GT-SC1,GT-SC1 (Course with Required Laboratory)

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286 courses listed


  1. These lists can be sorted by their different columns.  Just click the column title to initiate the sort.
  2. If you would like to know the date a course was approved, please contact the CDHE.
  3. All state community colleges (CCCS), along with Aims Community College and Colorado Mountain College, share common general education core course numbers, prefixes and title. Wherever “CCCS” appears next to a course on the lists of approved gtPathways courses, the designated course (e.g., CCCS BIO 111) is approved for all community colleges that offer the course.
  4. Effective Summer 2022, all Colorado Community College System (CCCS) course numbers are 4-digits. Please refer to "Notes" for the original 3-digit course number.

CategoryInstCourse PrefixCourse IDTitleCreditsEffective DateEnd DateNotes
GT-SC1ASUBIOL 101Introductory Biology4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1ASUBIOL 203/203LGeneral Biology/General Biology Laboratory5.0008/01/200308/01/2014Course title & number changed to 210/210L.
GT-SC1ASUBIOL 204/204LGeneral Biology II/General Biology II Laboratory5.0008/01/200508/01/2014Course title & number changed to 209/209L.
GT-SC1ASUBIOL209/209LGeneral Biology I5.0008/01/2014 Original course number: BIOL 204/204L. Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1ASUBIOL210/210LGeneral Biology II5.0008/01/2014 Original course number: BIOL 203/203L. Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1ASUCHEM101Introductory Chemistry5.0008/01/200307/31/2006Course number changed to CHEM 111.
GT-SC1ASUCHEM 103/103LIntroduction to Forensic Chemistry4.0012/02/2011 Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1ASUCHEM 111/111LIntroductory Chemistry5.0008/01/2006 Original course number: CHEM 101. Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1ASUCHEM 131/131LGeneral Chemistry & Lab5.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1ASUCHEM 132/132LGeneral Chemistry II & Lab5.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1ASUENV 101Introduction to Environmental Science4.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1ASUGEOG101Introduction to Physical Geography4.0001/01/201408/23/2021Course is no longer offered at ASU. Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1ASUGEOL 111Physical Geology4.0001/09/200408/23/2021Course is no longer offered at ASU. Effective Fall 2021. Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1ASUGSCI109Dynamic Earth4.0008/19/2019  
GT-SC1ASUPHYS 150Light4.0012/02/201110/30/2018Course no longer being offered by ASU as of 10/30/2018.
GT-SC1ASUPHYS 150Light4.00 10/30/2018Course no longer being offered by ASU as of 10/30/2018.
GT-SC1ASUPHYS 205Introduction to Astronomy4.0008/01/2005 Previous 201. Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1ASUPHYS 221/222College Physics (and Laboratory)5.0008/01/200308/01/2006Course number changed to PHYS 225.
GT-SC1ASUPHYS 225College Physics with Laboratory5.0008/01/2006 Original course number: PHYS 221/222. Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1ASUPHYS 230/231General Physics (Calculus) with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Previously 230-2. Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1ASUPHYS 232/233General Physics II (Calculus based)5.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1ASUSCI 155Integrated Science I - Physical Science4.0008/01/200608/01/2013 
GT-SC1ASUSCI 156Integrated Science II - Natural Science4.0008/01/200608/01/2013 
GT-SC1CCCSAGY 2140Introductory Soil Science, with Lab4.0008/01/2011 Original course number AGY 240. Re-approved 05/25/2018.
GT-SC1CCCSANT1005Biological Anthropology, with Lab4.0005/26/2015 Original course number ANT 111. Re-approved 08/27/2018. Previously this course was in the SS3 content area with the title Physical Anthropology.
GT-SC1CCCSANT 2315Introduction to Forensic Anthropology w/Lab4.0008/01/2010 Original course number ANT 212. Re-approved 04/16/2020. Course title and number changed. Credit hours changed from 3 to 4.
GT-SC1CCCSAST 1110Planetary Astronomy I, with Lab4.0008/01/2003 Original course number AST 101. Re-approved 06/07/2017. Course name changed from "Astronomy".
GT-SC1CCCSAST 1120Stellar Astronomy II, with Lab4.0008/01/2003 Original course number AST 102. Re-approved 06/07/2017. Course name changed from "Astronomy II".
