT-SS3UCBIAFS 1000Global Issues and International Affairs4.0008/01/2009  
GT-SS3UCBINVS 1000Responding to Social and Environmental Problems through Service Learning4.0008/01/2009  
GT-SS3UCBINVS 1523Civic Engagement: Democracy as a Tool for Social Change3.0008/01/2009  
GT-SS3UCBLDSP 2400Understanding Privilege and Oppression in US Contemporary Society3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course closed.
GT-SS3UCBLGBT/WMST2000/2030Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies3.0008/01/2009 Added WMST 2030, 6/8/16.
GT-SS3UCBLING 2400Language and Gender3.0001/01/2010  
GT-SS3UCBPRLC 1820Community Issues in Leadership3.0008/01/2009  
GT-SS3UCBPSYC 2606Social Psychology3.0001/10/2003  
GT-SS3UCBRLST 2400Religion and Contemporary Society3.0001/01/2010  
GT-SS3UCBSOCY 1001Introduction to Sociology3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS3UCBSOCY 1001Social Conflict & Social Values3.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course closed.
GT-SS3UCBSOCY 1004Deviance in U.S. Society3.0001/10/2003  
GT-SS3UCBSOCY 1021United States Race and Ethnic Relations3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS3UCBSOCY 2031Social Problems3.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS3UCBSOCY/WMST1016Sex, Gender and Society 13.0008/01/2007  
GT-SS3UCBWMST 2600Gender, Race, and Class in a Global Context3.0008/01/2009  
GT-SS3UCCSANTH103Introduction to Human Anthropology3.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1030.
GT-SS3UCCSANTH 1030Introduction to Human Origins3.0008/01/2003 Original course number: 103.
GT-SS3UCCSANTH104Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1040.
GT-SS3UCCSANTH 1040Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3.0008/01/2003 Original course number: 104.
GT-SS3UCCSANTH 2800The Nature of Language: An Introduction to Linguistics3.0001/07/2011  
GT-SS3UCCSCOMM215Male/Female Communication3.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 2150.
GT-SS3UCCSCOMM 2150Male/Female Communication3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 215.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC111Introduction to Sociology4.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 1110.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC 1110Introduction to Sociology4.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 111.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC211Sex and Society3.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 2110.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC 2110Sex and Society3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 211.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC212International to Social Research4.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 2120.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC 2120International to Social Research4.0001/01/201601/01/2016Course has been changed to upper-division (SOC 3070); no longer eligible for GT Pathways.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC220Introduction to Racial and Ethnic Issues3.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 2200.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC 2200Introduction to Racial and Ethnic Issues3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 220.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC222Communities in a Global Environment3.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 2220.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC 2220Communities in a Global Environment3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 222.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC225Images of Women3.0008/01/201008/20/2010Course number & title changed to SOC 2250/WEST 2250, Images of Women in Society.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC225Images of Women3.0008/01/201008/20/2010Course number/title changed to SOC 2250/WEST 2250, Images of Women in Society.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC2250Gender Images3.0001/01/2012 SOC 2250 is no longer cross-listed with WEST 2250. WEST 2250 is no longer available.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC250Social Problems3.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 2500.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC 2500Social Problems3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 250.
GT-SS3UCCSSOC/WEST2250Images of Women in Society3.0008/20/201001/01/2012Course prefix/title changed: SOC 2250 Gender Images.
GT-SS3UCCSWEST 1010Introduction to Social Justice Studies3.0008/02/2014 Original course #/title: WEST 2010 Introduction to Race and Gender.
GT-SS3UCCSWEST2010Introduction to Race and Gender3.0008/01/200908/01/2014Course number/title changed to WEST 1010, Introduction to Social Justice Studies.
GT-SS3UCDANTH 1302Introduction to Archaeology4.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-SS3UCDANTH 2102Culture and the Human Experience3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-SS3UCDCOMM 1011Fundamentals of Communication3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-SS3UCDCOMM 1021Introduction to Media Studies3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-SS3UCDCRJU1000Criminology and Criminal Justice: An Overview3.0001/01/2014 Re-approved 12/20/2019. Course title changed.
GT-SS3UCDEDFN 1000Education & Democracy: Segregation, Desegregation, and Resegregation3.0001/01/2013  
GT-SS3UCDETST 2000Introduction to Ethnic Studies3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-SS3UCDETST2108Introduction to Chicanx/Latinx Studies3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-SS3UCDHBSC 2001Introduction to Community and Population Health Sciences3.0008/01/200606/22/2022Course is no longer offered, effective Summer 2022.
