GT-MA1,GT-MA1 (Mathematics)

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145 courses listed


  1. These lists can be sorted by their different columns.  Just click the column title to initiate the sort.
  2. If you would like to know the date a course was approved, please contact the CDHE.
  3. All state community colleges (CCCS), along with Aims Community College and Colorado Mountain College, share common general education core course numbers, prefixes and title. Wherever “CCCS” appears next to a course on the lists of approved gtPathways courses, the designated course (e.g., CCCS BIO 111) is approved for all community colleges that offer the course.
  4. Effective Summer 2022, all Colorado Community College System (CCCS) course numbers are 4-digits. Please refer to "Notes" for the original 3-digit course number.

CategoryInstCourse PrefixCourse IDTitleCreditsEffective DateEnd DateNotes
GT-MA1ASUMATH 104Finite Mathematics3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/30/2017.
GT-MA1ASUMATH 106College Algebra3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 06/30/2017.
GT-MA1ASUMATH 107Trig and Analytic Geometry3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 10/30/2018.
GT-MA1ASUMATH110Introduction to Statistics3.0010/20/2017  
GT-MA1ASUMATH 120Single Variable Calculus I5.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 06/30/2017.
GT-MA1ASUMATH 121Single Variable Calculus II5.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 06/30/2017.
GT-MA1ASUMATH 150Liberal Arts Mathematics3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 06/30/2017.
GT-MA1ASUMATH 155Integrated Mathematics I3.0008/01/200609/04/2014 
GT-MA1ASUMATH 156Integrated Mathematics II3.0008/01/200609/04/2014 
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 1220Integrated Math I3.0008/01/2006 Original course number MAT 155. MUST complete BOTH MAT 1220 & MAT 1230 to fulfil GT-MA1.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 1230Integrated Math II3.0008/01/2006 Original course number MAT 156. MUST complete BOTH MAT 1220 & MAT 1230 to fulfil GT-MA1.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 1240Mathematics for the Liberal Arts4.0008/01/2003 Original course number MAT 120. Re-approved 06/14/2017.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 1260Introduction to Statistics3.0008/01/2003 Original course number MAT 135. Re-approved 01/23/2018.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 1320Finite Mathematics4.0008/01/2005 Original course number MAT 123. Re-approved 06/14/2017.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 1340College Algebra4.0001/10/2003 Original course number MAT 121. Re-approved 01/23/2018.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 1400Survey of Calculus4.0008/01/2003 Original course number MAT 125. Re-approved 06/14/2017.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 1420College Trigonometry3.0008/01/2005 Original course number MAT 122. Re-approved 01/23/2018.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 1440Pre-Calculus5.0008/01/2005 Original course number MAT 166. Re-approved 01/23/2018.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 2410Calculus I5.0008/01/2003 Original course number MAT 201. Re-approved 11/15/2017.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 2420Calculus II5.0008/01/2003 Original course number MAT 202. Re-approved 11/15/2017.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 2430Calculus III4.0008/01/2006 Original course number MAT 203. Re-approved 06/14/2017. Previously was 4 credits.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 2431Calculus III with Engineering Applications5.0008/01/2007 Original course number MAT 204. Re-approved 06/14/2017.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 2520Discrete Mathematics4.0008/01/2007 Original course number MAT 215. Re-approved 06/14/2017.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 2560Differential Equations3.0008/01/2006 Original course number MAT 265. Re-approved 06/14/2017.
GT-MA1CCCSMAT 2561Differential Equations with Engineering Applications4.0008/01/2007 Original course number MAT 261. Re-approved 08/21/18.
GT-MA1CMUMATH 110Mathematical Investigations3.0008/01/2003 Course title changed, effective Fall 2021.Re-approved 03/03/2017
GT-MA1CMUMATH 113College Algebra4.0008/01/2003 Credit hours changed from 3 to 4. Re-approved 03/03/2017.
GT-MA1CMUMATH113RCollege Algebra with Review5.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023.
GT-MA1CMUMATH 119Pre-calculus5.0008/01/2003 Credit hours changed from 3 to 5. Re-approved 03/03/2017.