GT-SC1CCCSBIO1004Biology: A Human Approach4.0001/01/2015 Original course number BIO 104. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-SC1CCCSBIO 1005Science of Biology, with Lab4.0001/09/2004 Original course number BIO 105. Re-approved 03/08/2018.
GT-SC1CCCSBIO 1111General College Biology I, with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Original course number BIO 111. Re-approved 03/08/2018.
GT-SC1CCCSBIO 1112General College Biology II, with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Original course number BIO 112. Re-approved 03/08/2018.
GT-SC1CCCSBIO 2101Anatomy & Physiology I, with Lab4.0008/01/2005 Original course number BIO 201. Re-approved 03/08/2018.
GT-SC1CCCSBIO 2102Anatomy & Physiology II, with Lab4.0008/01/2005 Original course number BIO 202. Re-approved 03/08/2018.
GT-SC1CCCSBIO 2104Microbiology, with Lab4.0008/01/2005 Original course number BIO 204. Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1CCCSBIO 2108General College Microbiology, with Lab5.0008/01/2007 Original course number BIO 208. Re-approved 04/18/2019.
GT-SC1CCCSBIO 2120General Zoology, with Lab5.0008/01/2007 Original course number BIO 220. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-SC1CCCSBIO 2121Botany with Laboratory5.0008/01/2009 Original course number BIO 221. Re-approved 04/18/2019.
GT-SC1CCCSBIO2124Genetics4.0001/01/2015 Original course number BIO 224. Re-approved 04/18/2019.
GT-SC1CCCSCHE 1005Chemistry in Context, with Lab5.0008/01/2005 Original course number CHE 105. Re-approved 06/07/2017.
GT-SC1CCCSCHE 1011Introduction to Chemistry I, with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Original course number CHE 101. Re-approved 06/14/2017.
GT-SC1CCCSCHE 1012Introduction to Chemistry II, with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Original course number CHE 102. Re-approved 06/07/2017.
GT-SC1CCCSCHE 1111General College Chemistry I, with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Original course number CHE 111. Re-approved 06/14/2017.
GT-SC1CCCSCHE 1112General College Chemistry II, with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Original course number CHE 112. Re-approved 06/14/2017.
GT-SC1CCCSENV 1111Introduction to Environmental Science, with Lab4.0008/01/2009 Original course number ENV 101. Re-approved 08/27/18.
GT-SC1CCCSGEO 1011Physical Geography - Landforms, with Lab4.0008/01/2009 Original course number GEO 111. Re-approved 04/18/2019.
GT-SC1CCCSGEO 1012Physical Geography - Weather, Climate & Ecosystems with Lab4.0008/01/2010 Original course number GEO 112. Re-approved 05/10/2019. Course title changed.
GT-SC1CCCSGEY 1111Physical Geology, with Lab4.0008/01/2003 Original course number GEY 111. Re-approved 06/07/2017.
GT-SC1CCCSGEY 1112Historical Geology, with Lab4.0008/01/2012 Original course number GEY 112. Original course number: GEY 121. Re-approved 06/07/2017.
GT-SC1CCCSGEY 1135Environmental Geology, with Lab4.0012/02/2011 Original course number GEY 135. Re-approved 06/07/2017.
GT-SC1CCCSGEY1155General Oceanography, with Lab4.0008/01/2009 Original course number GEY 216. Original course prefix and number: NRE 251. Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1CCCSGEY121Historical Geology, with lab4.0008/01/200307/31/2012Course number changed to GEY 112.
GT-SC1CCCSMET 1050General Meteorology, with Lab4.0008/01/2005 Original course number MET 150. Re-approved 04/18/2019.
GT-SC1CCCSPHY 1105Conceptual Physics with Lab4.0008/01/2005 Original course number PHY 105. Re-approved 03/06/2019.
GT-SC1CCCSPHY 1107Energy Science and Technology, with Lab4.0001/01/2010 Original course number PHY 107. Re-approved 04/05/2018.
GT-SC1CCCSPHY 1111Physics: Algebra-based I, with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Original course number PHY 111. Re-approved 08/27/18.
GT-SC1CCCSPHY 1112Physics: Algebra-based II, with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Original course number PHY 112. Re-approved 08/27/18.
GT-SC1CCCSPHY 2111Physics: Calculus-based I, with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Original course number PHY 211. Re-approved 04/05/2018.