GT-SS3UCDHDFR2200Love, Family and Human Development3.0006/04/2015  
GT-SS3UCDPBHL2001Introduction to Public Health4.0001/01/2015 Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-SS3UCDPSYC 1000Introduction to Psychology I3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-SS3UCDPSYC 1005Introduction to Psychology II3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-SS3UCDSOCY 1001Understanding the Social World3.0008/01/2007 Course title changed. Re-approved 07/02/2019.
GT-SS3UCDSOCY 2462Introduction to Social Psychology3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 07/02/2019.
GT-SS3UNCANT 100Introduction to Anthropology3.0008/01/200305/10/2019Course is no longer offered, effective Summer 2019.
GT-SS3UNCANT 110Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SS3UNCANT 120World Archaeology3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SS3UNCANT 212North American Indians3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SS3UNCASIA116State, Society, and Culture in Contemporary Asia3.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-SS3UNCASL210ASL and Deaf Culture I 3.0008/01/2023 Course title changed, effective Fall 2024. Effective Fall 2023.
GT-SS3UNCASL212ASL and Deaf Culture II 3.0008/01/2023 Course title changed, effective Fall 2024. Effective Fall 2023.
GT-SS3UNCCHIN 116Introduction to Chinese Civilization3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3UNCCOMM223Intercultural Communication3.0008/01/2024 Effective Fall 2024.
GT-SS3UNCCRJ110Introduction to Criminal Justice3.0008/26/2019  
GT-SS3UNCCSD160Introduction to Human Communication and Its Disorders3.0008/01/2008 Course prefix change, effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-SS3UNCECLD260Language Acquisition in Multilingual Societies3.0008/01/2024 Effective Fall 2024.
GT-SS3UNCGERO205Introduction to Gerontology3.0001/10/200301/01/2015Course number & title changed to HUSR 208 Perspectives on Aging.
GT-SS3UNCGNDR101Gender and Society3.0008/01/2014 Original prefix & title: WS 101 Women in Contemporary Society. Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SS3UNCGNDR285Gender in the Contemporary Global Order3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SS3UNCGNDR/SOC240Gender, Race, Class, and Sexuality3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020. Cross-listed with SOC 240.
GT-SS3UNCHISP 102Hispanic Cultures in the United States3.0008/01/200708/23/2021Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2021. Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SS3UNCHUSR 205Introduction to Human Services3.0001/01/2009 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-SS3UNCHUSR208Perspectives on Aging and Later Life3.0001/01/201508/01/2024No longer part of GTP. Course title change. Re-approved on 12/17/2018. Original course number & title: GERO 205 Introduction to Gerontology.
GT-SS3UNCLIB 201Power and Control in an Information Society3.0008/01/200712/10/2018Course closed.
GT-SS3UNCMAS 100Introduction to Mexican American Studies3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SS3UNCMUS/ANT245Introduction to Ethnomusicology3.0006/04/2015 Cross-listed course. Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-SS3UNCNURS 200Women's Health Care3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 05/24/2019.
GT-SS3UNCPSY 120Principles of Psychology3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 05/24/2019.
GT-SS3UNCPSY 230Lifespan Development3.0001/10/2003 Course title change, effective Fall 2021. Re-approved 05/24/2019.
GT-SS3UNCPSY 265Social Psychology3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 05/24/2019.
GT-SS3UNCSOC 100Principles of Sociology3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-SS3UNCSOC 120Introduction to Family Studies3.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-SS3UNCSOC 170Social Problems3.0001/07/2011 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-SS3UNCSOC 221Sociology of Gender3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-SS3UNCSOC235Social Change in Global Context3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023.
GT-SS3UNCSOC 237Sociology of Minorities3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 12/17/2018.
GT-SS3UNCSOC/GNDR240Gender, Race, Class, and Sexuality3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020. Cross-listed with GNDR 240.
GT-SS3UNCUNIV101Foundations for Learning and Development3.0008/01/2024 Effective Fall 2024.
GT-SS3UNCWS101Women in Contemporary Society3.0008/01/200308/01/2014Course prefix/title changed: GNDR 101 Gender and Society.
GT-SS3WCUANTH 107Intro to General Anthropology3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/06/2021.
GT-SS3WCUEDUC102Learning and Teaching3.0008/01/2022  
GT-SS3WCUEDUC202Education and Schooling in the U.S.3.0008/01/2022  
GT-SS3WCUPSY 100General Psychology3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/06/2021.
GT-SS3WCUPSY 151General Psychology3.00 08/01/2005 
GT-SS3WCUSOC 101Introduction to Sociology3.0012/29/2011 Re-approved 12/06/2021.