GT-MA1CMUMATH119AAlgebra for Calculus4.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023. Students MUST complete BOTH MATH 119A & MATH 119B to fulfill GT-MA1.
GT-MA1CMUMATH119BTrigonometry for Calculus3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023. Students MUST complete BOTH MATH 119A & MATH 119B to fulfill GT-MA1.
GT-MA1CMUMATH131Applied Calculus4.00  Effective Fall 2023.
GT-MA1CMUMATH 149Honors Mathematics3.0008/01/200503/03/2017 
GT-MA1CMUMATH 151Calculus I5.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 03/03/2017.
GT-MA1CMUMATH 205Elements of Mathematics II3.0008/01/2008 Re-approved 03/03/2017.
GT-MA1CMUSTAT 200Probability and Statistics3.0008/01/2007 Re-approved 03/03/2017.
GT-MA1CSMMATH 111Calculus for Scientists & Engineers I4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 03/23/2017
GT-MA1CSMMATH 112Calculus for Scientists & Engineers II4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 03/23/2017
GT-MA1CSMMATH 213Calculus for Scientists & Engineers III4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 03/23/2017
GT-MA1CSUMATH 101Math in the Social Sciences3.0008/01/2015 Original course number: MATH 130. Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-MA1CSUMATH 105Patterns of Phenomena3.0008/01/200707/19/2017Withdrawn effective Fall 2017.
GT-MA1CSUMATH 117College Algebra in Context I1.0008/01/2007 Any combination of three 1-credit courses satisfies GT-MA1. Those wanting pre-req for MATH 160 should take MATH 118, 124 & 126.Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-MA1CSUMATH 118College Algebra in Context II1.0008/01/2007 Any combination of three 1-credit courses satisfies GT-MA1. Those wanting pre-req for MATH 160 should take MATH 118, 124 & 126.Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-MA1CSUMATH 124Logarithmic and Exponential Functions1.0008/01/2007 Any combination of three 1-credit courses satisfies GT-MA1. Those wanting pre-req for MATH 160 should take MATH 118, 124 & 126.Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-MA1CSUMATH 125Numerical Trigonometry1.0008/01/2007 Any combination of three 1-credit courses satisfies GT-MA1. Those wanting pre-req for MATH 160 should take MATH 118, 124 & 126.Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-MA1CSUMATH 126Analytic Trigonometry1.0008/01/2007 Any combination of three 1-credit courses satisfies GT-MA1. Those wanting pre-req for MATH 160 should take MATH 118, 124 & 126.Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-MA1CSUMATH130Math in the Social Sciences3.0008/01/200708/01/2015Course number changed to MATH 101. Course title also changed.
GT-MA1CSUMATH 133Financial Mathematics3.0008/01/200708/01/2015 
GT-MA1CSUMATH 141Calculus in Management Sciences3.0008/01/2007 Original course number: M 141. Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-MA1CSUMATH 155Calculus for Biological Scientists I4.0008/01/2003 Original course number: Mcc 155. Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-MA1CSUMATH157One Year Calculus I A3.0006/04/2015 Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-MA1CSUMATH159One Year Calculus I B3.0006/04/2015 Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-MA1CSUMATH 160Calculus for Physical Scientists I4.0008/01/2003 Original course number: Mcc 160. Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-MA1CSUMATH 161Calculus for Physical Scientists II4.0008/01/2007 Original course number: M 161. Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-MA1CSUMATH 255Calculus for Biological Scientists II4.0008/01/200707/19/2017Withdrawn effective Fall 2017. Original title: Calculus for Biologist 2.
GT-MA1CSUSTAT100Statistical Literacy3.0006/19/2018  
GT-MA1CSUSTAT201General Statistics3.0001/21/2020  
GT-MA1CSUSTAT204Statistics for Business Students3.0001/21/2020  
GT-MA1CSUSTAT 301Intro to Statistical Methods3.0008/01/200309/11/2007Course withdrawn.