GT-SC1CCCSPHY 2112Physics: Calculus-based II, with Lab5.0008/01/2003 Original course number PHY 212. Re-approved 04/05/2018.
GT-SC1CCCSSCI 1055Integrated Science I: Physics and Chemistry, with Lab4.0008/01/2006 Og. course number SCI 155. Re-approved 04/18/2019. Students MUST successfully pass BOTH SCI 155 & 156 to satisfy the GT Pathways science requirement.
GT-SC1CCCSSCI 1056Integrated Science II: Earth and Life Science, with Lab4.0008/01/2006 Og. course number SCI 156. Re-approved 04/18/2019. Students MUST successfully pass BOTH SCI 155 & 156 to satisfy the GT Pathways science requirement.
GT-SC1CMUBIOL 101/101LGeneral Human Biology and Laboratory4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/28/2017.
GT-SC1CMUBIOL102/102LGeneral Organic Biology and Laboratory4.0008/01/200508/01/2012Course title changed.
GT-SC1CMUBIOL 102/102LPlant and Animal Biodiversity and Laboratory4.0008/01/201206/28/2017Course title changed.
GT-SC1CMUBIOL 105/105LAttributes of Living Systems and Laboratory4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/28/2017.
GT-SC1CMUBIOL108/108LDiversity of Organisms/Diversity of Organisms Lab4.0006/28/2017 BIOL 108 is worth 3 credits; BIOL 108L is worth 1 credit. Formerly BIOL201.
GT-SC1CMUBIOL 250/250LIntroduction to Microbiology / Introduction to Microbiology Laboratory5.0001/01/2014 Re-approved 06/28/2017.
GT-SC1CMUCHEM 121/121LPrinciples of Chemistry and Laboratory5.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC1CMUCHEM 122/122LPrinciples of Organic Chemistry and Laboratory5.0001/02/2004 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC1CMUCHEM 131/131LGeneral Chemistry I and Laboratory5.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/28/2017.
GT-SC1CMUCHEM 132/132LGeneral Chemistry II and Laboratory5.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/28/2017.
GT-SC1CMUCHEM151/151LEngineering Chemistry and Laboratory4.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-SC1CMUENVS 103/103LField-Based Introduction to Environmental Science4.0008/01/200508/06/2020Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2020.
GT-SC1CMUGEOL 111/111LPrinciples of Physical Geology and Laboratory4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC1CMUGEOL 112/112LPrinciples of Historical Geology and Laboratory4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC1CMUGEOL 113/113LField-based Introduction to Physical Geology and Laboratory4.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC1CMUPHYS103/103LGeneral Astronomy and Laboratory4.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-SC1CMUPHYS 105/105LPhysics by Inquiry and Laboratory3.0008/01/200608/06/2020Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2020.
GT-SC1CMUPHYS 111/111LGeneral Physics I and Laboratory5.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC1CMUPHYS 112/112LGeneral Physics II and Laboratory5.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC1CMUPHYS 131/131LFundamental Mechanics and Laboratory5.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC1CMUPHYS 132/132LElectromagnetism & Optics and Laboratory5.0001/02/2004 Re-approved 12/19/2018.
GT-SC1CSMCHGN 121Principles of Chemistry I4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/07/2018.
GT-SC1CSMCHGN 122Principles of Chemistry II4.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/07/2018.
GT-SC1CSMPHGN 100Physics I - Mechanics4.5008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/07/2018.
GT-SC1CSMPHGN 200Physics II - E&M and OPTICS4.5001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/07/2018.
GT-SC1CSUAA101Astronomy Laboratory3.0008/01/2007 Course number & title changed. Re-approved 06/21/2018. Requires previous or concurrent registration in AA 100.
GT-SC1CSUANTH121Human Origins and Variation Laboratory1.0008/01/2007 Course title, number, & credits changed. Re-approved 06/21/2018. Requires previous or concurrent registration in ANTH 120.
GT-SC1CSUBZ 105Basic Concepts of Plant Life Laboratory1.0008/01/2007 Course title, number, & credits changed. Re-approved 06/21/2018. Requires previous or concurrent registration in BZ 104. Original course prefix: BZCC.
GT-SC1CSUBZ 111Principles of Animal Biology Laboratory1.0008/01/2007 Course title, number, & credits changed. Re-approved 06/21/2018. Requires previous or concurrent registration in BZ 110. Original course prefix: BZCC.
