GT-CO2,GT-CO2 (Intermediate Writing Course)

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41 courses listed


  1. These lists can be sorted by their different columns.  Just click the column title to initiate the sort.
  2. If you would like to know the date a course was approved, please contact the CDHE.
  3. All state community colleges (CCCS), along with Aims Community College and Colorado Mountain College, share common general education core course numbers, prefixes and title. Wherever “CCCS” appears next to a course on the lists of approved gtPathways courses, the designated course (e.g., CCCS BIO 111) is approved for all community colleges that offer the course.
  4. Effective Summer 2022, all Colorado Community College System (CCCS) course numbers are 4-digits. Please refer to "Notes" for the original 3-digit course number.

CategoryInstCourse PrefixCourse IDTitleCreditsEffective DateEnd DateNotes
GT-CO2ASUENG 102Communication Arts II3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 06/30/2017.
GT-CO2CCCSENG 1022English Composition II3.0008/01/2003 Original course number ENG 122. Re-approved 06/07/2017.
GT-CO2CMUENGL 112English Composition II3.0001/09/2004 Re-approved 03/03/2017
GT-CO2CMUENGL 129Honors English3.0008/01/200503/03/2017 
GT-CO2CSUCO 150College Composition3.0008/01/2003 Original course number was Cocc 150. Re-approved 05/17/2017.
GT-CO2CSUGENG102Composition II3.0002/05/2016 Re-approved 02/27/2017
GT-CO2CSUPENG 102Rhetoric and Writing II3.0001/09/2004 Course title changed 08/06/2020. Re-approved 03/02/2017
GT-CO2CSUPENG115Introduction to Technical and Professional Writing3.0008/26/2019 Course title changed. Effective Fall 2023.
GT-CO2CSUPENG 116Introduction to Business Writing3.0008/26/201908/01/2023Course is no longer offered at institution. Effective Fall 2023.
GT-CO2CSUPENG117Introduction to Scientific and Medical Writing3.0008/26/201908/01/2025Course is no longer offered at institution. Effective Fall 2025.
GT-CO2CTUENGL103Composition: Writing and Research3.0001/01/201412/21/2016CTU is no longer participating in GT Pathways, effective 12/21/16.
GT-CO2FLCCOMP 215Writing/Speaking through Rhetoric3.0008/01/201102/01/2014 
GT-CO2FLCCOMP250Academic Inquiry and Writing4.0008/01/200308/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-CO2FLCCOMP 250Academic Inquiry and Writing3.0008/01/2016 Credit hours changed from 4 to 3. Re-approved 02/28/2017.
GT-CO2FLCCOMP252Professional and Technical Writing4.0008/01/200708/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-CO2FLCCOMP 252Professional and Technical Writing3.0008/01/2016 Credit hours changed from 4 to 3. Re-approved 02/28/2017.
GT-CO2FLCCOMP 253Action Research3.0008/01/2016 Credit hours changed from 4 to 3. Re-approved 02/28/2017.
GT-CO2FLCCOMP253Action Research4.0008/01/200708/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-CO2FLCCOMP254Writing in the Disciplines3.0008/17/2020 Effective Fall 2020
GT-CO2FLCENGL268Reading Texts/Writing Texts4.0008/01/200608/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-CO2FLCENGL 268Reading Texts/Writing Texts3.0008/01/2016 Credit hours changed from 4 to 3. Re-approved 02/28/2017.
GT-CO2FLCHIST 250Composition in History4.0008/01/200708/01/2016 
GT-CO2FLCSOC 210Ethnography and Writing3.0008/01/2016 Credit hours changed from 4 to 3. Re-approved 02/28/2017.
GT-CO2FLCSOC210Ethnography and Writing4.0008/01/200808/01/2016Credit hours changed from 4 to 3.
GT-CO2MSUDENG 1020Research and Argument Writing3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 03/29/2017
GT-CO2MSUDENG1021Honors Research and Argument Writing3.0008/01/2013 Re-approved 03/29/2017
GT-CO2UCBARSC 1150Writing in Arts and Sciences3.0001/01/201012/28/2018Course is not taught regularly enough to meet GT Pathways guidelines
GT-CO2UCBWRTG 1100Extended First-Year Writing and Rhetoric4.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 12/28/2018.
GT-CO2UCBWRTG 1150First-Year Writing and Rhetoric3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 12/28/2018.
GT-CO2UCBWRTG1160CMCI First Year Writing and Rhetoric 3.0012/28/2018 Approved 12/28/2018.
GT-CO2UCBWRTG 1250Advanced First-Year Writing and Rhetoric3.0008/01/2009 Re-approved 12/28/2018.
GT-CO2UCCSENGL141Rhetoric and Writing II: Argument and Research3.0001/10/200308/20/2010Course number changed to 1410.
GT-CO2UCCSENGL 1410Rhetoric and Writing II: Argument and Research3.0008/20/2010 Original course number: 141. Re-approved 06/20/2017.
GT-CO2UCDENGL 2030Core Composition II3.0008/01/2003 Re-approved 12/21/2018.
GT-CO2UNCBA205Business Communications3.0008/01/2013 Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-CO2UNCENG 123Writing and Research Methods3.0008/01/2003 Course title changed, effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-CO2UNCENG 225Research Writing for Contemporary Culture3.0008/01/2008 Course title changed, effective Fall 2024. Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-CO2UNCPVA152Writing and Scholarship in the Performing and Visual Arts3.0008/01/2007 New prefix as of Fall 2017 (previously listed as MUS). Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-CO2UNCSCI 291Scientific Writing3.0008/01/2005 Re-approved 04/05/2017.
GT-CO2WCUCOM202Academic Writing and Inquiry3.0003/01/201708/01/2023Course is being replaced by ENG 103, effective Fall 2023. Approved 03/01/2017
GT-CO2WCUENG103Writing & Rhetoric II3.0008/01/2023 Effective Fall 2023