GT-MA1CSUGMTH109Mathematical Explorations3.0002/05/2016 Re-approved 02/27/2017
GT-MA1CSUGMTH122College Algebra3.0002/05/2016 Re-approved 02/27/2017
GT-MA1CSUGMTH156Introduction to Statistics3.0006/04/2015 Re-approved 02/27/2017
GT-MA1CSUPMATH101Introductory College Mathematics3.0008/26/2019  
GT-MA1CSUPMATH 109Mathematical Explorations3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 03/02/2017
GT-MA1CSUPMATH119College Algebra with SAI4.0010/05/201808/01/2020Course no longer offered at institution. Effective Fall 2020.
GT-MA1CSUPMATH120College Algebra3.0008/26/2019 Course title change, effective Fall 2022.
GT-MA1CSUPMATH 121College Algebra4.0008/01/200308/01/2020Course no longer offered at institution. Effective Fall 2020. Re-approved 03/02/2017
GT-MA1CSUPMATH 124Pre-Calculus Math5.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 03/02/2017
GT-MA1CSUPMATH 126Calculus and Analytic Geometry I5.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 03/02/2017
GT-MA1CSUPMATH 156Introduction to Statistics3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 03/02/2017
GT-MA1CSUPMATH 221Applied Calculus: An Intuitive Approach4.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 03/02/2017
GT-MA1CTUMATH106Algebra for Business3.0001/01/201412/21/2016CTU is no longer participating in GT Pathways, effective 12/21/16.
GT-MA1FLCBA 253Business Statistics4.0008/01/200708/01/2016 
GT-MA1FLCES 242Testing and Statistics3.0008/01/200708/01/2016 
GT-MA1FLCMATH 105College Mathematics3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 02/28/2017
GT-MA1FLCMATH 110College Algebra4.0008/01/200308/01/2016 
GT-MA1FLCMATH112Algebra for Calculus3.0008/26/2019  
GT-MA1FLCMATH 113Algebra for Calculus4.0008/01/2011 Re-approved 02/28/2017
GT-MA1FLCMATH 121Pre-Calculus4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 02/28/2017
GT-MA1FLCMATH132Introduction to Statistics3.0002/05/2016 Re-approved 02/28/2017
GT-MA1FLCMATH 201Elementary Statistics4.0008/01/200308/01/2016 
GT-MA1FLCMATH 210Survey of Calculus4.0008/01/200608/01/2016 
GT-MA1FLCMATH 221Calculus I4.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 02/28/2017
GT-MA1FLCMATH222Calculus II4.0008/01/2014 Re-approved 02/28/2017
GT-MA1MSUDMTH 1080Mathematical Modes of Thought3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 02/23/2017
GT-MA1MSUDMTH1081Mathematics for Liberal Arts w/Laboratory3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-MA1MSUDMTH1109College Algebra Stretch, Part II4.0002/23/2017  
GT-MA1MSUDMTH 1110College Algebra for Calculus4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 02/23/2017. Course title changed, effective Fall 2018.
GT-MA1MSUDMTH1111College Algebra for Calculus w/Laboratory4.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-MA1MSUDMTH1112College Algebra Through Modeling4.0008/01/2013 Re-approved 02/23/2017
GT-MA1MSUDMTH1115College Algebra through Modeling w/Laboratory4.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-MA1MSUDMTH 1120College Trigonometry4.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 02/23/2017
GT-MA1MSUDMTH 1210Introduction to Statistics4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 02/23/2017
GT-MA1MSUDMTH 1310Finite Mathematics for the Management and Social Sciences4.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 02/23/2017
GT-MA1MSUDMTH1311Finite Mathematics for the Management and Social Sciences w/Laboratory4.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-MA1MSUDMTH1320Calculus for the Management and Social Sciences3.0002/23/2017  
GT-MA1MSUDMTH 1400Precalculus Mathematics4.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 02/23/2017
GT-MA1MSUDMTH 1410Calculus I4.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 02/23/2017
GT-MA1MSUDMTH 1610Integrated Mathematics I3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 02/23/2017
GT-MA1UCBAPPM 1350Calculus 1 for Engineers4.0006/08/2016 Course title & credit changed.
GT-MA1UCBAPPM1350Calculus 1 for Engineers3.0006/08/201606/08/2016Course title & credit changed.