GT-SC1CSUBZ 120Principles of Plant Biology4.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 06/21/2018.
GT-SC1CSUCHEM104Chemistry in Context Laboratory1.0008/01/2007 Course title, number, & credits changed. Re-approved 06/21/2018. Requires previous or concurrent registration in CHEM 103.Original course prefix: CCC.
GT-SC1CSUCHEM108Fundamentals of Chemistry Laboratory1.0008/01/2007 Course title, number, & credits changed. Re-approved 06/21/2018. Requires previous or concurrent registration in CHEM 107.Original course prefix: CCC.
GT-SC1CSUCHEM112General Chemistry I Laboratory 1.0001/10/200302/02/2007 
GT-SC1CSUCHEM 112General Chemistry Laboratory I1.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 01/03/2019. Requires previous or concurrent registration in CHEM 111 or CHEM 117.
GT-SC1CSUGEOL121Introductory Geology Laboratory1.0008/01/2008 Course title, number, & credits changed. Re-approved 06/21/2018. Requires previous or concurrent registration in GEOL 110, 120, 122, or 124.
GT-SC1CSUGEOL122/121The Blue Planet: Geology of our Environment/ Introductory Geology Laboratory3.0008/01/2008  
GT-SC1CSUGEOL124/121Geology of Natural Resources/ Introductory Geology Laboratory3.0008/01/2008  
GT-SC1CSULIFE 102Attributes of Living Systems4.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 06/21/2018.
GT-SC1CSUPH111Physics of Everyday Phenomena Laboratory1.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 06/21/2018. Course title changed. Requires previous or concurrent registration in PH 110. Original course prefix: PHCC.
GT-SC1CSUPH 121General Physics I5.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/21/2018. Original course prefix: PHCC.
GT-SC1CSUPH 122General Physics II5.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/21/2018. Original course prefix: PHCC.
GT-SC1CSUPH 141Physics for Scientists and Engineers I5.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 06/21/2018.
GT-SC1CSUPH 142Physics for Scientists and Engineers II5.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 06/21/2018. Original course prefix: PHCC.
GT-SC1CSUGBIO121LEnvironmental Conservation Lab1.0005/10/2017  
GT-SC1CSUGBIO202Anatomy & Physiology II with lab4.0005/10/2017 Course number changed from 205 to 202. Re-approved 01/07/2020.
GT-SC1CSUGBIO204Introduction to Microbiology w/Lab4.0005/10/2017 Course number changed from 210 to 204. Course title changed. Re-approved 01/07/2020.
GT-SC1CSUGCHE101Introduction to Chemistry with lab4.0005/10/2017  
GT-SC1CSUGGEO101CEarth Science with Laboratory4.0006/28/2017  
GT-SC1CSUGPHY101Introductory Physics and Lab4.0005/10/2017  
GT-SC1CSUPBIOL 100LPrinciples of Biology Lab1.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SC1CSUPBIOL 121LEnvironmental Conservation Lab1.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SC1CSUPBIOL 181LCollege Biology I Lab1.0008/01/2008 Course title changed. Re-approved 08/06/2020.
GT-SC1CSUPBIOL 182LCollege Biology II Lab1.0008/01/2010 Course title changed. Re-approved 08/06/2020.
GT-SC1CSUPBIOL 201LBotany Lab1.0008/01/2010 Credit hours changed from 2 to 1. Re-approved 08/06/2020.
GT-SC1CSUPBIOL 223LHuman Physiology and Anatomy I Lab1.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SC1CSUPBIOL 224LHuman Physiology and Anatomy II Lab1.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SC1CSUPCHEM 101LChemistry and Society Lab1.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1CSUPCHEM 111LPrinciples of Chemistry Lab1.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1CSUPCHEM 121LGeneral Chemistry I Lab1.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SC1CSUPCHEM 122LGeneral Chemistry II Lab1.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SC1CSUPCHEM125LEnvironmental Science Lab1.0008/01/2014 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1CSUPCHEM 160LIntroduction to Forensic Science Lab1.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1CSUPGEOL 101LEarth Science Lab1.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SC1CSUPGEOL 114LOceanography Lab1.0001/01/201005/23/2022Effective Spring 2022.
GT-SC1CSUPPHYS 110LAstronomy Lab1.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 04/28/2022.
GT-SC1CSUPPHYS 140LLight, Energy and the Atom Lab1.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1CSUPPHYS 201LPrinciples of Physics I Lab1.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1CSUPPHYS 202LPrinciples of Physics II Lab1.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1CSUPPHYS 221LGeneral Physics I Lab1.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1CSUPPHYS 222LGeneral Physics II Lab1.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-SC1CTUSCI103Introduction to the Sciences Laboratory1.0001/01/201412/21/2016CTU is no longer participating in GT Pathways, effective 12/21/16.
GT-SC1FLCAG 101Introductory Animal Science4.0008/01/200602/01/2012 
GT-SC1FLCANTH 236Introduction to Biological Anthropology4.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Course title changed.
GT-SC1FLCBIO 105Issues in Genetic Engineering4.0008/01/200608/01/2016 
GT-SC1FLCBIO 110Modern Issues in Environmental Biology4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Course title changed.
GT-SC1FLCBIO 202Plants and Human Affairs4.0008/01/2012 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SC1FLCBIO 234Human Physiology4.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SC1FLCBIO 250Ecology of the Southwest4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SC1FLCCHEM 150Fundamentals of Chemistry I: Atoms/Molecules4.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Course title changed.
GT-SC1FLCCHEM 151Fundamentals of Chemistry II: Chemical Reactions4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Course title changed.
GT-SC1FLCGEOL 105Earth and the Environment4.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SC1FLCGEOL 107Earth Systems Science4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SC1FLCGEOL 113Physical Geology4.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SC1FLCPHYS 106How Our World Works4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Course title changed.
GT-SC1FLCPHYS 115Environmental Physical Science3.0001/09/200408/01/2016 
GT-SC1FLCPHYS 146Introduction to Astronomy w/Lab4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/10/2019. Course title changed.
GT-SC1FLCPHYS 217Physics for Science and Engineering I5.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/10/2019.
GT-SC1MSUDAST 1040Introduction to Astronomy--Solar System4.0001/01/2007 Course title changed. Credits changed from 3 to 4. Course moved from GT-SC2 to GT-SC1. Re-approved 06/16/2021. Effective Fall 2021.
GT-SC1MSUDAST1050Introduction to Astronomy--Stars and Galaxies4.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021
GT-SC1MSUDBIO 1080/1090General Biology I/General Biology I Laboratory4.0008/01/200312/19/2018Course no longer part of GT Pathways. 1080 = 3 cr; 1090 = 1 cr
GT-SC1MSUDBIO 1081/1091General Biology II/General Biology II Laboratory4.0008/01/200712/19/2018Course no longer part of GT Pathways.
GT-SC1MSUDCHE 1100/1150Principles of Chemistry/Principles of Chemistry Lab4.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 01/14/2019.
GT-SC1MSUDCHE 1800/1801General Chemistry I/General Chemistry I Lab4.0008/01/2006 Original course prefix and number: CHE 1800/1850. Re-approved 01/14/2019.
GT-SC1MSUDCHE 1810/1811General Chemistry II/General Chemistry II Lab4.0008/01/2006 Added CHE 1811; updated course title. Re-approved 01/14/2019.
GT-SC1MSUDEET 1001Electronics: An Introduction3.0008/01/200707/11/2013 
GT-SC1MSUDGEL 1010Physical Geology4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1MSUDGEL1030Historical Geology4.0008/23/2021 Effective Fall 2021.
GT-SC1MSUDPHY 1000Physics of Nature4.0001/01/2007 Course title changed, effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 01/14/2019.
GT-SC1MSUDPHY 1250Physics of Aviation6.0001/01/2007 Re-approved 01/14/2019.
GT-SC1MSUDPHY 2010/2030College Physics I/College Physics I Laboratory4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 01/14/2019.
GT-SC1MSUDPHY 2020/2040College Physics II/College Physics II Laboratory4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 01/14/2019.
GT-SC1MSUDPHY2309Stretch General Physics I B4.0008/17/2020 Students will be awarded a total of 4 credits of General Studies or GT Pathways credit after passing both PHY 2308 AND PHY 2309.
GT-SC1MSUDPHY 2311/2321General Physics I/General Physics I Laboratory4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 01/14/2019.