GT-MA1UCBMATH 1012Quantitative Reasoning and Mathematical Skills3.0008/01/2003  
GT-MA1UCBMATH 1150Precalculus Mathematics3.0008/01/2003  
GT-MA1UCBMATH 1300Calculus 15.0006/08/2016 Course title & credit changed.
GT-MA1UCBMATH1300Analytic Geometry and Calculus I3.0008/01/200306/08/2016Course title & credit changed.
GT-MA1UCBMATH1310Calculus I with Biological Applications3.0008/01/200506/08/2016Course title & credit changed.
GT-MA1UCBMATH 1310Calculus, Systems, and Modeling5.0006/08/2016 Course title & credit changed.
GT-MA1UCBMATH 1410Mathematics for Secondary Educators3.0008/01/200906/08/2016Course closed.
GT-MA1UCBMATH 2380Mathematics for the Environment3.0008/01/2009  
GT-MA1UCCSMATH104College Algebra3.0008/01/200908/20/2010Course number changed to 1040.
GT-MA1UCCSMATH 1040College Algebra3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 104.
GT-MA1UCCSMATH105Elementary Functions of Calculus4.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1050.
GT-MA1UCCSMATH105Elementary Functions of Calculus4.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1050.
GT-MA1UCCSMATH 1050Elementary Functions of Calculus4.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 105.
GT-MA1UCDMATH 1010Mathematics for the Liberal Arts3.0001/10/2003 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-MA1UCDMATH 1070College Algebra for Business3.0008/01/2015 Re-approved 12/21/2018. Course title changed.
GT-MA1UCDMATH1070Algebra for Social Sciences and Business3.0008/01/200608/01/2015Course title changed.
GT-MA1UCDMATH1080Polynomial Calculus3.0008/01/200608/01/2015Course title changed.
GT-MA1UCDMATH 1080Calculus for Social Sciences and Business3.0008/01/2015 Course title changed.
GT-MA1UCDMATH 1110College Algebra4.0001/01/2017 Re-approved 12/21/2018. Course credits changed.
GT-MA1UCDMATH 1110College Algebra3.0008/01/200601/01/2017Course credits changed.
GT-MA1UCDMATH 1120College Trigonometry3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-MA1UCDMATH 1130Precalculus Mathematics4.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-MA1UCDMATH 1401Calculus I4.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-MA1UCDMATH 2411Calculus II4.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-MA1UCDMATH 2421Calculus III4.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-MA1UCDMATH 2830Introductory Statistics3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-MA1UNCMATH 120Mathematics and Liberal Arts3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-MA1UNCMATH 124College Algebra4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-MA1UNCMATH 125Plane Trigonometry3.0008/01/2006 Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-MA1UNCMATH 127Elementary Functions4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-MA1UNCMATH 131Calculus I4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-MA1UNCMATH 132Calculus II4.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-MA1UNCMATH 171Calculus I for Life Sciences4.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-MA1UNCMATH 181Fundamentals of Mathematics I: Number and Operations3.0008/01/2003 Students MUST successfully pass BOTH Math 181 & Math 182 to satisfy the gtPathways math requirement. Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-MA1UNCMATH 182Fundamentals of Mathematics II: Algebra, Probability and Data Analysis3.0008/01/2003 Students MUST successfully pass BOTH Math 181 & Math 182 to satisfy the gtPathways math requirement. Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-MA1UNCSTAT 150Introduction to Statistical Analysis3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-MA1UNCSTAT 250Statistics for Life Sciences3.0008/22/2022 Re-approved 06/27/2022. Course title changed. Effective Fall 2022.
GT-MA1WCUMATH 105Mathematics for the Liberal Arts3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 03/01/2019
GT-MA1WCUMATH113Statistical Thinking 3.00  Course title change. Re-approved 03/01/2019.
GT-MA1WCUMATH 131Mathematics for the Social Sciences3.0008/01/200303/08/2017 
GT-MA1WCUMATH 140College Algebra3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 03/01/2019.
GT-MA1WCUMATH 151Calculus I4.0008/01/2010 Re-approved 03/01/2019.
GT-MA1WCUMATH 213Probability & Statistics3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023