GT-SC1MSUDPHY 2331/2341General Physics II/General Physics II Laboratory4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 01/14/2019.
GT-SC1MSUDSCI 2600Integrated Biology and Earth Science3.0008/01/2007 Course title and number change, effective 08/01/2019. Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1MSUDSCI 2610Integrated Physical and Chemical Sciences3.0008/01/2007 Course title changed, effective 08/01/2019. Re-approved 01/31/2018.
GT-SC1PARKTEST123TEST4.0008/16/2016 Orig course #: CHEM 1301. Course divided into separate lecture (1401) & lab (1402); these 2 courses are corequisites.
GT-SC1PARKTEST123TEST4.0008/16/2016 Orig course #: CHEM 1301. Course divided into separate lecture (1401) & lab (1402); these 2 courses
GT-SC1UCBANTH 2030Laboratory in Physical Anthropology 11.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC1UCBANTH 2040Laboratory in Physical Anthropology 21.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC1UCBASTR 1030Accelerated Introductory Astronomy 14.0001/01/2010  
GT-SC1UCBATOC 1070Weather and the Atmosphere Laboratory1.0008/01/2005  
GT-SC1UCBCHEM 1021Introductory Chemistry4.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC1UCBCHEM 1071Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry4.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course closed.
GT-SC1UCBCHEM1111General Chemistry I3.0008/01/200306/08/2016Course number changed to CHEM 1113; credit hrs changed.
GT-SC1UCBCHEM1114Laboratory in General Chemistry 11.0008/01/2003  
GT-SC1UCBCHEM1131General Chemistry 23.0008/01/200706/08/2016Course number changed to CHEM 1133; credit hrs changed.
GT-SC1UCBCHEM1134Laboratory in General Chemistry 21.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC1UCBEBIO 1230General Biology Laboratory 11.0008/01/2003  
GT-SC1UCBEBIO 1240General Biology Laboratory 21.0008/01/2003  
GT-SC1UCBGEOG 1001Environmental Systems 1 -- Climate and Vegetation4.0008/01/2005  
GT-SC1UCBGEOG 1011Environmental Systems 2 -- Landscapes and Water4.0008/01/2005  
GT-SC1UCBGEOL 1030Introduction to Geology Laboratory1.0008/01/2005  
GT-SC1UCBMCDB 1151Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology Laboratory1.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC1UCBMCDB 2151Principles of Genetics Laboratory1.0008/01/2005  
GT-SC1UCBPHYS 1020Physics of Everyday Life 24.0008/01/2009  
GT-SC1UCBPHYS 1140Experimental Physics 11.0008/01/2005  
GT-SC1UCBPHYS 2010General Physics 15.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC1UCBPHYS 2020General Physics 25.0008/01/2007  
GT-SC1UCCSBIOL 1060Introductory Biology Laboratory1.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 03/30/2017.
GT-SC1UCCSBIOL 110General Biology I3.0001/01/200808/15/2008 
GT-SC1UCCSBIOL120General Biology I: Organic Biology4.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 1200.
GT-SC1UCCSBIOL1200General Biology I: Organismic Biology4.0008/20/201004/30/2014Course number changed to BIOL 1300; original course number: 120.
GT-SC1UCCSBIOL121General Biology II: Introduction to the Cell4.0008/15/200808/20/2010Course number changed to 1210.
GT-SC1UCCSBIOL1210General Biology II: Introduction to the Cell4.0008/20/201006/01/2014Course number changed to 1350; original course number: 121.
GT-SC1UCCSBIOL 1300General Biology I: Organismic Biology4.0005/01/201406/01/2014Previous course number: BIOL 1200.
GT-SC1UCCSBIOL1310General Biology: Organismic Biology Laboratory1.0006/01/2014 Orig #: BIOL 1300. Course divided into separate lecture (1300) & lab (1310); courses are co-requisites. Re-approved 03/30/2017.
GT-SC1UCCSBIOL 1350General Biology: Introduction to the Cell4.0006/01/201406/01/2014Previous course number: 1210.
GT-SC1UCCSBIOL1360General Biology: Introduction to the Cell Laboratory1.0006/01/2014 Orig #: BIOL 1350. Course divided into separate lecture (1350) & lab (1360); courses are co-requisites. Re-approved 03/30/2017.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM101Introduction to Chemistry4.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 1010.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM1010Introduction to Chemistry4.0008/01/200908/01/2014Course number changed to 1201; original course number: 101.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM102Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry4.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 1020.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM1020Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry4.0008/20/201008/01/2014Course number changed to 1211; original course number: 102.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM103General Chemistry I5.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 1030.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM1030General Chemistry I5.0008/20/201008/01/2014Course number changed to 1301.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM1030General Chemistry I5.0008/20/201008/01/2014Course number changed to 1301; original course number: 103.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM106General Chemistry II5.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 1060.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM1060General Chemistry II5.0008/20/201008/01/2014Course number changed to 1311; original course number: 106.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM110Chemistry in the Modern World Laboratory1.0001/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 1100.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM1100Chemistry in the Modern World Laboratory 1.0001/01/201008/01/2014Course number changed to 1102; original course number: 110.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM 1102Chemistry in the Modern World Laboratory 1.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Previous course number: 1100.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM 1112Environmental Science Laboratory1.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Previous course number: 1530.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM 1122CSI: Forensic Chemistry Laboratory1.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Course title changed. Previous course number: 1310.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM 1201Introduction to Chemistry4.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Previous course number: 1010.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM 1211Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry4.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Previous course number: 1020.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM 1301General Chemistry I5.0008/01/201508/01/2015Course divided into separate lecture (1401) and lab (1402).
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM131Forensic Chemistry I Laboratory1.0008/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 1310.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM1310CSI: Forensic Chemistry I Laboratory1.0008/20/201008/01/2014Course number (& title) changed to 1122.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM 1311General Chemistry II5.0008/01/201508/01/2015Course divided into separate lecture (1411) and lab (1412).
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM1402General Chemistry Laboratory I1.0008/01/2015 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Orig course #: CHEM 1301. Course divided into separate lecture (1401) & lab (1402); these 2 courses are corequisites.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM1412General Chemistry Laboratory II1.0008/01/2015 Re-approved 05/06/2019. Orig #: CHEM 1311. Course divided into separate lecture (1411) & lab (1412); they are corequisites.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM151Environmental Science Laboratory1.0008/01/201008/20/2010Course number changed to 1530.
GT-SC1UCCSCHEM1530Environmental Science Laboratory1.0008/20/201008/01/2014Course number changed to 1112.
GT-SC1UCCSPES 1090General Astronomy Laboratory I1.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019.
GT-SC1UCCSPES 1100General Astronomy Laboratory II1.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019.
GT-SC1UCCSPES 1140Introduction to Physics Laboratory1.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019.
GT-SC1UCCSPES 1150General Physics Lab Algebra Based1.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019.
GT-SC1UCCSPES 2150Physics Lab II Algebra Based1.0008/20/2010 Re-approved 05/06/2019.
GT-SC1UCDANTH 1303Introduction to Biological Anthropology4.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 12/03/2019.
GT-SC1UCDBIOL1136Human Biology3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-SC1UCDBIOL1137Human Biology Lab1.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-SC1UCDBIOL1400Biology for All3.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-SC1UCDBIOL1401Biology for All Lab1.0006/01/2024 Effective Summer 2024.
GT-SC1UCDBIOL 1550Basic Biology: Diversity of Life4.0008/01/2003 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1UCDBIOL 1560Basic Biology: Cells to Organisms4.0008/01/2003 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1UCDBIOL 2071General Biology Laboratory I1.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1UCDBIOL 2081General Biology Laboratory II1.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1UCDCHEM1474Core Chemistry: Chemistry for the Consumer4.0001/01/200701/01/2017Course title changed.
GT-SC1UCDCHEM 1474Chemistry for Everyday4.0001/01/2017 Course title changed. Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1UCDCHEM1494Forensic Chemistry4.0001/10/2019  
GT-SC1UCDCHEM 2038General Chemistry Laboratory I1.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1UCDCHEM 2068General Chemistry Laboratory II2.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1UCDENVS 1042Introduction to Environmental Science4.0008/01/200706/22/2022Course is no longer offered, effective Summer 2022.
GT-SC1UCDGEOL 1072Physical Geology: Surface Processes4.0008/01/200506/22/2022Course is no longer offered, effective Summer 2022.
GT-SC1UCDGEOL 1082Physical Geology: Internal Processes4.0008/01/200506/22/2022Course is no longer offered, effective Summer 2022.
GT-SC1UCDPHYS 1000Intro to Physics3.00 12/01/2007 
GT-SC1UCDPHYS 1052General Astronomy I4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1UCDPHYS 2030College Physics Laboratory I1.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1UCDPHYS 2040College Physics Laboratory II1.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 12/27/2018.
GT-SC1UNCANT130LIntroduction to Biological Anthropology Laboratory1.0008/15/2022 Effective Fall 2022
GT-SC1UNCAST 100General Astronomy4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SC1UNCAST101Stars and Galaxies4.0008/26/2019  
GT-SC1UNCBIO 101Biological Perspectives3.0001/09/200408/01/2014Course withdrawn.
GT-SC1UNCBIO105Exploring Biology Laboratory1.0001/01/2014 Note: BIO 100 is corequisite lecture. Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SC1UNCBIO 110Principles of Biology4.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-SC1UNCBIO111Biology: Organisms to Ecosystems4.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-SC1UNCBIO 265Life Science Concepts3.0001/01/200708/01/2019Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2019.
GT-SC1UNCBREW170LFundamentals of Brewing Science Lab1.0008/26/2019  
GT-SC1UNCCHEM 102Chemistry for Citizens Laboratory1.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 11/08/2018.
GT-SC1UNCCHEM103LIntroductory Chemistry Lab1.0008/01/2024 Effective Fall 2024.
GT-SC1UNCCHEM 111Principles of Chemistry I4.0008/01/2005 Note: CHEM 111L is corequisite lab. To get credit for SC1, must pass both CHEM 111 and CHEM 111L. Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SC1UNCCHEM 111LPrinciples of Chemistry I Laboratory1.0008/01/2005 Note: CHEM 111 is corequisite lecture. To get credit for SC1, must pass both CHEM 111 and CHEM 111L. Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SC1UNCCHEM281Fundamentals of Biochemistry3.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 05/28/2019. CHEM 281L is co-req and students MUST take together. Course used to be GT-SC2. Course title changed.
GT-SC1UNCCHEM 281LFundamentals of Biochemistry Laboratory 1.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 05/28/2019. CHEM 281 is co-req and students MUST take together. Course title changed.
GT-SC1UNCESCI200Introduction to Environmental Earth Science4.0012/10/2018  
GT-SC1UNCESCI 265Earth Science Concepts for Elementary Teachers3.0001/01/200708/01/2019Course is no longer offered, effective Fall 2019.
GT-SC1UNCGEOL 100General Geology4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-SC1UNCMET 205General Meteorology4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SC1UNCOCN 200General Oceanography4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SC1UNCPHYS109The Cosmos4.0008/01/200312/31/2015Course prefix changed to AST.
GT-SC1UNCPHYS 220Introductory Physics I5.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 02/08/2018.
GT-SC1UNCPHYS 240General Physics I5.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-SC1UNCSCI 265Physical Science Concepts3.0008/01/2005 Credit hours changed from 4 to 3. Effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-SC1UNCSES 220Anatomical Kinesiology4.0008/01/2012 Re-approved 06/23/2017.
GT-SC1WCUBIOL 135Environmental Biology Laboratory1.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-SC1WCUBIOL 150Biological Principles (with lab)4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-SC1WCUCHEM 112General Chemistry Laboratory I1.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-SC1WCUGEOL 105Physical Geology Laboratory1.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-SC1WCUPHYS 140Introductory Physics (with laboratory)4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-SC1WCUPHYS 170Principles of Physics I (with laboratory)4.0008/01/200508/01/2023Course withdrawn from GT Pathways, effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-SC1WCUPHYS 171Principles of Physics II (with laboratory)4.0008/01/200508/01/2023Course withdrawn from GT Pathways, effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-SC1WCUPHYS185Laboratory Physics I1.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-SC1WCUPHYS186Laboratory Physics II1.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023
GT-SC1WCUPHYS 200General Physics I (with laboratory)4.0001/09/200408/01/2023Course withdrawn from GT Pathways, effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 05/22/2017.
GT-SC1WCUPHYS201General Physics II (with laboratory)4.0008/01/201408/01/2023Course withdrawn from GT Pathways, effective Fall 2023. Re-approved 05/22/2017.